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Messages - Lancer

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Suggestions / Re: Gold rewards on Solo missions
 on: October 16, 2018, 07:40:25 PM 
Maybe reduce the gold rewards on solo missions
And implement a Weekly refresh so to alleviate the grind for gold
its 1500 gold per difficulty and you get the gold rewards form lower difficulties as well when you beat them, i do agree a weekly refresh would help but i think maybe add a weekly challenge modifier for both team and solo missions worth, 2x gold? So like if you get victory you get the 2x but if you lose you Don't get any

Suggestions / Re: Better Prompts.
 on: October 16, 2018, 07:35:24 PM 
Maybe a bright red bar right under the stress meter
i agree a little  but at the same time i hate being pestered by players telling me to deposit my aleph while im trying to make it safe enough to do so

Suggestions / Re: Forge needs a rework
 on: October 16, 2018, 07:23:47 PM 

Your idea is interesting but it would force players to build a weapon 30 times to get it to max level which would cost a lot!

An idea I had for the forge would be to allow us to build at any level below or equal to our current one.
For example, I'm currently at forge level 5, so I would be able to build my weapons at a forge level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

This would allow me to test new weapons by building them at lvl 1 or 2 for instance, and if I like them (and get a new blueprint) I could build them at lvl 5.

I clearly agree with OP when saying that the current system hurts the player.
I've simply stopped building weapong because it costs too much for a weapon I don't even know (17k gold for a normal, 66K for a rare).

It's really a shame and I would love a system that encourages players to test weapons and to be happy when they get a blueprint or when their forge level increases; currently, I'm not happy when my forge level increases and I don't build weapon since forge lvl 3 so ...

I'm aware that I am proposing a serious grind, but the gold cost would be severely reduced as a result. Also, the blueprint drop chances would also be changed so that they occur more frequently or could even be guaranteed on a victory. The goal is to give Mecurysteam a grindy progression path that also rewards the player every time they play, unlike now where you just get frustrated as you make no real progress for days/weeks.
I agree with both of your ideas, and tbh i was thinking of a hybrid system of the two, say each upgrade doesn't necessarily need to be linear. You can't go past Your current forge level but say you wanted to test a weapon at lvl 3 it would cost 3 blueprints and the acuminative gold of the three upgrades but you cant downgrade and it would cost... 50000 gold at max to respect a gun you feel you made a mistake on how you built it, like building mikahs gun for anything other then crit

Anybody else not getting the Hades betrayal campaign completed even though it gives you the troughey? Idk if its level locked or what? But i beat the last mission twice and haven't been able to get the cutscenes for completed it. Any fixes?

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