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Topics - tribas

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Gameplay Feedback / Matchmaking is a Joke
 on: October 03, 2017, 07:54:34 PM 
Making us play with players and host from the other side of the world makes no sense at all , it happens so many times it almost kills the game for me, it's pretty much Russian roulette at this point ... will i get  another person from EU with terrible connection as host?

Spacelords Universe / Can we get some General info about the release?
 on: September 22, 2017, 06:07:19 AM 
-When are we going to be able to buy Alien Myth and the founders pack.
-At what time is the game going to be officially released the 22.

I been in queue for eveyrthing for at least one hour , is it me or people are just not playing ?

More and more people are realizing how broken Konstantin is currently so you probably see them a lot wiping your team as the Antagonist.
Let's get down to the 2 things that makes him so overpowered.

1- His gun: I know he is supposed to be the heavy guy, super slow but you got to tune it down a little. His gun can kill anyone in 1 sec at a close / mid range so anyone that knows this abuses it, how you ask? Simply stay in enough range, so that melee doesn't reach you and spin your gun before you encounter them next corner and watch them melt before they come even close to you... you don't even need to use melee to finish them (which is supposed to be a big factor in this game) just shoot 1 more second and they are dead.

2.His special ability: This thing is not only a free out of jail card in case you messed up  your combo or you get ambushed from behind ... nope ... it also throw enemies in the air and creates space enough and time so you can spin your gun in their face and melt them(coming back to point 1. his OP gun).By the way, you can also use his ability when someone is close to a corner and watch them float the whole duration before you decide it's time to kill them while they wobble around in the corner floating helplessly.

I'd like some input/opinions on people that have played the game a lot.
Always keep in mind the goal here is not to nerf him into oblivion, just make him more in line with the other characters , making the game balance better and with more choices (so we don't have to mostly/only see Konstantin Antagonists in the near future)

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