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Topics - DevilBlackDeath

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Suggestions / Make skins unlockable with game money
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:05:43 PM 
I think the skins should be unlockable with game's money, ala  R6 Siege though. That is make it not so pricey for people who buy it as a DLC (something like 0.5$/€ a skin should be fine considering they're mostly reskins, maybe 1 for the more "advanced" ones like the prussian skin of Lycus), but extremely pricey for people who buy it with gold, something like 20k gold would be fine IMHO ;) maybe 10k is even enough considering most people will want to use that money primarily for weapons, locking cards, and loadouts (and later on, recruiting)

Gameplay Feedback / Now how about fixing Konstantin for PvP
 on: July 30, 2017, 06:09:38 PM 
Seriously I've only been mad at noobs up until now, never against the game. But I'm just out of a game vs AnimaProjetStudio playing Konstantin. Btw Anima, great job over exploiting to win, be proud dude you completely earn your champion title...

Seriously, being able to activate the shield last second before being down, and killing every single character in 1s-2s tops, and the fire rate completely prevents you from moving... How is that fun ? To be fair, my mates were pretty stupid, never shooting him in the shield to prevent his regeneration, and never dodgin standard melee, and the host made us have 300 ping, but still. The fact he has so much survivability WITH so much DPS is too much for PvP

Loading screen tips and "League of Antagonists" texts are not translated properly. (although for loading screen it could just be there's no translation since I don't remember having those tips 2 weeks ago, but that may just be me)

Suggestions / Make tutorial mandatory ESPECIALLY for beta
 on: July 16, 2017, 03:42:30 PM 
You need to make the tutorial mandatory for every future beta testers invited ! The amount of people who don't understand the basics is almost scary. Before even starting matchmaking, first thing I did was search how to switch to solo, then did so, then did the tutorials and ALL the missions before even considering matchmaking. Then when all that was done I started matchmaking.

Because unlike some of my gamer colleagues, I'm decent enough to know when I'm noob at a game, and when I start a game I never ever played, I know I'm a noob at it. And even my first few games I got a bit carried, because I needed a grasp of the melee triangle and suspicion system. But at least I was not an uncarriable burden for my team.

I'm not trying to be mean to people who start the game, but to be nice to those who know the game. I never player Rocket League's competitive, never even considered it, before my first 300 hours of gameplay ;) So you see it's not a one way street, I apply this philosophy to me too !

Spacelords Universe / The future of the game
 on: July 16, 2017, 03:35:23 AM 
Hi everyone,

So I've noticd a currency we can't get yet, the Mercury points. My question is, is that a premium currency ONLY buyable with real money ?

If so, what will be exclusively limited to Mercury points ? Skins, or maybe additional characters ?

Also the mission screen states 2017 season. So far we can assume this means there will be a new season of story every years as long as the game is active. However will these be paid ? (considering the ticket currency my guess would be that, unless missions need to be unlocked later, which would make sense considering it's a story with an order ; a beginning and an end)

Gameplay Feedback / Host choice
 on: July 16, 2017, 02:04:25 AM 
The game probably has no check yet but I'll still say it. The host choice is kinda bad right now. I've only been hosts after hosts migrations, but never did any peopel leave or vote for a surrender under my hosting.

Yet, it happens that the chosen host in my games have a tarribly laggy connection (or a bad CPU in some cases I guess, since the CPU is a determining factor for player-as-server multiplayer) which makes the game unplayable ! So why is this guy chosen if my connection and CPU is apparently at least somehwat better ? There should be a ping between all hosts, picking the one with the lowest total ping but also a packet test, to see if any of them can't handle the packets processed. And if a host gets laggy midgame there should be a host migration too ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Blueprint reward
 on: July 15, 2017, 10:35:50 PM 

So after playing about 6 or 7 hours, there's something about the blueprint reward not quite right. I get that you split money and points, but the blueprint?

I have no problem splitting coins and points and farming them cause the game is really fun. But having a random pick of the blueprint really is a bad mechanic IMHO, cause it already has a 1/2 chance to drop at end of match, so having a 1/4 roulette decide if I get it is just frustrating. Especially if, as it seems in the help menus, you plan to add a lot more later ! Most players won't know exactly what weapon they want and will just rush on the blueprint if there is one ;) Make it maybe 1/3 or 1/4 drop, but drops for everyone PLUS pick fac./char./gold !

Gameplay Feedback / Matchmaking
 on: July 15, 2017, 04:59:37 PM 
Is it normal matchmaking takes really long ? Like 5-10 minutes to find a match each time pretty much =/

Might be the time to increase beta players just a little bit

Bug report & Technical Support / Hans blocked in the air
 on: July 15, 2017, 02:37:28 PM 
Found in "Hanging by a thread", in the last room. After using the jetpack, I ended up over a crate near a wall (first floor, on the same side you come in at ground floor of this room) and when the jetpack went out, I droped on a seemingly very small invisible wall that left Hans hanging in the air, consdired airborne, making it impossible to move, reload, or shoot

Found in "Hanging by a thread". Done by sliding to it and immediately pressing F as far as I know. This was executed on the outside, when trying to destroy the barricade

Spacelords Universe / Weapon side switch with KB/M
 on: July 15, 2017, 02:33:33 PM 
Hi everyone,
I've read in the loading screen tips that you can use R3 on a gaempad to manually switch shoulder, however I've tried every possible combination on KB/M (all keys I could think of on mouse and keyboard, both while aiming and not) and have not been able to find it =/
Thanks in advance

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