Author Topic: Option for no antagonist  (Read 12760 times)


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Option for no antagonist
on: September 21, 2018, 03:43:26 AM
I know it may go agianst what the game is supposed to be but if not, cool.
Now hear me out here, i'm a guy that doesn't like PVP these days, i'm more of a PVE kind of player. Everytime i get an antag, it's anything but fun for me, i don't hate games having PVP because it's always separated from the PVE modes, but i do not like being forced to play PVP while i'm playing PVE. Another thing is that i'm not good with the melee system (i'm a button masher) so i can't win a single melee fight unless  it's someone that's low level who doesn't know how to fight.
Now i'm not saying i want the antagonist system gone, because i know some of you likes it and that's good, but i don't like when i'm forced to deal with PVP, i've also heared Dark Souls games on PS4 and Xbone now has something similar which is called invaders and has the option to have them come in or not.

basically, i'd like the option to not encounter antags, i don't enjoy forced PVP mixed in PVE, i don't find it fun what so ever mainly because i can't fight any players that knows how to melee because of my damn mashing habits and my character not wanting to dodge for some reason if i get punched, and they mostly pick the stupidly overpowered raiders...
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 07:03:02 AM by EliteRider21 »


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #1 on: September 24, 2018, 07:02:22 AM
Here's a thought, How about a On/Off Button in the adventure menu? Turn it on, you'll randomly get Antags like usual. Turn it off and regardless someone in your team would have it on or not, Antags are kept out, making Mentor matches safe for new players. Antags needs to be kept out of Mentor matches no matter what though.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 07:04:14 AM by EliteRider21 »


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #2 on: September 24, 2018, 06:05:29 PM
Blasphemy! You MUST like it. You're not supposed to be here to have fun, you are here to provide prey and entertainment for PvPers. You aren't here to progress, you are here to facilitate others desire to ruin your day. The reason you get rewards is so you can grow accustom to a steady stream of progress so it stings more when the antagonists takes your reward from you, when you've wasted your 20 to 30 minutes of enjoyment and tilt and become angry the antag is happy. They like ruining your day, this is why you are here. Optional PvP, pshhhhh, yea right. Just for that you're going to get a level 250 antag with maxed out Armor, Resistance and Brute Force and a weapon with Hero Killer and Caliber maxed out in forge level, with RARE cards that only a level 100+ player can get specifically designed to kill players. If you quit the game, good, the antagonists players would say, "PvP is too much for you bruh, go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure you care bare. This game is only for the hard core!" (psst, but what will they do when all of their prey leave the game?)

I hope you get me as an antagonists, man. I am level 300+ and the AI should be easy. I will help you with aleph and carry the objective for you past enemies who won't shoot me. Because all I need is affinity for cards and God knows how much I hate getting invaded by antagonists, I don't want to ruin your PvE experience, this is coming from another PvEers "care bare" like yourself. I hope they get enough feed back from people like me and you to encourage them to make a change.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 06:07:32 PM by Level9Drow »


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #3 on: September 24, 2018, 06:42:13 PM
Level9Drow, you invaded one of my missions rcecently with a Rak Mayura in the Hanging by a thread mission. I was really expecting a hard won fight in my hands, i was kind of excited but you chose to sit it out and just watch which bummed me out a little. I was H.I.V.E., they had Kuzzman, Ginebra and Ayana Kwena. To be honest when I saw your level and saw my team, I was pretty sure i was going to lose my match, I didnt have any stakes in it so I didn't care.
I suppose im one of the who are in favor of the antag as a raider.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #4 on: September 24, 2018, 08:45:47 PM
Level9Drow, you invaded one of my missions rcecently with a Rak Mayura in the Hanging by a thread mission. I was really expecting a hard won fight in my hands, i was kind of excited but you chose to sit it out and just watch which bummed me out a little. I was H.I.V.E., they had Kuzzman, Ginebra and Ayana Kwena. To be honest when I saw your level and saw my team, I was pretty sure i was going to lose my match, I didnt have any stakes in it so I didn't care.
I suppose im one of the who are in favor of the antag as a raider.

If it was a blueprint mission you would have a very different opinion. No one is saying that fighting an antag cannot be fun, only that it needs to be the correct set of circumstances for it to be enjoyable. Right now fighting an antag is less rewarding than fighting the AI with the only exception being if the antag doesn't put up a real fight. That's not a good condition to have so the entire system just fails.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #5 on: September 24, 2018, 09:05:55 PM
Level9Drow, you invaded one of my missions rcecently with a Rak Mayura in the Hanging by a thread mission. I was really expecting a hard won fight in my hands, i was kind of excited but you chose to sit it out and just watch which bummed me out a little. I was H.I.V.E., they had Kuzzman, Ginebra and Ayana Kwena. To be honest when I saw your level and saw my team, I was pretty sure i was going to lose my match, I didnt have any stakes in it so I didn't care.
I suppose im one of the who are in favor of the antag as a raider.

Right, you are correct. And you cannot be wrong with your desire for PvP either. I don't blame you. I am forced to be there, however, and I don;t like PvP. The only reason I was there is to get my antagonists affinity, despite the reduction of rewards they put on peaceful antagonists. I imagine they were trying to make it less rewarding to force people who don't like to PvP to play as antagonists. But we still get an ok amount of XP which means two lost games equals enough for antagonists affinity. You have to realize I don't want to be there in the first place. Sometimes if the players are low enough level I even help them complete the mission, as it does us both a favor and get's the mission done faster. This means I can get on with playing as Raider, which I prefer.

