Mercurysteam's Hangout

BARRACKS => Gameplay Feedback => Topic started by: tooeasy on July 05, 2018, 01:21:38 AM

Title: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 05, 2018, 01:21:38 AM
i want to have the same behavior of the characters in the game.
when you developers thought "Oh! we can do a mix between pvp and pve" did you think, also, this was not a good idea in my opinion.
let's start with a progression mode where higher level means more strenght (bonus stats more all the advantages earned playing more time) and a difficulty mode where the strenght of the enemies is increased with the mmr and not with the level, so a low level has to have lower earnings until his level grow up. and this could be acceptable in a only pve focused game, but play with this mechanic when i (antagonist) have to play with players with a higher level, higher number (4v1) higher everything (they could use discord or teamspeak, do you know?) when the antagonist can talk only with himself, every 10 secs he dies (15 secs in respawn vs 10 secs alive; a great example of "playing" a game, more time doing nothing than the time spent playing for real). who plays from more time couldn't have any advantage vs enemies in game except for his experience, and it's not the case! i don't have fun playing antagonist, cause it's not balanced, it's impossible to balance with these mechanics studied only to let you play all the day a progress very low... i didn't see much of the shop but i know that it's possible progress faster spending real money. and this should be your more interesting project? a pay2win (or pay2not grind hard) ready to explode in a few months? really? i bought all the campaigns (it neither should be possible have a minimum satisfying experience without buying at least 1 campaign and i could continue telling about this but i don't want now, it's not the core of the topic). there A LOT of mechanics which melt the player, and this couldn't be a feature of a game (a good game at least). i'm really disappointed about the surprises (bad surprises) of this game. i trust you when i bought all the campaigns (the entire sum is equivalent the price of a normal game but with these pay2win features i would't find in this game. i want to say that i don't want to play a game which wants to squeeze the player and i hope this is not that type of game, but what i saw in these few days suggests it could be that type of game. what game did you imagine to realize? a game where at the end of a session the player feels better, fun, quiet, relaxed? or a game when who gives a fuck on what the player feels, the important thing is that the game let the player spend money (with "more it does better it is" formula)? i don't think the second project could be a long term project and i hope (again) it isn't; so, do something more equal in this game cause antagonist mode (and something else...) is only stressful, no fun, no enjoyable (except at high level when you can 1shot low levels...), no balance, no relaxing, only obligatory for the projects. with all this stress in a match how couldn't i pushed to close the game (always in antagonist mode), cause it does feel only very bad, and i wouldn't feel very bad when i play... and i played a lot of stressing game in multiplayer like cod, when i surely lost some matches, surely could be very angry for some series of matches lost without an only one victory, but i never thought "it's not fair"  (i played only until modern warfare 3, i don't know what changes were from black ops 2...)  cause it was only the experience of the player (and the internet connection...) which could do the difference, not the game itself; with this game, for the first time, i thought "it's the game which has something wrong!". antagonist mode is wrong, it's unsatisfying. i have something else to say, but i think this papyrus is sufficient.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: BeertheBrad on July 05, 2018, 02:50:11 AM
Wow, I can tell by the wall of text, you are really pissed.

Couple of things I want to address.
1. Antagonist is what makes this game different from all other games. It is not going anywhere. It is the whole premise behind why they made this game. I can say they are listening to the forums and are really trying to balance the game. They have added the level system and made MMR visible to name just a few changes.

2. What is your level? - A lot of people think your level gives a huge advantage to the player. It only adds a slight advantage. I think what you are facing is the actual time sunk into this game. You get blueprints for better guns, your forge level goes up allowing to increase your weapons, you get better cards, and most of all you get better at CQC.

I know this game can seem painfully frustrating at times, keep at it, it is a struggle and a grind at times but greatly rewarding as well.

Most importantly the Dev's frequent these forums and read opinions and suggestions and make changes.

I offer this to all who have issue with the game. Rather than complain about an issue, propose a solution instead.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Whitebleidd on July 05, 2018, 03:40:37 AM
Wow, I can tell by the wall of text, you are really pissed.

Couple of things I want to address.
1. Antagonist is what makes this game different from all other games. It is not going anywhere. It is the whole premise behind why they made this game. I can say they are listening to the forums and are really trying to balance the game. They have added the level system and made MMR visible to name just a few changes.

2. What is your level? - A lot of people think your level gives a huge advantage to the player. It only adds a slight advantage. I think what you are facing is the actual time sunk into this game. You get blueprints for better guns, your forge level goes up allowing to increase your weapons, you get better cards, and most of all you get better at CQC.

