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Messages - MSE_Ojuel

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Spacelords Universe / Re: New Aleph Drop
 on: June 25, 2019, 07:57:56 PM 
Is this in the game right now?

Edit: Nvm I watched the new spacelords video. It looks promising but I am concerned about trolls dropping aleph all over the place and shooting it to kill teammates.

Don't worry about it, ignited Aleph gems will only hurt people from the opposite team of the person who ignited it. That means if an ally of yours drops a gem and ignites it, it will only hurt your foes. :)
Ok that's great, but let's say I "accidentally" drop an aleph in an elevator or extraction point and an AI grunt shoots it???

AIs can't ignite Aleph Gems, so no problem with that. :)
If an antagonist ignites it, you still have a couple of seconds left to pick the gem again before it explodes.

Spacelords Universe / Re: New Aleph Drop
 on: June 25, 2019, 07:08:04 PM 
Is this in the game right now?

Edit: Nvm I watched the new spacelords video. It looks promising but I am concerned about trolls dropping aleph all over the place and shooting it to kill teammates.

Don't worry about it, ignited Aleph gems will only hurt people from the opposite team of the person who ignited it. That means if an ally of yours drops a gem and ignites it, it will only hurt your foes. :)

Spacelords Universe / Re: New Aleph Drop
 on: June 25, 2019, 07:06:29 PM 
Congrats they heard you and have responded, Aleph drops have now returned and now drop directly onto you and not the floor, and now you have the option to either drop them for a friend or use them as mines which only hurt the enemy.

MMR, Antag Sytstem and Sudden Death seem to take longer to find a "Fix" but like other past problems things were adjusted for the better. Hopefully the aforementioned 3 get fixed sooner than later.

Actually, Aleph still drops to the floor, even though now it also drops when an enemy is killed by gun shots, not just by melee hits.

As I told you guys some time ago, we are still experimenting with Aleph drops mechanics, and the Prizes Gallore update will feature a new iteration on the system. :)

When it comes to Sudden Death, we are still gathering data on players' matches.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Uras-Beherit Questions
 on: June 19, 2019, 06:17:05 PM 
Uras-Is'Ku is a portmanteau of Uras Is Cool. Which makes sense given the impressive temple they have dedicated to the Uras-Beherit. It's a joke more than anything. Like Mike Litoris.

Actually, "Is'Ku" is a word derivated from an assyrian dialect that means something like "school":

The locals ended up calling that city like so, "Uras-Is'ku", mainly because its cathedral became a place for learning the necessary knowledge in order to worship/invoke/meditate about the Uras-Beherit.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 19, 2019, 12:21:00 PM 
i don't really care, didn't know the previous gameplay so i'm used to this one (even if i don't really see how it is so interesting to force us to pick up aleph, but well...)
nevertheless, he's still making a point here :

What if we also end up hating these new ways of obtaining aleph, you'll be just breaking the game even more.

it seems players liked the previous gameplay regarding aleph, so why will you take risk to add new things to modify smthg they don't like whereas you can just put the old loved one ?
(except because you want to keep going with your agenda and your vision of the game)

Besides we having our own vision of the game, please take into account we gather feedback from many online communities besides this forum. We also take into account comments and feedback recieved via Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube videos, live streams, e-mail & Discord.
That said, besides player feedback, we also analyze matches & user retention data.
And finally, besides player feedback and match data gathering, we also do playtesting sessions with newcomer players, in order to see which mechanics are more easily understood by gamers who still didn't get to learn the quirks of the playable systems in the game.

Taking into account all of these inputs, we decided we would experiment a little more with the new Aleph & Ammo drops system. We're evolving the system into something more accessible yet featuring a wider range of playable possibilities. :)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Spacelords 1st Livestream question
 on: June 19, 2019, 10:19:28 AM 
That's what I meant with "sooner than later":

Oh I get it, good point. And thanks again for getting back to us

You know what you are?? You are welcome! :) :)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Spacelords 1st Livestream question
 on: June 18, 2019, 04:39:26 PM 
I'm glad you liked the stream! BTW, hi! :)

**Will Sooma come with a DLC pack like Aneska, Valeria & Schneider?

Yes, Sööma Will be released with a Deluxe DLC pack of her own, in the style of previously released character packs, such as Aneska's.

**Will Sooma be delayed? I say this because on the stream Jefe-Hernan mentioned that she is still being adjusted and tweaked even though were in the final month of the second yearly quarter. Which seems to be stretching it a bit thin.

Even though Sööma was initially planned for a Q2 release, it will most likely be released during July instead, if everything goes fine. We know it's bothersome when new content gets delayed, but please understand we're working hard in order to make her as great as possible. :)

*Aside from Sooma herself will her arrival come with any new additions to the store, bug fixes, weapon or character modifications?

