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Messages - JoJo

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Raiders of the Broken Game
 on: November 02, 2017, 01:21:27 AM 
Your game has problems, I will outline them and give suggestions.

1. Difficulty: I have been playing your game since release and as I have increased in experience, so too has the games difficulty, to the point I only get matches that are 50-57% difficulty. This is insane, especially brutal if I am in a party of friends. You have created a system that punishes good players. It is not fun to be shot once by a grunt and die.
Solution : Give each map a Easy/Medium/Hard mode, or atleast have each map start at a standard difficulty, but increase slightly depending what the team members can handle. So if the team is doing good, throw in extra adds, maybe a small bonus to their HP, do not just increase their damage by 100% and leave it at that.

2. Rewards: Whoever programmed the calculation for rewards, is an idiot. I have not had any consistency with overall score and the reward outcome. I have been involved in games with a low difficulty/score, that have given 3x as much rewards as higher difficulty/score (same maps). I have even had situations where I got more rewards for a loss then a win. Sometimes if you are lucky enough to get a blueprint that too increases reward outcome(why). Also everyone should get a set amount of gold regardless what reward they pick. Gold is by far the most important reward.
Solution : Program consistency with rewards, Higher difficulty and Score, better rewards at all times. Also perhaps instead of a set blueprint, maybe offer a blueprint token, to buy the gun of your choice.

3. Antagonist : This is a big one, there is no real positive reason for playing antagonist, I see people rage quitting all the time, ruining games.
Solution : Allow antagonists to join games at any time, just pop into an active game and mess stuff up for Raiders, don't even notify Raiders they are their (will keep players on their toes). Also if a antagonist leaves or disconnect or rage quits, just let the game for the Raiders continue. If an Antagonist joins lower the difficulty of adds in real time, when they leave increase it.  If an antagonist wins they should get a reward of their choice. If an Antagonist wins multiple matches with certain heros, maybe award them an unlocked evil skin for that character.

I hope you take these suggestions to heart as I really do like this game.

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