I know this game can seem painfully frustrating at times, keep at it, it is a struggle and a grind at times but greatly rewarding as well.

Most importantly the Dev's frequent these forums and read opinions and suggestions and make changes.

I offer this to all who have issue with the game. Rather than complain about an issue, propose a solution instead.

 The solution is quite simple and has been stated many times, it’s not like the devs have to do massive changes since the game already handles not finding an antag for matchmaking very well, a lot of the longest threads of this forum are on that subject, however some antags, the cowards that they are, will come up with one or another excuse, like u did on the 1st point of your response because of course it is to your benefit to continue having the option of griefing new players and pve players.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 05, 2018, 04:09:10 AM
ok, well,

i'm level 29, and played like antag now (match finished 30 secs ago) vs a team with an alicia lvl 144 which 1shotted me... very good to play a game like this, and i'm the coward? it's not competitive (it's pve) and it's not relaxing (that's antag). nothing in this game is balanced, so i'm not coward, but i should say what you are... i should, i don't have to and i don't want. i won't give you another satisfaction, what i paid will be all you'll have from me, nothing else. if you think one of other many topics saying "this is shit" is not important, well, i'll wait the moment that Paragon lived, cause they did the same error you are doing; don't understand. but they now have fortnite, will you live the same situation? surely you lost the trust of one of your players, cause you arent' demonstrating to know to do this job in this game. f2p mechanics in a b2p with a very huge grind component and and a really slow progression. all the opposite of fortnite (opposite also in numbers in what i see). have i to teach you how to let this game have a long life (like, i don't know, warframe?)? answer this question, genius (if i'm coward you are a genius for sure), what do you think warframe has that this game doesn't have and what this game has that warframe doesn't have? and another question: considering the first answer, what do you think is positive and what negative? and if you are going to think "positive: this game has an original gameplay like the antag mode..." well i see very defined another paragon ending cause it's the same start: the devs did something the player base considered a giant shit!
another one thing: where's written that the first levels have to be an inch in the ass with the nail broken?
only one thing is important: coherence; and you are not demonstrating to be coherent.
final thing: is very appreciated (sarcasm) the fact that is not possible to cut the final ending of a mission, like antag, when the opposite team wins the match, where, instead, is possible to cut the final ending of the missions when you fail like member of the team. like i said coherence...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Shadow on July 05, 2018, 04:31:59 AM
I am level 147 and I was rekt by level 1 Harec antagonist coz my 3 other random team mates were lvl 1-5 so it goes both way sometime you win sometime you lose. This is what I love about this game.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: XjabberwockieX on July 05, 2018, 05:23:33 AM
Mr. Tooeasy if this game has rubbed you the wrong way this bad and you are ONLY level 29, this game is just not for you. Go with your instinct on this one and play something that makes you happy. Im not a huge fan of antagonist system either but Beer the Brad is right, its not going anywhere.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Whitebleidd on July 05, 2018, 06:50:08 AM
Mr. Tooeasy if this game has rubbed you the wrong way this bad and you are ONLY level 29, this game is just not for you. Go with your instinct on this one and play something that makes you happy. Im not a huge fan of antagonist system either but Beer the Brad is right, its not going anywhere.

