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Topics - JeedyJay

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Gameplay Feedback / Host Migration
 on: September 26, 2017, 08:46:35 AM 
Since I can't tell whether or not any of you have seen my feedback from the open beta weekend, I'm going to repeat my most desperate plea - PLEASE allow for host migration! The game won't stop making me host when I play, and I have a ONE mbps upload spead. Every game I host goes TERRIBLY, with at least one player disconnecting. I had to actually terminate one such session in the beta despite the game warning me I would be punished, because everyone read as being disconnected, and the "vote to surrender" option didn't appear.

The only way I can avoid this is by avoiding co-op entirely, and co-op is the entire point of this game.

When I join a multplayer game, the server seems to keep making me the host. This is a terrible mistake, as my crappy DSL connection has an amazing upload speed of ONE mbps (the two matches I played where I wasn't the host went perfectly, by the way - I can keep up fine, as long as I'm not hosting). As a result, at least one person is disconnected from the game every time this happens. The game balancing responds very poorly to this player-dropping... which is to say, it doesn't respond at all. In my most recent match, we made it to the reactor core, before being completely swamped by an ever-increasing enemy population, because the reinforcement timer and output continued to assume a full four-man team. This black comedy of a match presents a series of problems:

1- If I can't tell the game to not make me the host, or volunteer to migrate host status, several people are getting screwed over, at once. I got a nice little message at the beginning telling me that the others are reliant on my connection and behavior, which, while I understand the intent, just seems like a Kafka-esque "remember, this is going to be YOUR fault," in context.

2- Disconnected players still count as being in-game, for purposes of enemy strength and numbers. If even one guy drops, be it due to connection issues or rage quitting, the game seems to have no way of compensating, and everybody has a bad time.

3- By a similar token, I suspect that an absentee Antagonist just creates an Easy Mode for the Raiders. If this is true, people will find a way to abuse it.

All in all, I think the matchmaking system suffers greatly from its inflexibility. Four or five players are locked in a room, and just about any adjustment or reorganization requires aborting the entire session.

Gameplay Feedback / Feedback, as of July 30th
 on: July 31, 2017, 01:18:26 AM 
I think the biggest gameplay problem continues to be grapples. As nice as it was to give them bigger visual and audio cues, the real problem isn't in not seeing them coming - it's in not being able to DO anything about them. In a pure 1v1 situation, they're fine (if still giving a little too much reward for the level of risk), but having any other nearby enemies turns them into a massive problem - I have, on several occasions now, had my rock-beats-scissors melee strike against an onrushing elite interrupted by another basic enemy's shotgun blast, utterly dooming me to the silent frustration of watching said elite's grapple animation play out while getting chided about my depleting Aleph supply. This is already assuming my punch would have even done anything... as I'm still not clear on when elite enemies are and are not invincible during grab attempts. It can't be spawn invulnerability, because I've made sure to kite them around long enough for that to have worn off.

This seems to tie into the rock-paper-scissors setup - regardless of how much loud of a warning siren they give off, grapples don't have nearly enough of a risk for their instant-kill reward. This is exemplified by the fact the the most dangerous AI opponents are the ones who do nothing but fish for those instant kills. The designed answer is to clock them as they go in for the grab, but this doesn't seem any more punishing then hitting them in any other circumstance would be. Logically, getting hit with the appropriate counter while trying for the instant kill should carry a big downside, such as a similarly-fatal counter-grapple or a dizzy/stun that renders the attacker temporarily harmless (possibly featuring a tweeting-bird sound effect and comical reeling). This is all going under the assumption that you guys are unwilling to scale grapples back from being instant-kills on players/elites or to make them dodge-able, of course - I'd rather make suggestions that go with the original vision, rather than against it.

Also, getting back in the saddle after a mission failure continues to be a massive chore. Please give us the option to continue from the current map on loss, even if we have to vote on it and possibly take a rewards penalty. Getting kicked out to the lobby is incredibly frustrating, and seems designed to make the player quit for the day.

Purely from a XBox One player's experience, the matchmaking is still almost completely nonfunctional - time in the matchmaking cue can go upwards of a half and hour. Strangely, the only time it worked well was when the current XB1 version wasn't available one weekend, a couple of months ago, and it worked almost perfectly. I was actually able to get more than one match in a several-hour sitting! Whatever "'Boneheads Only" replacement system you guys put together worked better than the real thing! The punishing system of gambling on a post match reward wouldn't be as much of a bummer if I could get more than maybe one match a day.

To round out with some crucial positive feedback - the new Fist Full Of Sand seems a lot more fair than most of the others. The elite sharpshooter enemies, in particular, are MUCH more fun to fight than other elite enemies. Even when it's by that damnable grapple attack, I actually feel genuinely bested when I lose to them, rather than just mechanically overwhelmed. Probably because they only seem to do it when I commit an error and leave myself particularly open.

I want to see this game succeed. It has an infectiously fun attitude to it, some cool mechanical concepts, and an aesthetic and character design are very distinctive and enjoyable. Here's hoping for a rousing success, Mercury Steam!

Gameplay Feedback / Mission failure
 on: June 11, 2017, 02:12:06 AM 
I'm playing on the Xbone, so I don't know if anything has happened to address this in the current build, but I think being booted back to the main menu on mission failure is excessively harsh, especially in Solo mode. I can maybe see why it works that way in multiplayer, considering the lack of a drop-in-drop-out matchmaking system, but I think the option to continue from the beginning of the mission section (such as after taking down the Beholder, at the start of the Kuzmann boss fight) would do a lot to make the game less frustrating to play.

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