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Messages - Cyber_hunter026

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Suggestions / Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
 on: July 29, 2019, 01:52:15 AM 
You should be a comedian, the more you speak. The more i find you laughable at best haha.  the question is and should be, who's the one who's whining here? certainly not me.  must be you, everytime i see you,  you seem to whine more than those you accuse of whining lol.  "whaaa! Teh are complaining about me antagonists. whaaa! They said teh should be nerfed!" i find you boring son,  you never have anything fun to say,  it's Always bad, corny, laughable jokes. that come off as more sad, pathetic than actually worth anyone's energy of taking serious. and no,  i sleep just fine, see i have gotten way better than before. Not as you predicated, more like i have studied, observed other players on my team.  doldren isn't really a much of a problem anymore. seeing as i now always beat him, and whomever plays him.  i love your jokes, you seem pretty well diverse in comedy, maybe you'll just do fine as a stand up comic. maybe, just maybe I'll take you seriously again now run along,  your mommy and daddy want you back by supper! XD

Suggestions / Re: Harec needs to be nerfed.
 on: July 29, 2019, 12:24:06 AM 
Our beloved sonofoz had the courage to namedrop me but couldn't even get it right tsk tsk tsk. to add to marcus's problem. this is coming from someone who uses harec,  yes even with his base gun I've one shoted antagonists and even grunts. not only that, i was able to stalk with little to no consequences after returning to the spot i stalked from.  keep in mind, i had no knowledge of the executioner card so that made things more interesting when i got it. not only is he dangerous when stalking  but CQC he's still a threat. why not give up and go about Your business son? why get so upset with someone who's voicing their opinions? lol as i said before, you seem to blow a gasket every time an antagonist is name dropped. harec,  doldren,  tomorrow you're gonna probably throw a temper tantrum if someone mentions an antagonist shae or mikah? XD

Oooo must of made the wittle antagonist  mad. look it's so plain and clear to see, every topic that has to do with someone complaining about the antagonists you blow a major gasket. it's fine if love Playing as one but don't get so bitter and mad lol over someone's opinion?

Ontopic: it does get pretty annoying especially when you get a blueprint that is crucial to you. an antagonist comes along and ruins those chances. I've had only a couple but not back to back like you did marcus. 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Card system needs to be changed
 on: July 27, 2019, 12:08:31 AM 
I'm perfectly fine with the card system.  i do like their attributes and what they bring to certain characters. for example, i got maelstrom and redemption for sooma. after i get a kill,  it doubles her shot damage by 25% and  on hanging by a thread. I eat through group's of wardogs that dare to come after me. 

Ignore him,  sonofoz is just use to the antagonist system babying him. of course he'll swear up and down it's purely to skill and the whole "get good" attitude.  he's just trying to rile you up,  i find him personally amusing at how hard he tries though, good effort but try harder next time 👍

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 25, 2019, 12:52:22 AM 

Bye bye! Don't the door hit you on the way out lol 👋

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 11:53:22 PM 
Lol you seem to be the one getting bent out of shape lol. i thought we were done no? you seem so bitter, try not to swallow too much sodium it's very bad for you XD.  and whether you believe it or not, though i couldn't care less if you do or don't. I've killed alot of doldrens of various ranks, 6-4 to 3-1. it was the first time i came across doldren player who was purple tier 3. again I've been owning antagonists today and the day before. this was the one exception, which I'm going to state was the only time I've voiced my opinion. now shoo, don't you have jr members name call and throw temper tantrums at?

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 10:37:57 PM 
If you say so lol i sleep Just fine at night, don't know about you. you seem cranky lol, go and sleep well with your little bib and teddy bear. i do just fine beating antagonists all day.

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 10:13:19 PM 
Lol you seem to have some deep rooted issues.  some which are very narcissistic in nature, to be honest i could not care less what you have to say nor what you think of me. In other words your opinion is irrelevant, your posts quoting me is irrelevant, and your attempts to be "I'm right and you're wrong" levels of comments do not phase me.  i found it funny that you got this butthurt over a simple comment and opinion over doldren was laughable at best. Do i care that you didn't participate in my thread? Ummm no? i never even heard of you let alone knew you existed till now. why don't you keep pouring all that salt hmm? i did hear that steak and mash potatoes need it badly and boy you drip it at a constant basis lol.