Some weeks ago I tried looking for an official past dev response, I even just right out asked on this forum, yet not response, the truth is anyone now saying ” its not going anywhere” is talking out of their ass, although small there is still a chance and it’s probably the only thing that will allow for some player retention and less toxicity.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Level9Drow on July 05, 2018, 07:53:39 AM
Just be patient. Arena mode will come out and the true PvPers will be drawn to it like a moth to a lamp. This will make getting invaded by an antagonist more rare.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: LordDraco3 on July 05, 2018, 10:10:11 AM
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 05, 2018, 11:04:51 AM
Jabberwookie antag mode is not for me not the game, also i'm just helping the devs with this feedback, cause if i prefer to be rude after some matches, the cause is the game.
Also, if a level 1 melts a level 149 it could be maybe because there's the AI that at high mmr (i suppose for a 149 level) is very strong? Sometimes i lose with no antag, but i don't go in rage mode, cause win and lose is part of the game, the fact that in antag mode you have to be dead most of the time in the match, with no hope to play vs a skilled team who can manage the AI and control the respawn points like some episodes do (like the first after the tutorial).
I said, played lots of cod, never gone in rage mode, 3 days on this game and i went, do you think i'm the one? Hope this, cause if i'm not the only one who says this game will die earlier than the devs concept (and game is relatively new!), so, the only thing i say is that paragon started the same. The game never started a solid base and everyone who played that game until the end like me could say you the reason is "devs didn't listen the community" i would prefer don't see this story again. I liked that game (a tps battle arena, so i know what win and lose means, again) and it closed, i like this game i wouldn't see it close. Also, if a "little" problem like this let you say this game is not for me (and i played lots of different games never writing on a forum, this is my first topic in my life), i think how many newer players wouldn't play this game? How do you think create a game, potentially playable with pleasure by everyone without big problems, which does something to decrease the player base instead to grow it up, could be a winning formula? Now i'm quiet, and i think you can see it in this post, and quietly i say to you that is not me who talks out of his ass. Game start to die (sometimes very fast, sometimes very slow) when a group of players says it's dying, i wouldn't undervaluate this (also i don't, cause this, practically, is "the f2p game i buy", and i say f2p cause all the mechanics are typical of the f2p games, like warframe). A game starts to die when devs and player base don't coop, when the players see devs like enemies, like what i'm seeing now and like a group of other players. My role is to talk (and if someone thinks i'm toxic, so i'm toxic specularly the game). You want solutions? Here: less toxicity from the game like level progression which discriminates newbies, more balance in antag mode like CD of respawn for the antag (even if this mechanic will always be unbalanced). This to start to evaluate the first changes and then to continue to make this game better. if this continue to be seen like toxic, well, i would want a refund, cause consider this post toxic should be too ridicolous. P.S. every game creates its own community, more toxic the community is, more responsible the devs are.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: BeertheBrad on July 05, 2018, 07:29:10 PM
I thought you were all over the map because you were pissed. I was wrong.

I think first and foremost...

Think about what you want to say and put it in a coherent statement.

[P.S. every game creates its own community, more toxic the community is, more responsible the devs are.P.S. every game creates its own community, more toxic the community is, more responsible the devs are.]
---This is the dumbest statement I have heard on these forums
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: LordDraco3 on July 06, 2018, 01:39:41 AM
I've only read like 2 sentences from this guy, and it's all just trashy insults against other forum posters for no reason. I foresee this in your future, pal.

EDIT: Ok so I read everything and....
only one thing is important: coherence; and you are not demonstrating to be coherent.

None of your posts make any sense other than you seem to think you are some game savior and that Brad is some dumb fucker who can't understand you, just because he has a different opinion and made a very polite response to your original wall of incoherent text. I don't even know where to legitimately start with your complaints because they are a mess of different ideas and opinions all mashed together.
Antag mode sucks? You think this is pay 2 win? Fortnight? Warframe? What is the point you are even trying to get across?
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Level9Drow on July 06, 2018, 01:47:25 AM
obvious, cause you are the dumbest person in this forum, if you don't understand it's for the same reason: you are the dumbest person in this forum.

I thought rated M for Mature meant that only people of the age of 17+ can purchase the game? Did I miss something? Did someones mommy not check the ESRB rating on the game?
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 06, 2018, 03:11:23 AM
And you aren't toxic i suppose. Where's supposed to be the constructiveness in your post? Leave out the first 2-3 posts i wrote cause cause the game killed my reason, in the last posts i did a criticism and i purposed the start of a possible solution, also i'm being patient cause i'm also repeating to you that a game with a big part of toxicity will create a toxic community, and you are feeding the flame with these posts  which aren't constructive. I'm not the only one who feels there's something wrong, so i think there's a problem. (Maybe the first is that this game is in the f2p category when it isn't. It has a free demo but it isn't a free game...) returning to the main problem, the antag mode that a relevant group of players doesn't like, limit this mode to only some episodes (it's easier create a balanced environment choosing the levels more suitable for the case) should be another idea to solve the problem. Lots of things are very good, some are good and others are very bad. I told about some example to have a recent reference to compare with. So would we talk about this antag mode or would we continue to think how to offend someone else? I hope for the first, cause a constructive community can improve the game...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 06, 2018, 03:29:32 AM
Lorddraco  i can't answer to you cause if all this words i said didn't let you understand, neither 3 times the number of all these words will do. So you can purpose, simply, a different approach to the antag mode to solve the problem i and other players feel or you can continue to attack me for what i felt after i played the game (first time in my life a game was so negative on me...). Talk about the rest is useless for too much reasons.
Also i attacked other members only in responce to the other members, the first one was an error cause i read wrong and i thought he talked to me, the second i replied with the same feeling.
I would this game fun to play in all aspects and i use other games to reference to see what mechanics players like in that game and what not, i don't think it could be a wrong thing...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Kiss Shot on July 06, 2018, 11:02:22 AM
Hello Tooeasy,

I think people understand how you feel, that' s not the problem here.
You have to understand that this particular topic has been discussed a hundred times already here and sometimes with a bit more of structure than your own arguments. So keep in mind that people are probably a bit fed up of exposing their aguments again and again and again.

