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Topics - xXGigglesXx

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / countdown timer at start of match
 on: November 09, 2018, 06:47:35 AM 
Almost anytime that I am the host, I get a 000.0 countdown timer (and annoying countdown klaxon) at the start of the mission. It stays there until I get a cut scene.

I play as Valeria quite a bit and I'm actually glad that they nerfed her whip's quantum projectile. It was way too powerful. But nerfing the power of the gun itself is crazy! It's such an underpowered/inaccurate gun to begin with.

Bug report & Technical Support / Hades resistance card not working
 on: October 08, 2018, 08:29:31 AM 
The Hades card "resistance (rare)" does not seem to be working with Mikah's character card "photon shield (rare)".

-Resistance says that it extends invulnerability 85% (200% with aleph boost).
-Photon shield gives you invulnerability for 2 seconds after switching places with decoy (3 seconds with aleph boost)

With an aleph boost, it should last 6 seconds (assuming you don't do something like punch, which drops the invulnerability), but it only lasts 3 seconds

Bug report & Technical Support / Update 11.0 Antagonist spawn Bug
 on: October 02, 2018, 08:09:11 PM 
This is playing on PS4 pro.
As Antagonist after the 11.0 update, I've had problems with respawning.
-Sometimes the countdown timer doesn't appear for 30 seconds or more.
-sometimes you respawn, but you can't move. The respawn points are still showing and you can use L1/R1 to cycle through them even though your character is visible. Can confirm that raiders can kill you while you are immobile.

Both of these have happened to me on the three maps that I played this morning.

Enemy within
In medias res
No reservations

I can't verify that this is a bug due to the nature of the randomness of receiving blueprints. But I have earned 13 blueprints with Konstantine and haven't had a single chance to earn a Tolchok. Now by my math, there's only a 0.51% chance of this happening over 13 blueprints.

11 of the 13 were o.shtorm
I will update as I get more blueprints

Suggestions / Duplicate Blueprints
 on: September 17, 2018, 08:35:50 AM 
Since duplicate blueprints don't do anything for the player, it should at the very least, give you an additional 10% chance on the next roll.

Suggestions / Tier 1 - 8H Reward Cycle could be more beneficial
 on: September 17, 2018, 08:18:37 AM 
So you've done it. You have worked hard and made it to Tier 1! What do you get for your efforts? An 8 hour reward cycle! Awesome, sounds great! Then, you realize 1 of the 3 reward cycles that you get per day is being wasted because you have to sleep/work/have a life. So really, it's just like Tier 2 (2 cycles per day), but with stricter deadlines. At this point in the game, most high level players have very specific rewards that they are after and when it doesn't come up cycle after cycle, it gets very tedious.

Here are my suggestions:

A)  Rather than a faster reward refresh, I would much rather see more levels giving rewards per cycle. That way you are more likely to see a reward that you are after.


B) Allow us to pay (gold or mercury points) to add rewards to random levels on the current cycle. That way we still have to play to earn the rewards but don't get burned by missing a reward cycle because of life happening.

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