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Topics - overlordmactire

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Suggestions / Character Pricing
 on: January 06, 2018, 05:52:35 AM 
look i really like this game i like the story because most games make humans the good guys and in this one we're trying to kick them off the planet, i like the combat, i like the characters, i like the comedy, but havent been playing this game that long and i already am thinking about dropping it because of how impossible it is to get the characters. For example the new character you guys just put out called hive like her abilities like her concept would love to play as her, but i dont ever see that happening because of her pricing she costs 5000 MP thats 40 dollars in US currency i could buy 1-8 games at least for that amount of cash(depending on sales) now you can also pay the in game currency price of 240000 gold but assuming you can make on average 6000 thats 40 missions you would have to win and assuming it takes you at most 30 minutes to complete each mission then youll be playing for 20 hours to get to this character. you will not be winning every mission and because everyone else wants new characters as well you will not be making 6000 a mission you will be making around 1000 gold a mission if everyone on your team wants to get that gold as well which (if that happens on every mission) it will take you 120 hours to get enough gold together to get 1 character JUST ONE, 1, UNO. THAT IS NOT INCLUDING THE TIME IT TAKES TO  FIND A GAME AND IF YOU LOOSE OR IF AN ANTAGONIST COMES IN AND MAKES THE MISSION DRAG ON A LOT LONGER. the worst part of all that is hive isnt even the most expensive character you have 12 unreleased characters 2 of which are only going to cost you 10 bucks because they come with the campaigns so thats 10 extra characters that will cost as much if not more then hive. currently ginebra is the most expensive character at 7500 MP THATS 60 BUCKS IN US CURRENCY YOU DO THE MATH ON HOW MANY GAMES YOU COULD GET WITH THAT OR HOW LONG ITLL TAKE YOU TO MAKE 360000 GOLD IN GAME UNLESS YOU ARE RICH OR WIN THE LOTTO ON A REGULAR BASIS YOU ARE PROBABLY NOT GOING TO PAY THAT MUCH FOR ON CHARACTER LET ALONE FOR EACH FUTURE CHARACTER. THIS IS INSANE CONSIDERING THAT EACH CHARACTER HAS A DIFFERENT PLAYSTYLE WHICH IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS FOR GETTING PEOPLE TO KEEP PLAYING YOUR GAME AFTER TRYING IT 

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