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Messages - JeedyJay

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: No English Community Rep Presence
 on: October 01, 2017, 12:06:05 AM 
It's getting very frustrating.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The ratio
 on: October 01, 2017, 12:04:58 AM 
This thread is good and pure.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hans is OP
 on: October 01, 2017, 12:02:56 AM 
Considering the amount of grinding and required time playing Antagonist to use them, I don't think one can consider rare weapons an assumed element of a character.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec buff
 on: September 27, 2017, 08:48:38 AM 
I think the biggest problem Harec has is one general to the Broken Planet Locals character faction - having 60 HP. This is fine for long-range gunfights, because they're also really stealthy, but causes them to die in two punches. There are three solutions I can think of for this - give them stronger melee attacks to turn them into glass cannons, faster and farther dodges to help them go defensive, or give them enough melee damage resistance (like the Fifth Council gunfire resistance) to let them take one additional punch. I like the second of those, myself.

Gameplay Feedback / Host Migration
 on: September 26, 2017, 08:46:35 AM 
Since I can't tell whether or not any of you have seen my feedback from the open beta weekend, I'm going to repeat my most desperate plea - PLEASE allow for host migration! The game won't stop making me host when I play, and I have a ONE mbps upload spead. Every game I host goes TERRIBLY, with at least one player disconnecting. I had to actually terminate one such session in the beta despite the game warning me I would be punished, because everyone read as being disconnected, and the "vote to surrender" option didn't appear.

The only way I can avoid this is by avoiding co-op entirely, and co-op is the entire point of this game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: No reason to play Antagonist
 on: September 26, 2017, 08:32:02 AM 
It seems like the trick to being a good Antagonist is to be a sneaky saboteur. You aren't really meant to win head-to-head confrontations (I got into a couple of Konstantin-versus-Konstantin "stand and hose each other at short range" scenarios as a Raider, and the Antagonist seemed to go down well before I did).

Spacelords Universe / Re: Frustrating blueprint rewards
 on: September 26, 2017, 07:40:02 AM 
Personally, I think there should be a baseline reward in gold (scaling to mission score, of course), with the choices being in addition to that, rather than instead of gold. As it stands, picking anything but cash seems like a voluntary trade-off, and the payout is trifling if everyone plays it safe.

I was in a match that only had three Raiders in it from the start, for some reason. The enemy durability and population seemed to be the same as with a four-man team. I guess they're going to have to get 2- and 3- person balances in there, before they can work on the matchmaking side of things.

9/17/2017 - I just had another match where I was made the host, and it eventually got to the point where everyone was reading as disconnected but me, even though the Antagonist was still running around. I wasn't even allowed to "suggest surrender" - it was just an "exit game" prompt that said I would be punished if I did so. I picked it, anyway. This is becoming insufferable. I'm not going to be able to play your game online if it won't stop making me host.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Weapons require antagonist ranks to craft
 on: September 17, 2017, 05:22:36 AM 
I could see that value in making certain weapons, particular Dark Side-styled weapons, require Antagonist ranks, but I think those should be the exception and not the rule.

Another thought - perhaps reinforcements shouldn't appear until the enemy population drops below a certain level?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hanging by a thread super enemies
 on: September 17, 2017, 02:43:31 AM 
They were extremely vulnerable to being gunned down to a wounded state and then finished off with melee in the earlier versions of the beta, so maybe this was an attempt to make them less glass-cannon-ish? I've noticed that enemy health seems to vary, depending on whether you're playing solo, in a team, or in a team against an Antagonist. Maybe we're expected to focus-fire them, now.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Queue Wait Time Nightmare
 on: September 17, 2017, 02:37:31 AM 
Oddly enough, although I've been having twenty-minute or longer wait times throughout the closed beta, I've been having no trouble finding games, today. I deleted and reinstalled the game last night in preparation, thinking that might help. Maybe it did?

When I join a multplayer game, the server seems to keep making me the host. This is a terrible mistake, as my crappy DSL connection has an amazing upload speed of ONE mbps (the two matches I played where I wasn't the host went perfectly, by the way - I can keep up fine, as long as I'm not hosting). As a result, at least one person is disconnected from the game every time this happens. The game balancing responds very poorly to this player-dropping... which is to say, it doesn't respond at all. In my most recent match, we made it to the reactor core, before being completely swamped by an ever-increasing enemy population, because the reinforcement timer and output continued to assume a full four-man team. This black comedy of a match presents a series of problems:

1- If I can't tell the game to not make me the host, or volunteer to migrate host status, several people are getting screwed over, at once. I got a nice little message at the beginning telling me that the others are reliant on my connection and behavior, which, while I understand the intent, just seems like a Kafka-esque "remember, this is going to be YOUR fault," in context.

2- Disconnected players still count as being in-game, for purposes of enemy strength and numbers. If even one guy drops, be it due to connection issues or rage quitting, the game seems to have no way of compensating, and everybody has a bad time.

3- By a similar token, I suspect that an absentee Antagonist just creates an Easy Mode for the Raiders. If this is true, people will find a way to abuse it.

All in all, I think the matchmaking system suffers greatly from its inflexibility. Four or five players are locked in a room, and just about any adjustment or reorganization requires aborting the entire session.

I've made this suggestion on another thread, but I thought I'd put it here, too - perhaps if Antagonists prove finnicky to balance, have a special Antagonist Deck replace the Personal Deck (and perhaps also the Faction Deck, since many of those cards rely on allied players to function, anyway). Have a default card in case people don't bother to customize, like with the other decks, and specialize in subtle, difficulty-increasing effects (increase Raiders' stress with your presence, prolong respawn timers, set back special ability readiness when causing damage, buff the defense of nearby enemy troopers, increase the radius of your dying explosion if you have an Aleph charge, etc.). This would have the benefit of making it easier to balance out characters for the Antagonist role, especially as more characters are added to the game.

We don't yet know what kind of problems are going to arise, and it's a little late in development to be suggesting a change like this, so please just keep this in mind in case big dumb game-breaking strategies start to emerge as more players get into the game.

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