Mercurysteam's Hangout

BARRACKS => Bug report & Technical Support => Topic started by: LordDraco3 on June 17, 2018, 04:38:43 AM

Title: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: LordDraco3 on June 17, 2018, 04:38:43 AM
So I never play Alicia and haven't even picked up R&R since the Hades update happened, mine is at lv 0. But because it's like the #1 topic EVERYWHERE now in this game's community, I decided to investigate and found the problem in about 1 minute of solo play.... the gun will sometimes score multiple hits with a single shot. Has nothing to due with lag either since this was on solo. Also has nothing to do with bouncing on terrain, as this was a head-on shot while I was wounded, I just pointed it at the bad guy, shot him, and it hit 3 times.

So everyone kindly stop going on about the R&R needing an unnecessary nerf when it's clearly duping damage and no nerf will ever make that an ok thing for a gun to randomly double or triple its damage.


Mercury Steam, please check into what could be causing this. The gun is completely balanced in my personal opinion from hundreds of hours in this game, if it works as presented. But if it randomly triples damage, that's likely what is causing all of the complaints about 1-shotting tank characters such as Lycus, Schneider, and 5th council.

If the multi-shot is intended, I would rather see it removed and have a reliable 90 damage shot, every shot, than 40 damage that might hit 80 or 120 randomly. It's annoying to accidentally kill elites that you shoot at when this triggers.
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: TheBrentWoody on June 17, 2018, 07:32:57 AM
Well..fix the bug then?  heh. 
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: MSE_Meta on June 18, 2018, 01:21:22 PM
Hey there!

It is indeed a bug, thank you for pointing it out! We're working on fixing it so you can have it in an upcoming update.

Rock&Rock \m/
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: Skyline on June 18, 2018, 03:24:32 PM
Only one person on this forum think R&R ballanced so mb He must STFU?

Ok not sure about other players but i rdy stop talking about dat shit designed broken gun ...before fix that  multiple dmg. And see whot happend,But absolutly sure dat change nothink,-this not fix situation when even monkey can kill easy everythink and everyone with "style" of dat stupid max damage, mid range+ ,and no aim req gun.Like high reward and no risk gameplay.

ADD: Ideal solution -Ban this bullshit R&R for picking as antagonist!
Dat end all salt with dat stupid gun ,unskilled newbs always can take this nonsense gun for pve and be happy. 100% Tolchok,Shileudor or lichtbogen   never will cause so much negative As dat broken designed R&R.
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: Shadow on June 18, 2018, 04:07:27 PM
Jump Jump and shoot ez kill this gun is broken.... decrease damage or amount of bullet it shoots.
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: LordDraco3 on June 18, 2018, 09:39:09 PM
Thank you MSE_Meta for the bug confirmation!

Good to see players that still can't even change their opinion even after knowing why it's dealing so much damage... Never change, guys, never change  ::)
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: Skyline on June 19, 2018, 01:04:21 AM
Not Sure about others but I change my mind Only when Ppls stop picking one broken gun more often than all other guns in a game.When than 70%+ of all antagonist Will be not Alicia with Broken R&R. When in the strongest weapon with the biggest radius of defeat and disgustingly huge distance of defeat without the slightest hint on a skill and aimings when using.When the character with such force and six shots!! SIX CARL and Alicia's ability has though some weakness ; And won't be able to kill half of team not using CQC and to depart to be reload and aproach again.
Here Then I will change the opinion and I will be dimensionlessly Happy.
Title: Re: Everyone shutup about nerfing R&R, it's a bug
Post by: Level9Drow on June 19, 2018, 01:23:15 AM
Oh, I hope the next update is soon. I see Alicia R&R antagonist all the time. they're the most abundant antagonists now. Much like the old Hans days.