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Messages - ArnoldCat

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I´m bored  ;D


Suggestions / Re: Dear MSE...
 on: November 12, 2018, 07:22:15 AM 
At this point:
I have all the characters i like.
I have all the blueprints for the characters I like.
What is next?
Lvl up the forge to upgrade my weapons, roll some cards for my most recent characters adquired and enjoy the game.

I have to say i stoped playing because of the constant invasions i have.

Why i have to pick the more situable character and weapon for that specific map in case a antagonist appears?
Why i cant just pick the character and weapon i like?

I am currently waiting for the next major update to see if the antagonist problem is somehow solved.

What happen to the arena? That could alleviate the constant invasions and give to the pvpers a "safe" place to actually compete with other pvpers or people in general wanting to do pvp.

Im with you Level9Drow.

See ya on the next major update.

Almost anytime that I am the host, I get a 000.0 countdown timer (and annoying countdown klaxon) at the start of the mission. It stays there until I get a cut scene.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: November 06, 2018, 07:49:18 PM 
I would compromise on not letting Antags on newer players but the rest of you are free game. I'm coming for you all. Know that when I ruin your games and blow your BP rolls, and one time rewards I'm in tears laughing. I actually see a few of my victims on these "Optional Antag Games" threads.

Evil laugher intensifies

I hope you never get them on the same team in a raider mission. some of us remember the names of the antag that "drank tears".


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why do I even bother
 on: November 06, 2018, 05:30:05 AM 
I've had mentor matches where we had a single new player a couple of mid levels and me at over 300 and the antag was level TEN.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Disconnecting and other problems
 on: November 05, 2018, 08:46:49 PM 
Hello. We are paying good attention. In the next upcoming updates we will expand and improve the communication with other players, including a chat system.

Thanks a lot for your feedback, it is incredibly valuable for us!

And don't forget to put a mute option.
I don't wanna hear people yelling "i need healing" every 5 seconds and me responding "cool down timer"...

 8) :-X :-X

Suggestions / Re: Duplicate BP for gold.
 on: November 02, 2018, 07:59:48 PM 
Hey guys!

With the upcoming big update, duplicated blueprints will have compensation. I can not give you more details about "what" or "how" this will be, because this topic is still on the table. However, the patch is around the corner, so you will find it out soon;)

Thank you for your support!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 31, 2018, 08:47:05 PM 
So I have been gone for a while, but really? Are people really throwing games when Antags drop by. I haven't had a single problem with the new 'spacelords' antagonists.  Thats whether I am by myself with low levels or the OG 'Raiders'.  How widespread is this because the only antagonists I  have come across are peaceful, complete pushovers or at the very least competent but by no means worth running in fear from.

This is not about "running in fear"
It's more like "running from a time lost with low rewards"

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 25, 2018, 03:45:10 AM 

Can we all please relax and be friends?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 23, 2018, 07:44:19 AM

Now I'm not saying these people should be banned or whatever because of this which was probably a 1 time thing (Maybe a timeout)  but if you're an antagonist and you see this sort of behavior on your enemy team just try to let them win. Because you would not want a thrower on your team and really, those type of wins aren't worth it

That is what people do when they are forced to fight against a antagonist.

They disconnect.
They suicide.
They feed the antagonist.
They spam the surrender.

There are always ways to avoid the antagonist and finish quickly the match so they can keep playing and enjoying the game.

So welcome to the "Anti antagonists resistance"


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Support for the Antag mechanic.
 on: October 23, 2018, 03:40:14 AM 
The antag mechanic shouldn't be optional, BUT it shouldn't be in mentor matches either. Mentor matches are already a big enough handicap on players, let alone dealing with the handicap + an antag.
The antag is designed to cause chaos, this is true, however this kind chaos in mentor matches is unnecessary as it's already chaotic enough as-is.

I find it amusing PvP supporters basically want to decide for others that PvP shouldn't be optional. Every other game this would be a ludicrous position, an invasive bossy position even, but in this game PvPers take it upon themselves to tell others how they should play the game and how they should enjoy it. Fucking amazing, and arrogant.

Keep in mind that it WOULDN'T influence how THEY would play the game. they could go on playing the game with PvP in it as much as they want, but somehow they believe how OTHERS are playing the game would influence them. Like Evangelicals and gay marriage, it's got nothing to do with you. You want PvP? Good, mind your own business and play PvP. But to say that those who want the option shouldn't ask for it or enjoy it is a bit totalitarian. Especially when many of us have already conceded that PvP should reward higher amounts of gold and faction. But we still heat these controlling types wanting to silence others and tell them to fall in line or get out.

NOPE. That just makes me want to fight for it even more. You guys put me in a fighting mood. You piss me off, get me all riled up inside and make it so that I'll keep asking for it even more.

I guarantee this game will slowly die if they refuse to make PvP optional. Warframe started slow and now thrives because they have exclusive PvE. Street Fighter 5,  For Honor, World of Warcraft, Dark Soul Series, etc... to list a few have optional PvP and PvE. Some they reward more for PvP, some they reward differently for PvP, but they have the option. And because of this they succeed.

Don't use the "But if they make it optional no one will do it" because that's just an admission to it being lame. You would want people to partake in a system they otherwise would avoid but are forced to have to do. They could incentivize PvP, that is the healthy way to go about it, but forcing people is ALWAYS bad.

PvP should definitely be optional. And there really isn't any good arguments that have been made against it. Just a predatory logic for those who want unwilling opponents to grief.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: HOARD MODE!!
 on: October 21, 2018, 11:15:22 PM 
Why i have to sit there and wait 30 min. until the raiders start the boss fight?
Why i can't chase them from the start?
Why they have more rewards than me?

Why put an antagonist there? just put the boss fight we dont need a antagonist there!
Why there is a antagonist on a match with low levels?
Why dont restrict the antagonist from joining a "Mentor hoard match"?

man your asking the same thing that's been asked every day. How about we come up with ideas for the solutions instead??

U wanna start with a straight up boss that cool. That's why I put if there no antag then have put a boss. But I wouldn't mind having antags during the waves to stop the raiders. I rather have different bosses then the bosses in the game if they were ever to create a hoard more. It's all about availability, if there are no antags around then yea have the raiders deal with the boss. If 20-25 minutes goes by and there so happens to be antags available they can join in as the bossses with another tag.

The reason why people get different rewards is that 
1.when you reach their 3 the rewards resets are every 12 hrs instead of every 24 hrs.
2. All the guns have different features on it where you can get extra gold or extra increase blueprint drops its call treasure hunter the higher it is on your gun the more you get at the end of missions.

its not that hard to read as you progress....

You misunderstood my reply.

I was intending to say that people gonna reply to your post with that questions that has been asked everyday.

As for the "hoard mode"... well its something different that will give MS a lot of work to implement properlly, just like the antagonist, the mentor matches, the mmr, etc. etc.

I will rather wait until the current issues are solved, and then start working on new modes.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: HOARD MODE!!
 on: October 21, 2018, 07:04:58 PM 
Why i have to sit there and wait 30 min. until the raiders start the boss fight?
Why i can't chase them from the start?
Why they have more rewards than me?

Why put an antagonist there? just put the boss fight we dont need a antagonist there!
Why there is a antagonist on a match with low levels?
Why dont restrict the antagonist from joining a "Mentor hoard match"?

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