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Messages - tingeltangelflo

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / My MMR and the matter of Disconnects
 on: September 08, 2018, 11:24:18 AM 
In the last few weeks my MMR is going constantly down in a spiral because i get thrown in with low level Players that leave the game out of frustration because they dont know what to do. This leads to my mmr going down with every match i loose because we are 3, sometimes 2 active Players.

And that leads to me getting more matched with those low level leaving players.

If we cant get new and more Communication options, please atleast make my mmr not go down due to Disconnects and early leavers

Suggestions / Re: More Commands (Mentor Matches)
 on: September 07, 2018, 05:33:14 PM 
Or in the SHORT FUSE mission, where it is most confusing atleast write in the objective window, that shooting the extractor will give more time but looses the aleph and you need to OVERLOAD it to win. Its confusing it just says "destroy the harvester" and that is what the new ones do actually!

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