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 09:48:23 PM 
someone with your exact username, unless you are gonna say someone is impersonating you lol which i doubt.

if it was my username, it was me. and if it was an OP doldren, it was clearly me...  8)
except if someone stole my account, but i'm not aware of it.

but as i said as far as i remember, my first and only antag play for weeks was today.
so i still doubt your story... but you could have play with me as teammate while i was playing doldren. but not as antag.
wich states... you're a liar....  ;)

btw just completed a mission before i typed this, had 42% mmr and a ayana kwana antagonist, was still the top player after owning them countless times.
yeah. good boy ^^

you got highly upset over me criticizing doldren
for god sake, in wich imaginary world are you living child ??? ?
i didn't even take part of your topic about doldren... go and check it... :o

Proceeds to call me a liar,  without any proof so.  and no i don't remember you being on any team with me. i remember sonofoz and that was it,  rank purple 3. and don't play dumb lol,  you just quoted me from the other page about reading my post history and the topic on doldren,  or have you forgotten already?  XD

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 09:11:32 PM 
i encountered you yesterday playing a doldren.
nope. i think it wasn't me.
i don't remember playing antag yesterday. i think i only played one antag match for 2 or 3 weeks and it was today.
(as doldren. certainly against marcus. they surrendered in a flash during my second kill. they run so quick i think one of them even lost his pants...)

i say im pretty good
yeah... im sure of that...  ;D
and modest too.  ::)
a chance that OP doldren exist to stop you... ^^

and have been the top player every time i complete a mission.
you do know that you only have to kill grunts, even if being absolutly useless for everything else, to be the mission's top player right ? :)

stop getting butthurt over people's opinions, like mine
i'm not, i asked you if you had understand the threads, since your post had nothing to do with it, and you replied "bouhou i won't argue with you you're mean."
so who's exactly butthurt ? :o

i'm open to discussion if you have something to say about the thread, but "antags are OP so you have to punish them when they quit a match" is a nonsens answer showing misunderstanding and frustration.

Yeah no,  I've owned alot of doldrens. this one however was too op imo, and i remember your name lol. someone with your exact username, unless you are gonna say someone is impersonating you lol which i doubt.  btw just completed a mission before i typed this, had 42% mmr and a ayana kwana antagonist, was still the top player after owning them countless times. and only died once to one of the aleph explosions from my one of my downed team mates. and why do you get into it with marcus?
And you sound pretty butthurt to me lol,  im finding this amusing as i read it out loud. you got highly upset over me criticizing doldren,  which i find funny. it's called an opinion get use to it? and this didn't rear off topic until you started whining about me whining about doldren, i say we both got off topic but to each his own i guess.

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 08:38:10 PM 
Lol like i said it takes alot to get me. Mad sorry if you are trying your best to get me riled up? but it ain't working. and no I've played several matches when i first purchased this,  i usually got matched with high level antagonists and they decimated my entire team. you can read through my post history all you want lol but i know you love playing antagonists more than anything as i encountered you yesterday playing a doldren. of course you are gonna brag and say there's nothing wrong with the character. to me that's more like bias then anything,  all you do is go around quoting  people coming and throw name calling like a 7th grade child.  grow up and stop getting butthurt over people's opinions, like mine lol.

Btw I've kicked several antagonists to the curb, no more than 5 today. i say im pretty good and have been the top player every time i complete a mission. And my god i read entire post, is that all you do is whine? About people and their opinions?

Damn that sucks man, i know how you feel. been trying to get harec's easter egg but ending up getting a duplicate of the ignis fugit. same happened with rak, was trying to get the hatchet but got a duplicate of the Shepard. it is frustrating for some, but i hope you get her rare dude.

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 07:49:22 PM 
Yeah I'm not going to bother,  lol I've already explained so no need to get into some forum war.

Suggestions / Re: antag desertion
 on: July 24, 2019, 07:29:14 PM 
Love the amount of salt you emit, it's pretty funny that all can you do is assume I'm a 10 year old? Lol try again buddy i really don't care what you call me but if you think it makes you look or sound intelligent it more or less makes you seem immature and quite frankly sad.  i have no problem with the antagonist system, i have stated this numerous times, what i suggest is something to balance both raiders and antagonists alike.  from the options I've seen, an antagonist has way more going than a raider. for starters the infinite lives, i can see why  many antagonists kill themselves over and over again with an objective object in their hand. there is no consequences for this so they do it knowing deep down they'll keep spawning infinitely so they do it. a team of raiders don't have that luxury, instead they have to be careful. pit a team of rank 6 or 5 or 4 raiders against a purple tier level player and we know who will win that scenario.  i myself is a purple 5 tier raider, but don't go around blindly into firefights especially with an antagonist. sorry to hate on your precious antagonists but the way i see it both sides should be balanced. not one over the other as it seems.

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