Mercurysteam's Hangout

BARRACKS => Gameplay Feedback => Topic started by: LMFAOninja on September 27, 2017, 05:50:02 AM

Title: Hanging by a thread
Post by: LMFAOninja on September 27, 2017, 05:50:02 AM
After playing this game for several hours(10+) on console, I came to enjoy playing as Alicia. Alicia's first weapon drop is in the first mission after the Prologue, Hanging By A Thread. Naturally, I'd farm it as much as I could. But completing this mission in its hallway entirety is nearly impossible for a person with as much time in as me, let alone any new people who have just completed the tutorial. In the last stage when you need to overload the reactors, the raiders spawn is restricted to a tiny elevator with a tiny hallway leading to the main area. We are then introduced to the "Elite" unit types who grapple. If a player doesn't explore the actual control scheme, you wouldn't know to strike before it connects. And the difficulty only becomes even harder when they become immune, and start hanging around the spawn area. Killing the Raiders over and over again without the ability to retaliate. And it only becomes impossible after the fact that the Antagonist joins them, and starts firing from the end of the hall. Personally, maybe another exit would do nicely, or even AI that retreat from the spawn. I'm going to stay away from the topic of p2p connection because that's a heated topic and I actually enjoy this game in its entirety and I know I'm just a person who has no experience in game-design, but i truly think spawn choke-points might be an issue down the line and I would like to see it nipped in the bud so as not to discourage new players.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: JYNXEDZ on September 28, 2017, 10:31:09 PM
I'm sorry you feel like that but I as well favor that characters play style over all the others. I feel like Alicia's perfect for that level never had much of problem beating it with her. Now when it comes to antagonist it does take a team effort depending on what character your up against, but even then in that area with all those walls. She is a monster to deal with and should Excell faster then others in that level.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: Rukio on September 29, 2017, 12:40:37 AM
Shae player here. Will agree. Alicia Antags are horrifying. No communication on PC yet. So if she finds me or I didn't keep my stress down. I'm most likely dead.

After learning how to use my Bewitch and lock on properly. Instagibbing Alicia's have become a sport.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: Copperbadge on September 29, 2017, 01:58:15 AM
You haven't met a good Konstantin yet. That guy can suppress a whole team big time.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: JYNXEDZ on September 30, 2017, 08:09:23 AM
Lol Konstantin can be the toughest antagonist out of all the characters, but he still can't take on a four man squad especially if there is a another Konstantin on the opposition.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: CaptnBarbosa on September 30, 2017, 08:56:45 AM
I'm going to just say out of the annoying gimmicks on this level, the double turret head to the machine room section is hooooooooorrible. The NPCs just keep dropping. There is barely any room to breathe. This is the intro map. I've put 10+ hours into this too and newbs just don't get it. It's a hard mechanic to try and grasp. I'm trying to introduce my friends to the game and this is just annoying!
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: loadedterror13 on September 30, 2017, 10:54:30 PM
There are a lot of annoying things in this game that make its majority lol. Too bad the devs do not talk about solutions and only say "sorry you feel that way".
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: alef321 on October 03, 2017, 01:27:16 AM
There are a lot of annoying things in this game that make its majority lol. Too bad the devs do not talk about solutions and only say "sorry you feel that way".

ouch ,reminds me of  battleborn forums.
Title: Re: Hanging by a thread
Post by: Copperbadge on October 03, 2017, 02:35:06 AM
There are a lot of annoying things in this game that make its majority lol. Too bad the devs do not talk about solutions and only say "sorry you feel that way".

ouch ,reminds me of  battleborn forums.

Don't you crack my old wounds open. T-T