I encourage you to read one of those and see what people had come with. As someone mentionned devs read and follow the forums, so the only thing we ca hope for is waiting and see if all the discussion had a repercussion that will satisfy the most of us.

Remember that changing videogame mechanics take time and energy...specifically the big changes that are asked by the community. Apparently there's a rumor about an Arena mode, maybe it will be the start of a good path for the game.

P.S. : In the futur try to avoid the : "the game is no fun except when I one shot low levels" stuff, it discredits the idea of being exchanging viewpoints with a good player/person if that's your way of having fun...

Best regards,
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 06, 2018, 02:20:08 PM
Thanks for the reply, so i'll go to see what changes are purposed in other topics. About 1shot story, maybe i wrote wrong but what i would say was that the antag 1shotted me, not that i 1shotted people like antag. I know isn't fun play with 1shot-kill (snipers are exceptions obviously...). Thanks again for the suggestion and for the comprehension.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: XjabberwockieX on July 07, 2018, 06:02:02 PM
Mr. Tooeasy if this game has rubbed you the wrong way this bad and you are ONLY level 29, this game is just not for you. Go with your instinct on this one and play something that makes you happy. Im not a huge fan of antagonist system either but Beer the Brad is right, its not going anywhere.

Some weeks ago I tried looking for an official past dev response, I even just right out asked on this forum, yet not response, the truth is anyone now saying ” its not going anywhere” is talking out of their ass, although small there is still a chance and it’s probably the only thing that will allow for some player retention and less toxicity.

Whitebleidd, Mercurysteam has said from the very beginning that this game was a 4v1 third person shooter. The antagonist mechanic a featured part of the story and representing Uras Beherit's physical presence on the battlefield to hinder the raiders. If 100% of the playerbase complains about the Rng in the game and they haven't changed that, they arent going to discard one of the key features they built into this game in the Antagonist system.
   The upcoming Arena mode SHOULD draw alot of the dedicated pvp'ers in on a regular basis so they can get alot of their jollies there and leave the campaigns to the pve crowd (including myself) but they are not likely to exclude the option to antag in the campaign because they are in love with the feature.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Whitebleidd on July 08, 2018, 08:42:53 AM
XjabberwockieX it doesn’t really alter what I was saying, I can get your reasoning but it’s just an educated guess, nothing official, that said I know you have a higher chance of being right in your assumption, but bigger changes than what is being asked here have happened in other games when the community pushes enough for it, so any pve player requesting a mode without antagonist invasions may help.

Anyways I don’t think most pve players are asking for a removal of the antagonist but simply an additional mode without it, so it’s not like their vision has to be discarded.

Assuming you’re correct on the devs line of thought and stance on the game, maybe they should have gone all in since release and not allowed matches to start without an antagonist, that way the gameplay type/genre would have been clearer/consistent and they would only attract the type of player they apparently want.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: XjabberwockieX on July 08, 2018, 10:08:18 AM
Arena mode should draw alot of players that prefer playing as the antagonist  thats for sure. It should mean less of a pvp presence in the main game. I look forward to this...Buuuuuuttttt dont be surprised if some new blueprints require you to play Arena to unlock them...Won't that be fun?
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: gearedbeast on July 08, 2018, 04:14:48 PM
Arena mode should draw alot of players that prefer playing as the antagonist  thats for sure. It should mean less of a pvp presence in the main game. I look forward to this...Buuuuuuttttt dont be surprised if some new blueprints require you to play Arena to unlock them...Won't that be fun?
I have a weird feeling this is their way of "fixing" antagonist mode which means they will change very little to nothing at all of the actual mode.

Sorry for my lack of faith mercurysteam but I get the feeling you dance around the problems.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Level9Drow on July 09, 2018, 04:23:04 AM
Arena mode should draw alot of players that prefer playing as the antagonist  thats for sure. It should mean less of a pvp presence in the main game. I look forward to this...Buuuuuuttttt dont be surprised if some new blueprints require you to play Arena to unlock them...Won't that be fun?

Then the problem will persist and there will be a large contingent of PvEers going into Arena mode AFKing with TH maxed out on their weapons. This is what they do for antagonists mode at the moment, I hope you and MSE are proud.

