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Messages - DevilBlackDeath

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Most of what I've read seems to reflect my match ups with PUGs. You don't take the time to learn the game then complain =/

If you knew about the game, you'd knew grapple can be countered with a melee punch, so fleeing against elites is like the WORST option. Shoot at them, if they try to grapple, melee them, a harder option is if they dodge, and you're not in melee (I insist on NOT IN MELEE) you have a very small window where if you press E, you're almost guaranteed a successful grapple ;)

As for your death to the antagonist Drozas, know that before respawning you'll see the "veins" of the player respawning, during which he can't do anything but move, so if you see him, best course of action is to wait (he'll probably chase you don' flee), and melee him just as he respawns. Best case scenario he's trying to grapple and you jsut parried, worst case scenario, he dodges, keep meleeing in case he grapples again, if he punches, then go for a dodge. The melee system is very much a mind game !

Also Shae shouldn't be a problem. She has very low health and can only bewitch one player, meaning your teammates should be able to down her before she can grapple you. Plus you should always be able to keep track of things like that at all time.

I don't understand why people want a non-challenge. I mean I really don't like getting anything easy in ANY aspect of my life. If I want to relax to something easy I'll just go to some fun and basic solo game.

Although I agree there should be a difficulty selection (although personnally it would be to increase it ahah), but only when proper chat and voice have been added, cause in creasing the difficulty will just make PUGs harder

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Host choice
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:07:14 PM 
Good to know you're working on a new protocol ;) Any chance we see it in action in the next beta?

Also does that protocol includes testing all hosts to see which one is the best?

Suggestions / Make skins unlockable with game money
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:05:43 PM 
I think the skins should be unlockable with game's money, ala  R6 Siege though. That is make it not so pricey for people who buy it as a DLC (something like 0.5$/€ a skin should be fine considering they're mostly reskins, maybe 1 for the more "advanced" ones like the prussian skin of Lycus), but extremely pricey for people who buy it with gold, something like 20k gold would be fine IMHO ;) maybe 10k is even enough considering most people will want to use that money primarily for weapons, locking cards, and loadouts (and later on, recruiting)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Unlock everything for beta
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:03:14 PM 
I like it that not everything is unlocked. It's thanks to that that multiple players have already voiced their opinion about the blueprint drop. Most players don't like that you're fighting for it, and if you don't get it, you don't get anything.

Thanks to that kind of feedback we'll get a better experience at release ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Now how about fixing Konstantin for PvP
 on: July 30, 2017, 07:01:42 PM 
Oh we had, except he almost never used his body projection skill, and only once to try to take down Konstantin. And on multiple occasions he could have finished him with an uncharged headshot after one of my downs, but never did.

Actually most of Harec's death were at the hand of Konstantin's MELEE. Tells you a lot about the skill of the Harec =/

But yeah PUGs are just awful. That's why I'm trying to convince 2 of my friends to join the beta too, cause I don't want PUGs xD How many times do I lose a mission because half of the team don't understand the melee triangle, aleph "steal" and objectives...

I maintain missions should be at least played once in solo before being attempted in MP at the very least. This way people will at least know what to do. It's not liek it's a big deal, it's a game about replaying the same missions over and over anyway, so one little time forced in solo is not the much a big deal. Or have a more extensive tutorial that explains all types of objectives and the melee triangle. Either way I'd be fine.

Back on topic, if I factor out my rage, factor in my PUGs and the ping, I think Konstantin has a BIT too much survivability. I think the best way to fix this without breaking the game is as follow :
If Konstantin deploys his shield right before being downed, the shield shoud have its size reduced by 50% when Konstantin is downed (and back to 100% if he heals before the shield disappears.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My feedback
 on: July 30, 2017, 06:15:17 PM 
Isn't the pilot named Cortez?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loot system
 on: July 30, 2017, 06:12:43 PM 
Yeah it just sucks. Just out of a game with the best antagonist, only one who killed or downed him was me, nobody ever took the time to finish him off, not even giving chip damage to prevent regeneration. We lost the mission and YET, we had Spinning Coins for Lycus, guess who picked it, the guy who was literally useless, both vs antagonist and AIs (at least the others did good against the AI).

Gosh I swear to god... Actually everyone picked it, but only the worst player got it.

Gameplay Feedback / Now how about fixing Konstantin for PvP
 on: July 30, 2017, 06:09:38 PM 
Seriously I've only been mad at noobs up until now, never against the game. But I'm just out of a game vs AnimaProjetStudio playing Konstantin. Btw Anima, great job over exploiting to win, be proud dude you completely earn your champion title...

Seriously, being able to activate the shield last second before being down, and killing every single character in 1s-2s tops, and the fire rate completely prevents you from moving... How is that fun ? To be fair, my mates were pretty stupid, never shooting him in the shield to prevent his regeneration, and never dodgin standard melee, and the host made us have 300 ping, but still. The fact he has so much survivability WITH so much DPS is too much for PvP

Slowmo while striking is 99% due to lag, next time check your ping, if it's over 200 or 300, then it makes sense

Loading screen tips and "League of Antagonists" texts are not translated properly. (although for loading screen it could just be there's no translation since I don't remember having those tips 2 weeks ago, but that may just be me)

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Not receiving rewards (PC)
 on: July 30, 2017, 05:38:57 PM 
george_sears : It's not the same issue, you should create a topic so they know that Stigmas are not awarded properly to you (first check you indeed don't have your 9 stigmas in the "League of Antagonists" menu ;) )

Same here guys, not receiving the 500 gold rewards on solo mission completion, twice in a row.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagonist
 on: July 16, 2017, 04:26:31 PM 
By gameplay so bland do you speak only of the Antagonist ?

Plus the antagonist DOES have acurrency, the stigmas, afaik they don't unlock anything yet, but I guess they will later on ;)

But yeah the standard gameplay isn't bland at all however. It's one of the most cynamic coop shooter in years. If succeeded in bringing me what KF2 failed to do, tension and fun in a cooperative environment ! It's probably one of the best coop shooter in a very very long time !

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Host choice
 on: July 16, 2017, 03:47:19 PM 
Yeah maybe even a vote next to surrender, "Migrate host" that kicks noone, but just switches the host ! That would be amazing ;)

Although do they plan to stay on a player-as-server model ? Maybe they use it only because they don't get any money out of the beta, and will switch to a classic dedicated server model at release ? Didn't see any information about this

I sincerely think solo should stay the way it is, with a couple of recommended characters for each mission. For example "In Shock" is almost impossible in solo with Lychus or Konstantin ;) However once you get the hang of it, it's a walk in the park with Harec !

Hans is not that bad for this mission actually ! I did it on my second try of that mission with him. So, not a bad compromise IMO.

Suggestions / Make tutorial mandatory ESPECIALLY for beta
 on: July 16, 2017, 03:42:30 PM 
You need to make the tutorial mandatory for every future beta testers invited ! The amount of people who don't understand the basics is almost scary. Before even starting matchmaking, first thing I did was search how to switch to solo, then did so, then did the tutorials and ALL the missions before even considering matchmaking. Then when all that was done I started matchmaking.

Because unlike some of my gamer colleagues, I'm decent enough to know when I'm noob at a game, and when I start a game I never ever played, I know I'm a noob at it. And even my first few games I got a bit carried, because I needed a grasp of the melee triangle and suspicion system. But at least I was not an uncarriable burden for my team.

I'm not trying to be mean to people who start the game, but to be nice to those who know the game. I never player Rocket League's competitive, never even considered it, before my first 300 hours of gameplay ;) So you see it's not a one way street, I apply this philosophy to me too !

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