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Messages - Lancer

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Spacelords’ Advice / FOR NEW PLAYERS
 on: May 05, 2019, 06:38:11 AM 
 -Wait every 3-5 forge levels to forge an upgrade or new gun
 -Invest points into bounty hunter, even if you dont max it you'll lessen the grind, im making 4-5k gold on my own 29% bounty hunter bonuses
-Play with friends, that will help with teamwork and if they run bounty hunter too the less the grind
-If you are having trouble sticking with this game then it is simply not your cup of tea
-Research on the forums for advice, ask a vet, im sure they would be more then glad to help out. I played my first 20-40 hours trying to figure out this games complexities, trust me its just better to ask around or search the forums for answers.
-You CAN get the 180K gold for a character in 1 day i have done it before(With great determination and Patience i frankly dont have for this game anymore)

This is most if not all the advice i have gotten or gained through experience playing over a few Months if any vets would like to add to this i thank you and hope i can learn from them too.

Suggestions / Re: Renting Raiders
 on: May 05, 2019, 06:34:36 AM 
I like the rent idea but lets not remove perma perchases, how about a per mach rental for say 3-4k?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Remove the grind and add fun.
 on: May 05, 2019, 06:32:17 AM 
 -Wait every 3-5 forge levels to forge an upgrade or new gun
 -Invest points into bounty hunter, even if you dont max it you'll lessen the grind, im making 4-5k gold on my own 29% bounty hunter bonuses
-Play with friends, that will help with teamwork and if they run bounty hunter too the less the grind
-If you are having trouble sticking with this game then it is simply not your cup of tea
-Research on the forums for advice, ask a vet, im sure they would be more then glad to help out. I played my first 20-40 hours trying to figure out this games complexities, trust me its just better to ask around or search the forums for answers.
-You CAN get the 180K gold for a character in 1 day i have done it before(With great determination and Patience i frankly dont have for this game anymore)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sa-dhu is too op
 on: May 05, 2019, 06:07:36 AM 
Group up, her sha du will devide lockon between group after initial burst rush her, she will have to aim somewhat with sha-du or fully depressurize her gun before she can auto aim again

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Lycus buff plz?
 on: April 19, 2019, 06:00:26 PM 
Lycus Dions shields can be bypassed by a great number of means:
Harec -
Use his gun Easter Egg to shoot mines at your feet and say goodbye.
Iune -
The Vortex: has a Vortex shot that pulls you into a direction slamming you.
Sigh - Has a Push effect that can slam you if you hit a object.
O.Tolchok E10 can push you into oblivion.

Those are all special ways to bypass Lycus's shields but Ginebra and HIVE can bypass his shields completly with all there weapons.
HIVE can do it cause she isnt shooting bullets instead she's firing Pheromones which is a gas.

Ginebra's reasoning is a bit tough to pinpoint but I believe it has a puncture effect since all her weapons are Crossbows.
i thought it was only genibras javelin that had the puncture effect

Discord is censorship, and i like that idea about optional antag, which we have been posting about for months. It is a new take on it.

Spacelords Universe / Re: How do you Prefer your Antag Matches?
 on: April 19, 2019, 05:43:23 PM 
I'm kind of glad the choices are all over the place instead of the obvious reply, no offense.
yea, it gives a good clear veiw of what we like and dislike about the system

Keran your community just collapsed on its self and is beyond devided, something big has to happen and happen soon. Otherwise things will get real  bad real quik. At least we have the forums here but who'd hold their ground here? When the rest of the community bows out? Maybe some very passionate souls but other then that it'll just spiral out. I hope that doesn't happen but it looks like just a matter of time...

Suggestions / Re: Reward Safe-Guard Tokens
 on: April 14, 2019, 06:48:49 AM 
Great idea

As we have explained before, separating both modes would result in higher waiting times, impacting negatively on the experience.
Hi keren? I'm sorry to bring this up but this tid bit you said is an arkhams razor, the  antag system is also impacting the game negatively. It might not be really bad yet but it needs to be fixed or you guys might not get as many new players as you hope. Most turn away because of it and those who arnt are not concurrent players. IDK how many are but im sure there are plenty of players who just take 6 - 12 month breaks from this game thinking "Maybe its not so bad now" But run into the same problem again. i can't wait for the updates. I know the teams real busy pushing Quality content and subsequent patches. Have a wonderful day.

Ship's Log / Re: State of the Game Address #3: A new Roadmap!
 on: April 02, 2019, 03:06:14 AM 
I can't wait for beastier antags, might make people get more into it, i like the pvp but only when im looking for it. But its still very interesting to see how the meta will change

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: New To Space Lords?...
 on: March 31, 2019, 10:16:19 PM 
Besides the bounty hunter stat and generally being great at the game (Getting a high score around 8-10) there are no other ways to get more gold per match, unless you buy gold with moneys

Spacelords Universe / Re: How do you Prefer your Antag Matches?
 on: March 31, 2019, 09:49:16 PM 
D. I like having  abit of a rivalry to fight out but just not everytime im getting my rewards. No way around it though.

Suggestions / Re: Character rework.
 on: March 24, 2019, 01:55:22 AM 
I usually only use genibra for antag hunting ... And in some cases yes she can be OP like most raiders In the sence of weapons and ability use

Suggestions / Re: a new weapon concept - challenge yourself
 on: March 24, 2019, 01:46:52 AM 
Im excited for the new rewards system Karen

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