I also do this to keep my MMR low. There is no other way to lower MMR, outside a surrender squad, that doesn't involve suiciding with team mates who want to play the mission. I don't want to suicide on a normal PvE game with random other players, especially with no antagonists. So I peaceful antag to lower MMR and lose, while providing a benefit to other players. Most players are very pleased by this, so I don't think I'm doing anything unfair or malicious. For those that don't like it, would you rather I pretend to fight and be a crappy weak antag and OOPS I didn't shoot you enough times to kill you, OPPS I didn't beat you and CQC, now you got my aleph. I mean, do you want the illusion that I want to be there?

I also know what it feels like to lose to an overpowered antagonists who is WAY higher level and spend 30 minutes only to lose, waste time and progression and have no entertainment or fun and tilt. I don't want to put others through that. Even if there are some people who don't mind it, many do.

Finally, I can't be a hypocrite. I can't say I hate PvP, forced to play antag for affinity and then go and smash a bunch of low level players. I have before, when the game was Raider of the Broken Planet and it was much newer, and I felt TERRIBLE, so I didn't like doing that to others, especially new low level players. So I stopped. And it would look silly if I didn't peaceful antagonists.

I wish this was different, man, I really do. If they made PvP optional everyone would get what they want? But for some reason they seem pretty adamant to keep forcing people into it to the detriment of some.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #6 on: September 24, 2018, 10:29:31 PM
This is why i like people i antags like you, i do the same thing by going as Ginebra in cougar form just mindlessly running around and see if they can catch me.
But yeah, we really need an option like an ON/OFF switch in the adventure menu or something, cuz i'm really getting sick of encountering high level antags picking the most OP characters and weapons.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #7 on: September 24, 2018, 10:46:49 PM
where were u guys when i need to get in. get my last run for barrier and go home. everytime i'm on my last run  "antag has invaded " cus i see my team are lv 20> and the antag is a dike...always spawning on hectic mod and aoe dmg  maps and using spawn invisibility and invulnerability to grab the noobs on  objective.
Ps any of y'all know why some times the hit detection on grab go mad. sometime u grab first and u go thru them and then they grab u OR ur strike input jus "happens" to not occur or worst yet when they grab u midair from ur raised platform


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #8 on: September 25, 2018, 12:28:37 AM
We just need a pop up notification that says antagonist match , like how it does for mentor matches. You ether accept or cancel. Problem solve.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #9 on: September 25, 2018, 01:58:30 AM
That sounds like a good idea, actually. But if they did it they would have to show what incentive there is to play against an antagonists. But, they don;t have any additional rewards for playing antagonists, which they don't. But if they DID have additional rewards they could display this on that pre-mission screen to entice a Raider if they want to join or not.

But I see a lot of problems occurring concerning player perception. If a player sees both Mentor Bonus AND Antagonists Reward, meaning you are about to get into a game with new players with an antagonist invasion, I think many players would decline the game, as this is virtually a guarantee of entering a lost game.

I also see an issue that there may be more people that do not like antagonists than people think. since it's forced we can't really gauge how many people are in favor of it, many of us are putting up with or tolerating it, but don't actually like it. And so there's is a possibility that poor antagonists may never get a game going because raiders would constantly keep declining the game (which would say more as to why it's not optional than anything).

I think there should be a separate queue for Raiders who want to participate in PvP. This option should not be hidden away in the options menu, but made apparent within the Adventure screen showing the player what extra rewards they can get if they choose to accept PvP. if done this way then only people who want to PvP would be there and the Antagonists would ALWAYS get people who want to fight them and engage in PvP. They wouldn't get a declined game all the time because they are found out. This would also allow players to un-queue for this if they get tilted and want to go back to reduced rewards to take a break.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #10 on: September 25, 2018, 01:59:46 AM
We just need a pop up notification that says antagonist match , like how it does for mentor matches. You ether accept or cancel. Problem solve.

This would at least be a good place to start, and you could know if it was a mentor match with an antag. Sadly, they could even give us +20% gold and affiliation and most of us would still decline.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #11 on: September 25, 2018, 02:15:01 AM
We just need a pop up notification that says antagonist match , like how it does for mentor matches. You ether accept or cancel. Problem solve.

This would be better than what we have now (which is nothing), but ppl cancelling queues is already a pretty big annoyance, having a pve/pvp toggle somewhere would be more user friendly imo.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #12 on: September 25, 2018, 11:38:15 AM
The problem is that one of the things that are part of the antag mode is that the raiders don't know about the antag and this one can see what they choose and choose accordingly... this will be lost if the raiders knows that an antag will be coming.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #13 on: September 25, 2018, 12:42:56 PM
I love going up a good antagonist and playing as the antagonist it's the main reason I'm still with this game. I'm fine with changes cuz somethings are way imbalanced sometimes for raiders and sometimes for antagonist.  Also majority of missions when you get salty at losing to a antagonist look at your team and it's composition. If your going to have a no option for antagonist you should get hit hard in the rewards section for opting out those who participate in pvp should always have the superior rewards.


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Re: Option for no antagonist
Reply #14 on: September 25, 2018, 04:02:03 PM
I love going up a good antagonist and playing as the antagonist it's the main reason I'm still with this game. I'm fine with changes cuz somethings are way imbalanced sometimes for raiders and sometimes for antagonist.  Also majority of missions when you get salty at losing to a antagonist look at your team and it's composition. If your going to have a no option for antagonist you should get hit hard in the rewards section for opting out those who participate in pvp should always have the superior rewards.

You are entitled to your opinion, even though it is wrong. Why would you penalize the player for playing the game against the AI like they can now? If anything you want to reward them for fighting an antagonist to make it something players actually want to do. It's the carrot on the stick, but you don't beat them with the stick if there is no carrot. It's all about perception and if you give players a choice they will always be happier than if you forced that choice on them (even if they picked the one you wanted anyway).