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Messages - stridedxeno

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: No reason to play Antagonist
 on: September 24, 2017, 04:24:59 AM 
AS the title says being the antagonist is a waste of time. Its 1.5 vs 4 nothing to make it enjoyable or even equal. Its just 4 vs 1 and the 1 is the exact same as the 1 of the 4, The antagonist would need 300% health and 150% damage to make it anything close to a competition. U can finally get 16 kills and have a 1% hope of winning but then u get 1 shot by the sniper and half your time limit is gone before u revive. Plus it feels like other people have more health in last stand mode than normal. I played as victor and took down the aussie chick in 4-5 seconds but when they are crawling they magically don't die even If I shot them 10 times. The grunts are good for 2 seconds of distraction but then 2 people can just come up and grapple u while you shoot the third.  It seems like no game company ever actually plays their games to test ideas. even if your on a roll Halec can just project onto a high spot and 1 shot you.  Game would be cool for actual multiplayer like 10v10 but antagonist feels like a last minute F@(k it add this in
there's alot wrong with this paragraph. everyone has different kinds of health deepening on the character. light characters have less while bigger characters have a slight little more, that's it . since you seem pretty new. you have no situasional awareness of where the antag will be. so it may seem like. also the antag can use the AI to his adventage  which would make it easy. so yea...

Suggestions / Re: There NEEDS to be a Melee Tutorial
 on: September 23, 2017, 09:46:44 AM 
it really feels like nothing has changed since the beta.. or is this a open beta?? i cant tell anymore... but yea a tutorial is def  a must need for new players that  just got the game if they want this to succeed..

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 25, 2017, 07:52:33 PM 
The loot system is no different from any other game out there that requires a player to  play for a random reward. The difference here is that players can see the drop when it appears. Competing for the drops is a nice added change to a system that  usually rewards you based on chance. Everyone here seems to be salty because they cane see the reward and have to make a decision on if they want to compete for it.  The bottom line is that if you couldnt see the drop and you got nothing you would all be chalking it up to RNG like every other game out there. This wont hurt the game at all, get a mic or keyboard and TALK to your team for rewards. Once you have the BP then you wont be selecting it again so as the game progresses less people will want the reward. How about we not shit all over something new that gives a player choice and let them develop the game.
              only a few people are salty...

Spacelords Universe / top antag on 3 platforms
 on: June 25, 2017, 01:11:00 AM 
who currently at the top/last session?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Training Mode
 on: June 24, 2017, 11:12:22 PM 
switch to solo mode.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 22, 2017, 10:49:41 AM 
-looks at most of the 2 page post- ....are you sure it would turn people away??  I mean the fact the oldest MMO"s like WoW and EVE(<--- not a good pick but still relevant) practically have a dice system, And yet still alot of people play it. 20 min??? they spend 4 hours in one raid sessions, Maybe even more through trial and error.                                             

Point is, make a poll and post it somewhere and see if they agree with....... your opinion

Gameplay Feedback / Re: hanging by a thread spawn
 on: June 22, 2017, 02:54:23 AM 
might be a far fetched  idea, but for people who cant communicate (when they do have voice chat), what if they add like a ping system to help a little better

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Reward system needs overhaul.
 on: June 21, 2017, 10:23:56 AM 

Take for example the blueprints, if all players select it, only one of them will be awarded, while the other 3 get NOTHING. That's right, playing for like 20~ minutes, even successfully completing a mission against an antagonist as well, your potential reward can even be NOTHING. It doesn't even make sense from a lore perspective since we aren't mercenaries or even actual raiders, we're playing as a rebel faction that has to defend the planet against the actual raiders.

I don't see the FUN in getting NOTHING for my efforts.
tell that to the people in vegas.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: hanging by a thread spawn
 on: June 21, 2017, 07:48:49 AM 
I agree, there should be an alternate route, once NPCs stack up + an antagonist is spamming the hallway, it's really hard to get back.
. yea, when i did it, i felt really bad and i stoped doing it. but unfortunately some dont feel the same way i did. so i pretty much came here to adress it. i mean iknow theres some weapons that "could prevent this" prevent this from happening, likehans rare weapon. (as far asi know anyway)

Gameplay Feedback / hanging by a thread spawn
 on: June 19, 2017, 04:47:31 AM 
the starting area for this mission for the raiders is pretty unfair. they can easily get spaw camped by the antaganist if they are inexsperinced. (konstinwith cooldown reduction) it could lead to unhappy raiders. would it be possible to relocate or make the hallway a little bigger??? or reduce the size of konstintin's ability?

Well when game will go live - not very high percentage of people will go to even lurk on forums. People will most likely drop game long before they get to stage when they will might consider consulting forum.

And thats why Antagonist should be kept at bay. Its a wild-card that is not needed to be in game when people are just starting and are yet learning to deal with grappler mobs. Just like in fighting games - being matched vs vastly stronger oponent will result in nothing but frustration - as your ass will be wooped so fast, you will fail to learn anything aside of "fuk diz game".
forgot to mention, not the guide on the forums. i ment the ingame guide.... but then again.. what you said would more then like would applie to that guide as well.

is that the total biscuit video you're referenceing??? if so their track history is not very good on pvp.

I don't follow her, I only found the video looking for a gameplay of this game. Surely it was her, as I didn't find the video again but her voice is really similar.

The thing is that I don't think you should scare ppl like this even if they are good or bad in pvp. if the devs want this game to be oriented to hardcore players is their decision to do, but I think that this game need to be open to any type of player as it's in the middle of a pvp shooter game and a co-op shooter game.

if you see that some players are losing hard everytime, don't keep matching them against an antagonist, let them do a few games without an antagonist. But to do that the populations of raiders has to be way bigger than the antagonist.

I have played a lot of pvp games, and I have to admit that the first games have been hard. I enjoyed the game so far, but I enjoyed the game only when I played some games and I knew how it worked, I know that a lot of my friends won't be like me.
. i dont know. tbh the mechanics in the game is really simple. iv also got beaten by non pre made teams.  tbh all you need to do is study a little bit and you'll be fine. when i jumped on this week first think i went to was the quick guide. section and it just became that clear.

Second, you are comparing premades of good players against an antagonist.

Now read post again, beacause it seems like you just read the title and then go respond asap. Especially the part that says:

But to show how bad things are in this game - let's assume that we are fighting 4y.o. children, who will always lose in 1v1 fight just because they are bad.

And everything after that.

I read your post, and I already said that I don't believe that people who can't beat you because they are bad will beat you in the mission.

You are looking for a hardocre pvp it seems, and I don't think this game is looking for this target, mostly when the only pvp that exist in this game is a 1v4. I wouldn't like a pvp of 4 vs overpowered 1. I played that type of games and I hated them. One of the things that I find different of this game and make it special is that the antagonist is just like you, only playing on the other side.

And I don't think they should buff the antagonist, maybe they could have some control over the minions or something to make the mission harder but without hurting new players, something that would only hurt long games. Something that is not too visual. It's not fun when a game end in 5 min.

And I know that I am not the only one because I saw a video on youtube of 3 players together playing on skype testing this game. They were beated hard by the antagonist in each game, after 30-40 min the streamer girl changed to another game and said she hated the experience because it was so frustrating. Only one of them wanted to test the game a little more and got how the game worked. IMO this game needs a way to make the entry for new palyers much easier if they want that the casual players will play for more than 1 day. 

I saw another video of an antagonist, someone that ended first in ranking admitting that it was way easier to win as antagonist that as a raiders. some of his gameplays where incredible fast, and probably a bad experience for the raiders.
     is that the total biscuit video you're referenceing??? if so their track history is not very good on pvp.

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