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Topics - Sloppy

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Gameplay Feedback / Feedback from Level ~70
 on: September 12, 2018, 02:04:27 PM 
Hello. I started playing this game couple weeks ago, after it relaunched as Spacelords. I'm about level 70, MMR 40%, playing from PS4 and I did about 40 Antag missions.
I don't know if the game changes at higher levels, but even if it does I hope that my experience reflects the average player well.

First of all, I decided to try this game out when I saw screenshots of the female characters. The character designs are the best I ever seen in a non-JP game and it's the first time I saw attractive black female characters too. The voicing and cutscenes direction also tops most of AAA games.
I bought Shadow Ops skin for Mikah and considering Custodia for Shae and Bride for Hive, skins are pricey, but well-made.

The second thing I like about the game is mission structure and the diversity of objectives, it reminds me of Assault mode in Unreal Tournament games. Very pleasant thing to play, even if enemy encounters are somewhat primitive.

On my second mission we encountered the Antag. I loved the system right away, despite that we lost that mission. The Antag is what makes missions unique and exciting for me.
But this is where my complaints start.
First of all, there is no reward for trashing Antag and completing the mission. You get score bonus, sure, but more deaths and slower completion turns that bonus into nothing. Shouldn't you give at least 1-2k compensation for Antag threat?

On Antag side things are much worse. It's much harder to win the mission and even when you do, you get less than your average Raider.
I compared the rarity of 8 score PSN trophies for both. 9.7% for Raiders vs. 0.3% for Antags.
So, what's the point of playing as Antag? I lower my gold earnings and I mess with other people who get hurt as well.
At the same time I disagree with those who want to make Antag optional. This game shouldn't try to become another faceless PvE slog, only to be completely eaten by Warframe. Be unique instead of being forgettable.

Gold prices are terrifying. But I get that this is F2P and that you have to make money. At least there's no p2w.

Music is okay. I like menu and reward screen tracks.
Visuals are nice, it's clear that a lot of work was put into various level details, like Splicer tanks.
The story is okay. It's nice how missions feature specific characters and explain how they joined the team. At the same time, I was confused by how Konstantin and Alicia joined the team by default, with no initial explanation.

I really like how unique the guns are. Good job on this one.

Interface is lacking.
The game needs chat, at the very least SHOOT and DO NOT SHOOT markers. I have to spam random emotes to stop new players from shooting extractors on Loaht level.
The absence of profile screen is uncomfortable. You know, various combat stats, playtime, other data.
Reward screen can reflect player contributions more. The % of damage taken and dished, who completed the most objectives, brought most Aleph, supported the most, etc. Maybe small rewards for the most active players, like that 300g you give for disconnects.
In-game help and tutorial are lacking too. I still have no idea what card affinity means. Will I pull only Antag cards as Antag? Or they only work when you play as Antag? Will strike resistance/force you get for level up help me fight against enemy players or it only works in PvE?
I'd like to choose characters featured on the main screen as well as backgrounds. Randomized characters worked well first, when I was unfamiliar with the roster, but now I'm tired of constant swaps.
The separate mission completion screen feels unnecessary. You know, that warchest window that shows your earnings (I already saw that info), then requires you to click next and then takes its time to calculate the exp. And it also prevents you from seeing celebration animation your character does after getting level up money.

Some missions are unbalanced. The Enemy Within is a nightmare, especially when some asshole disconnects and you end up being chased by a train of instakill monsters.
The first level of Hades Betrayal is too hard on new players. Laser screens take too long to kill for newbies, especially the last one, with all those infinitely spawning enemies.

The last thing I'd like to point out is bonus rewards. 24h bonus rewards worked well, but when I reached level 40, I suddenly got half of my reward missions placed into sleep+work time. Why am I being punished for reaching level 40? I don't get it.

So, that's the feedback, I hope it was helpful. I think I'll send an email too, in case if you don't read the forum. It also needs a small rework, imo, especially the font and the 'can't see shit' theme.  Cheers!

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