Umm, that's a bit of a tricky question to answer. Sadly, I'm not allowed to say much at the moment. Truth is there may be some changes and tweaks coming to the game sooner tan later...

That's what I meant with "sooner than later":


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 18, 2019, 11:22:10 AM 
… In the next months there will be new updates arriving to Spacelords, so we hope you guys like what we are preparing here at MSE. …

Of course you are constantly developing the game and that's all well and good, but you do not share your thoughts with the community. Nobody, none of the community knows which direction is being developed further.

Yes there is a roadmap, but there was never any mention of e.g. new aleph drops, sudden death timers, limiting ammo and so on (these things are not just small patches). So, you don't have to wonder, if most players are getting upset when you implement such features nobody wanted or asked for (e.g. ALEPH DROPS!!!).

Considering the last few updates, I don't know if I should be happy, or if I should be afraid about the next updates. I hope for the best, and thanks for the reply, Karen.

Aleph & Ammo drops are currently in an experimental phase and I'm pretty sure we already stated we'd be messing a bit with them, trying some new playable options soon to be put in the game. :)

Ammo famine is something we'll also be patching soon, since the result was a bit extreme, especially on higher MMR matches.

Concerning the Sudden Death feature, there are no specific plans to change it at the moment, since we are still gathering data from matches being played since the last patch update.

That said, we'll be getting more into detail pretty soon, as the next milestone on our beloved Roadmap, Prizes Gallore, gets close to its release.
Can you give us more information about these new "playable options"? Will this solve the main issue with aleph and ammo drops? Which is that they can appear anywhere around your character instead of absorbing it and leaving behind any excess aleph/ammo... Currently you have to waste your few seconds of invulnerability after a melee kill to look around like an idiot for the drops, leaving you exposed as you're getting shot from all directions or being surrounded by elites that could potentially grab the aleph.

Karen will go into detail soon enough, but I can confirm Aleph still drops nearby after meleeing someone. That said, there will be other ways, new ways, in which you'll be able to get Aleph besides meleeing foes.

Thanks for reading Karen! (and Ojuel). I completely understand implementing new features & putting them out and for the players themselves to test it out...but I feel some of these weren't thought out too thoroughly and required (ALOT) more internal testing. The recent ammo change is a great example. Why get rid of a mechanic that was unique to the game by melee-ing enemies for ammo and turning it into like every other game?

We've been working on the whole ammo thing in order to make it more accessible and easier to understand for newcomer players.
That's also the main reason why in The Team up or Die update we made impossible for AI characters to pick ammo drops: After doing some playtesting sessions with new players we realized AI stealing their ammo would feel extremely confusing to them.
As you know, teaching the game to newcomer players is one of our lines of work, but another interesting line of work is making some aspects of the game more accesible so that they autoexplain themselves in a better and more simple way.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 17, 2019, 05:27:45 PM 
… In the next months there will be new updates arriving to Spacelords, so we hope you guys like what we are preparing here at MSE. …

Of course you are constantly developing the game and that's all well and good, but you do not share your thoughts with the community. Nobody, none of the community knows which direction is being developed further.

Yes there is a roadmap, but there was never any mention of e.g. new aleph drops, sudden death timers, limiting ammo and so on (these things are not just small patches). So, you don't have to wonder, if most players are getting upset when you implement such features nobody wanted or asked for (e.g. ALEPH DROPS!!!).

Considering the last few updates, I don't know if I should be happy, or if I should be afraid about the next updates. I hope for the best, and thanks for the reply, Karen.

Aleph & Ammo drops are currently in an experimental phase and I'm pretty sure we already stated we'd be messing a bit with them, trying some new playable options soon to be put in the game. :)

Ammo famine is something we'll also be patching soon, since the result was a bit extreme, especially on higher MMR matches.

Concerning the Sudden Death feature, there are no specific plans to change it at the moment, since we are still gathering data from matches being played since the last patch update.

That said, we'll be getting more into detail pretty soon, as the next milestone on our beloved Roadmap, Prizes Gallore, gets close to its release.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Spacelords 1st Livestream question
 on: June 17, 2019, 12:28:36 PM 
I'm glad you liked the stream! BTW, hi! :)

**Will Sooma come with a DLC pack like Aneska, Valeria & Schneider?

Yes, Sööma Will be released with a Deluxe DLC pack of her own, in the style of previously released character packs, such as Aneska's.

**Will Sooma be delayed? I say this because on the stream Jefe-Hernan mentioned that she is still being adjusted and tweaked even though were in the final month of the second yearly quarter. Which seems to be stretching it a bit thin.

Even though Sööma was initially planned for a Q2 release, it will most likely be released during July instead, if everything goes fine. We know it's bothersome when new content gets delayed, but please understand we're working hard in order to make her as great as possible. :)

*Aside from Sooma herself will her arrival come with any new additions to the store, bug fixes, weapon or character modifications?

