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Messages - Tekato

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: September 29, 2018, 02:56:14 PM 
How many handicaps do you want an Antagonist to have? The respawn time is super long, it's 4v1, there's no grunts to get ammo from. Would you be satisfied if they spawned without ammo or maybe just to be safe their limbs should be removed too?
Lol handicap? What handicap do antags have? You get to see the characters raiders pick, have infinite revives, infinite minions, and can pretty much see where all the raiders are before spawning. Unless you play like an idiot there's no way you won't get a kill or 2 before dying. There are a few maps where the minions spawns are pretty bad but not many like enemy within. The way i see it is 4v 99.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: September 29, 2018, 08:55:43 AM 
Doesn't matter how good the raiders are if you can just instant down them with ginebra, harec, lycus, ayana, H.I.V.E, valeria, Rak, etc lol. Antagonist get to see what characters the raiders pick so just pick someone that can counter them or at least shut down the biggest threat.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: September 29, 2018, 03:03:08 AM 
15 second respawn *

+ however long it takes the game to actually materialize you. IF, it ever does, since that's a common glitch these days...
20 seconds out of the fight is a bigger hurdle than you may think. Have you ever been an antag?
Yes I have antaged and it honetly feels like I'm cheating. As long as i get one kill each revive it's almost guarantee victory since the matches are usually over 15 minutes long. Plus when you're dead it doesnt mean the killings stop, usually the units get a few kills as well.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Seriously
 on: September 29, 2018, 01:40:31 AM 
Now i'm not saying they need to have limited lives too but something needs to be done about that respawn timer. Feels like i could kill antags a million times and it won't make a difference, they just come back a couple seconds later and sneak kill me or one of my team members.

Gameplay Feedback / Seriously
 on: September 29, 2018, 01:25:50 AM 
Do antagonists really need infinite 10 second revives? On top of endless hordes of enemies.. it's a bit ridiculous considering how many characters can 1 shot eventually  they will win since raiders have limited lives.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Unfair Advantages
 on: September 27, 2018, 04:40:28 PM 
Inb4 they nerf all the guns because of broken antagonist system.

Suggestions / Re: Duplicate Blueprints
 on: September 25, 2018, 07:55:39 PM 
Tbh ever since the 50% common blueprint increase I haven't had much trouble getting the weapons I want, but that's just me. I have a bigger issue getting the cards i want which can easily take over 100k faction points per character. I feel like the card shuffling issue is a bigger problem atm.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: RARE Stroma card for Hive
 on: September 23, 2018, 10:20:41 PM 
I would honestly like them to rework the entire card system to were you can earn cards just by doing missions. I'm getting tired of just grinding for gold and faction points.

Bug report & Technical Support / Blueprint glitch
 on: September 23, 2018, 07:14:32 PM 
This isn't really a bad glitch but for some reason my common blueprint one time reward hasn't dissapeared after clearing it multiple times and receiving weapons each time. I've been able to farm a lot of weapons thanks to this glitch.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Stubborn on the PvP Issue...
 on: September 23, 2018, 02:45:54 PM 
Antags that kill the protector are clowns. I do not purposefully do that, and berate those that do. And when I see people brag about it, I'll tell them off. It's fine to break his shield to impede progress, but to purposefully kill a known weak objective is low and borderline exploitative.

MSE definitely needs to fix the protector situation. Make him have a lot more health, but maybe not be healed when the shield is restored, so he can still be killed but would have to be whittled down over time through multiple assaults. He should also react better to damage, or raiders should be able to push him, as stationary AoE/DoT weapons just eat his health in seconds with literally NO counter. Warm, Cookie, and Makilium will kill him in 1 clip, no questions asked. I debated naming this exact strategy, but MSE NEEDS TO KNOW. Those weapons don't need a nerf, but the protector himself needs to be fixed.

Anyways, back to topic.... I personally queue for everything except Enemy Within. The queue takes too long to be picky, but I still hate that one mission. Ever since the spacelords update though, average MMR has dropped.... i'm about 55% which I'd say is average. But now I fight teams 13, 16, 19% lower than me, almost every other match. I am fighting teams in the 30's and 40's. I am still beating them, assuming I can spawn (because antag spawning is BROKEN) when normally that handicap would be impossible to overcome. Average player skill/MMR has definitely dropped.

And yes, I do like to win as antag. Hyugga can stop the virtue signalling bullshit for the 100th time. We don't play it specifically for the motivation of "reducing Raider rewards" nor is it the fault of the player for playing the intended mechanic as it exists. Last thread you did this got deleted by the OP because I got sick of this attitude and went off.
I'm sorry but you can't have your cake and eat it too. These antagonist are also playing like you "as intended", you can criticize them all you want but you're part of that community. They can't just give the old man more health it will make the mission too easy for raiders that don't have an antagonist. Everyone is forced into this pvp bs and most people you fight probably didnt want to fight you in the first place they just accepted it and went with it. It doesn't change the fact that they had no choice over it just because you sent them a nice message after. This whole system is stupid but we just have to accept it I guess since it doesn't look like mse is  changing anything about it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Painkiller
 on: September 23, 2018, 04:35:58 AM 
She was healing me for 40ish a shot. Weird.
Wow that's a big difference are you sure it was Alicia? I wonder how that's possible.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Painkiller
 on: September 23, 2018, 02:52:18 AM 
Healing is fine, IMO.

At a group fight, you can back up your team mate about 20 health, while he gets a punch. (I have not paid attention to damage given to Antag, but you can expect some damage to him, too.) One punch can give around 80 damage. You may not able to save Shea, but you maybe able to save Lycus.

Since Alicia is not a healer by design, this is good enough for her.
I know she's not a healer but come on 5 hp heals is just pathetic lol. You're not saving anyone not even lycus, any decent antags or enemies above 40% mmr will just deal too much damage. You'd have to empty like 5 full clips on someone to fully heal them and by then their own regen would have healed them completely. The main selling point of the gun is it's ability to heal and it can't really do that so might aswell just stick with the R&R.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Painkiller
 on: September 22, 2018, 10:19:43 PM 
I think this PainKiller is very strong. Gun's reach, base damage, and firing rate is high. Bullet spread is similar to Vinc. And healing bullets are great helping hand in a group fight.

I used this weapon, and I found the firing rate is very high. Arsenal can go up to 13 rounds. The firing rate goes up as you continuously shoot.

Gun's base damage is high and it can multi-hitting a large enemy. In 3 triggers, you may bring a normal enemy down. Elite bruiser may take some more, but I was able to take care 1 normal and 1 bruiser (with finisher) without reloading. MMR was around 40% at that time.

This will be nurfed rather than boosted, IMO.
I know the gun itself is really good but the healing specifically is completely worthless. I can see them nerfing the clip size or spread but the healing absolutely needs to be increased by a decent amount.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The Painkiller
 on: September 22, 2018, 09:37:11 PM 
Anyone else find this gun's healing to be useless in it's current state? Or am I just doing something wrong lol.

Gameplay Feedback / Strange experience?
 on: September 22, 2018, 09:35:46 PM 
Had a match where everyone decided to start killing themselves by jumping off the map. I can understand if there was an antagonist but there wasn't one and I am extremely confused. Why would anyone do this? If it was because of a blueprint and they didnt get to pick their character that would make sense but all 3 players were doing it so I doubt all of them picked the wrong character.

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