Force people to do things and they will come up with the most inventive ways to do what they are being forced to do with the least amount of unpleasant experience as possible.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 11, 2018, 11:40:19 AM
Surely it's hard to understand. There are too many bad things in this game, and trying to explain all of them, the result is a tangle where understand something is nearly impossible (like trying to explain them). this is amplified if you try to be more wider as possible (doing example with other games like i did...). So don't tell me it's hard, i know it, cause i feel the same difficulty writing about these problems.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: dowell_jason on July 12, 2018, 06:14:32 PM
Antag mode if a rough go with very little chance to win. Ive maybe had 30 to 40 matches and only won maybe 10. Its hinges on levels more so for the AI to help you and the map honestly. Depends on weapons and characters who have been picked by the raiders and you. It also depends on the teamwork of the raiders and your play style. I have learned any raiders who stayed group and dont go rambo on everything and ignore objectives are the hardest to kill regardless of level. Raiders who are one man armies regardless of level are easier to pick apart. If you get doldren and can become a sneaky grapple antag. You will enjoy antag more if thats your thing he has in my opinion the best chance for stealth kills. The other thing ive noticed on both side for raiders and antags is so many people do not change there playstyle depending on who they are playing and playing against. Ive seen sniper run at me when Im alicia trying to grapple me or strike it rarely end well for them. Just some food for thought. At the end of the day if this doesnt appeal to you and upsets you so much, its a game and not worth the anger and rage, just move on and find something more your play style. I hate most pvp style games this is one of the few I feel like its not super unbalanced. I feel it requires more strategy then run and gun bullet sponge.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 12, 2018, 09:07:55 PM
if you read all the replies you could know this argument was closed...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: dowell_jason on July 12, 2018, 09:27:45 PM
I understand. I just wanted to offer some extra points of view is all. Wasnt trying to upset anyone
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Whitebleidd on July 12, 2018, 10:07:23 PM
if you read all the replies you could know this argument was closed...

“Closed” not really… since this topic was created nothing has changed, last time I checked it still sucks on either side, pvp in this game in general does.

Arena could bring some changes but as some have speculated not necessarily for the better, mainly more things locked behind pvp.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: LordDraco3 on July 12, 2018, 10:41:29 PM
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: tooeasy on July 13, 2018, 01:32:03 AM
there are a lot of topics with the same subject, i think devs can understand what is playable and what is not (it's not their first game...), so if it's their objective create a great game at 360° they will do some changes, if not they will do something else, in any case they are the only ones who can do something to change the game and they will do it with their taste. paragon teached to epic games (in bad), warframe teached to digital extremes (in good); we'll see what mercurysteam devs want to learn...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: XjabberwockieX on July 13, 2018, 02:14:02 AM
Arena mode should draw alot of players that prefer playing as the antagonist  thats for sure. It should mean less of a pvp presence in the main game. I look forward to this...Buuuuuuttttt dont be surprised if some new blueprints require you to play Arena to unlock them...Won't that be fun?

Then the problem will persist and there will be a large contingent of PvEers going into Arena mode AFKing with TH maxed out on their weapons. This is what they do for antagonists mode at the moment, I hope you and MSE are proud.

Force people to do things and they will come up with the most inventive ways to do what they are being forced to do with the least amount of unpleasant experience as possible.

Drow I hope you realize I was being sarcastic. It would not be fun to have blueprints locked behind Arena Mode. It would be terrible for those of us who prefer pure pve.  ;)
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: Level9Drow on July 13, 2018, 07:26:59 PM
It's difficult to tell sarcasm sometimes. I'm sorry.

I usually put a /S at the end of a statement that was intended to be sarcastic. Mere typed text can betray emotional intention. 
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: XjabberwockieX on July 13, 2018, 08:20:08 PM
It's all good Drow, I can see how that could have been misleading.  ;D
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: TheBrentWoody on July 13, 2018, 09:40:13 PM
I think they should rotate all the guns locations weekly.  That way no one has to force antag except to build.  (And even then they could make build requirements rotate on the affinities if you really wanted to let people -choose- how to play the game.)  So, even if they do put some gun  drops in Arena then you could just wait for the next rotation if it is horrible to do it.
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: LordDraco3 on July 13, 2018, 10:48:25 PM
Agreed, that would also help reduce map fatigue.... like Ingrid+VK-9 coming out back to back on Enemy Within and we played it so much that the mission is just no longer fun. Then Wisdom...
Title: Re: antagonist mode sucks!
Post by: MSE_Hellath on July 31, 2018, 05:55:04 PM
Dear all,

Friendly reminder here to keep the discussion civil and not insulting fellow players. I have contacted the offenders directly to remind them that, if this conduct persists, a temporal ban will be enacted.

The devs appreciate criticism, as it is precisely that what inspires us to keep improving the game, and arguments can be heated, there is nothing wrong with that. But please remind to be nice to each other.

Thanks for your support.