Umm, that's a bit of a tricky question to answer. Sadly, I'm not allowed to say much at the moment. Truth is there may be some changes and tweaks coming to the game sooner tan later...

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sudden Death is Unnecessary in PVE
 on: May 31, 2019, 06:03:52 PM 
Ok, thanks for the info. Can you give an example of what you mean by affecting in a negative way?



This is a bit of an abstract and complicated matter, but I'll try to explain it with an example:

Let's suppose we want to balance a mission with an arena-like level design, like both Kuzmann or Uras Beherit boss fights. Imagine these maps are too easy and have a really low pace, so we increase the spawn rate of the AI enemies. When we check these missions state again, we confirm that, indeed, winrate has been reduced, but the duration and the amount of survive phases in these missions have suffered a great increment.


Because in this concrete case, these kind of circular maps don't have a beginning nor an end, so you can - almost - run forever. If we make more iterations, we'll realize that the decompensation between winrate and duration is bigger every time, which would translate in a lack of resolution for us to balance these matches.

With this new "Sudden Death", we've put all the missions under the same roof, which removes these kind of map-dependences and gives us more flexibility to balance the game.

As I said, this is just an example, but I wish it helps to better understand our decision. By the way, thank you for your feedback! :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sudden Death is Unnecessary in PVE
 on: May 31, 2019, 03:22:34 PM 
If you want to avoid these long games so much, why are games with successfully survived "survival phases" rewarded better, then? This makes no sense, to me???

Should be the other way round:
no survival phase reached = less life consumed = better rewards

… the Sudden Death feature is …  actually more "useful" when it comes to PvE matches.
… avoiding Suvive phases in PvE is usually a more trivial thing, so matches may become excessively long. The new Sudden Death phase should tackle the problem of having excessively long matches …

Okay you shorten the games, but at what cost, now if I ran out of all survival phases/ lives I have to loose, but with unlimited survival phases maybe I could have had a win!
I prefer a longer game with a victory at the end rather than a shorter one with a loss at the end. It breaks my win streak and with a loss at the end you always get less rewards than with a win at the end (wouldn't make sense otherwise). No matter if it was a long or short game.

Well, since the number of times you can hit a Survive Phase is no longer "inifinite", no match should become extremely long because of surviving those anymore. :)
Getting rewarded for surviving a Survival Phase serves as an individual bonus for carrying the team during one of those phases, while the rest of the guys in the team who didn't make it and died won't get the bonus.

Losing and wining matches is mainly determined but how well a match can be balanced, taking into account variables such as players MMRs + passive bonuses + match difficulty. Limiting the number of times you can hit a Survival Phase doesn't necessarily make you lose/win more, since the combo between those variables remains as the main input values for match balancing.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sudden Death is Unnecessary in PVE
 on: May 31, 2019, 12:54:50 PM 
Hi there! Mmmm, that's a really good question! :)

Truth is even though a few players believe the Sudden Death feature is meant to be a buff for Antagonists, it's actually more "useful" when it comes to PvE matches.

Unless there's some toxic/unusual behaviour going on, PvP matches tend to end quicker than PvE matches, since Antagonists' desire is to win quickly in order to maximize their reward. On the other hand, avoiding Suvive phases in PvE is usually a more trivial thing, so matches may become excessively long. The new Sudden Death phase should tackle the problem of having excessively long matches in which the Raiders agonize during a long amount of time.

So why is it useful for us to keep matches duration within a threshold, then? It mainly lets us balance the game better. That way, what happened until now is outlier matches notably affected the whole system balance in a negative way.

Let me quote MSE_Vela here: "That feature (the descending live pool for the Raiders) is obviously correlated with the new "Last Chance/Sudden Death" phase. To put it simple: it will give us more flexibility to balance matches. However, we wanted to maintain the actual balance of the co-op matches. [...] The main reason is indirectly related to the long matches we mentioned in the patchnotes. When we balanced the game before, we had to have in mind those kind of over-stretches of the system, so we were "tied" to certain limits."

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sudden Death Mode
 on: May 29, 2019, 10:27:16 AM 
Hey guys! :)

The new "suddenly deathly" way of losing a match is mainly meant to control a bit more match durations, in order to keep them within a logical threshold.

After analyzing data from thousands of matches we realized excesively long matches feature many issues for players and very few positive things.

When it comes to the issue of playing with new players who still don't understand the basic systems of the game, we're currently working in a better onboarding for the game. We are focusing of new players' first matches being more easily understandable for them. As always, when these new changes are close to release we'll let you know. :)

Hi everyone!

We're currently working on the issue of some enemies/allies being too "fragile" under certain forge&MMR conditions. This doesn't just concern the Protector but other characters aswell.

These fixes won't be included in the Team Up or Die update--since it's almost already here, but we hope to inlcude them as soon as possible in a future update. :)

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