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Topics - Keyixa

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Gameplay Feedback / Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: May 27, 2017, 06:54:23 PM 
Hi, enjoying my first beta so far, however, the biggest issue right now is far from technical.
No, the biggest issue in the game is the reward system, take for example the blueprints, in the rare case you do get one, not only do you have to compete with your teammates for the right to acquire it, you have to keep grinding the same mission a random amount of times for a specific one and also for the character you wish for.

The other monetary rewards are also split between the amount of players that select it. I don't see the point in doing that, this is a cooperative experience, no? Then why do we have to compete for our rewards?

This might be a logic decision if the game was F2P, which I understand it is not.

Missions also generally take quite a lot of time to complete (average of about 25 min. and it also doesn't help that you have to watch the cutscenes sometimes on public matches), while also not guaranteed to succeed and even more so if you're going against an antagonist (which should also receive rewards besides leaderboard ranking, especially more so if he's successful).

So what's the deal with the rewards being so meager and also having to compete over them?

Would be best to get a small amount of each currency (character, faction and gold) on fail and depending on the mission score (which isn't a bad idea, just a bit harsh in how it grades the players, best I could ever get was a bit about 7 out of 10 each time even if I never died and so on) and a medium/high amount on completion.

Solo players should also get a balanced reward system. Having them be shunned from obtaining the amounts you get in Multiplayer is a horrible idea. I can see rewarding Multiplayer with a bigger pool of rewards but it shouldn't be a requirement to have to play Multiplayer to progress your characters. 

That's why the system needs an overhaul, right now it's way too biased for Multiplayer and even then, way too hostile since it is competitive in a co-op game.

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