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Topics - Power Penguin

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Like seriously good luck getting ammo when the enemy team sticks together, the host is bad (which  more common than not) or it doesn't glitch out.

Overall impressions of the new episode are great. The new progression system is fantastic, Ayana is really cool, linking the MMR with the Antag skill  rating was genius and all the changes to the economy make it a lot easier to jump back into the game. But there are a couple of things that I noticed that I don't necessarily agree with:

- I like the fact that the raider status bar has been simplified a bit by removing the card icons from it (it definitely looks better) but now I don't have a way of telling if a card is in effect. If there was some way to tell when a card effect is active that would be great !

- Please don't put folders within folders in the lore menu. It makes it much harder to navigate if you are looking for something specific.

- Really think that xp should be given to solo players so at least they can participate in the new progression system to some extent ( I know, I know it's a multiplayer game first and foremost but c'mon throw them a bone). Of course xp rewards would be determined by difficulty.

- Please fix the Ayana bug that kills the game when she tethers.

- Some of the spawn locations for Antag in some of the new maps are really questionable. Especially the ones that are right next the objective (I'm looking at you first part of A Low Blow).

If I can think of anything else I'll post it here.

Suggestions / Difficulty hybrid
 on: March 15, 2018, 09:03:09 AM 
So I had this idea while playing with some friends. Instead of having straight up difficulty setting why not have have ELO difficulty brackets, let me explain. So the way it would work is that for example you would pick easy, easy's ELO bracket would be from 21-30% difficulty. Now the ELO rating for for easy would never be able exceed 30% difficulty. If you where to switch to normal the ELO bracket would be from 31-40% (these are just made up values). When you play normal your ELO would never be able to go below 31% or go above 41%. Of course rewards would have to appropriately balanced with higher difficulties giving higher rewards. This would give players more control over their difficulty but still reward you for playing well (and still keep the ELO system in place). Let me know what you think.

Suggestions / Hollow ones should not be able to sprint.
 on: March 15, 2018, 05:28:38 AM 
The title says it all. I get what you are going for, powerful but slow. But the way they are right now they can just sprint up to you and you really can't do much about it since they soak up damage like a big stupid robo-sponge.

Are these the new maps ?

Suggestions / Promote to leader option in party
 on: March 02, 2018, 01:03:28 AM 
What the tittle says.

Bug report & Technical Support / Antagonist bug
 on: March 01, 2018, 10:26:15 PM 
Ok so I was playing as an Antagonist today and early in the match there was a host migration, ok fine no big deal, but after the transfer when I spawned I couldn't move and my name had changed to the guy who left the match. So I left the match but when I tried to reconnect the match was over and I lost antag points. Not cool man.

And it's one very specific point in the fight where 2 transport ships drop 6 enemies each and then right after he shocks Shae. Ok so that's 12 enemies, plus 1 boss and one 30 second timer that if not taken care of results in instant failure = a whole lotta bull. Also there should be a tool tip or something telling people that when you get shocked by Kuzman you damage your team mates.

Suggestions / Loaht's ability should not kill him
 on: February 23, 2018, 07:21:04 PM 
If Loaht is not getting shot at and his timer runs out he should go into a downed state (you could rationalise that being in beast form takes a lot out of him). If he is in beast form and the last hit takes away his remaining life then he should die. I think this is better than just straight up killing when his timer runs out.

Suggestions / Cutscene viewer and gallery
 on: February 21, 2018, 09:57:00 PM 
With all the work that is put into the cutscenes and the artwork it would be really cool if we could access it in game. Also put in the comic books since these give a lot of information with character motivation and character development.

Bug report & Technical Support / "WARM" reticule changes
 on: February 18, 2018, 06:13:59 PM 
Some times the reticule when using the gun completely changes design. I don't know if its a bug or if under certain circumstances it changes but its really weird.

Suggestions / Buying cards instead of locking them
 on: February 12, 2018, 05:41:01 PM 
It's just an idea I had while playing. I think it would be cool to be able t re-aquire old cards you got in a shuffle by buying them with points instead of locking them in since the card system is too restrictive how it is right now. And this would also give players a sense of progression with a character since the cards would never be gone you'd just have to pay to get them back. All unlocks would be from a Raider to Raider basis, 25,000 points for normal cards and 50,000 for rares and maybe bump up the shuffle price to 2,500. But also keep the option to lock cards down but make it cheaper to do, maybe 5,000 points for a lock. Let me know what you guys think.

During the Short-Fuse intro cutscene her pauldrons start spinning in place its pretty funny but I thought I should let you know.

Bug report & Technical Support / Stuck picking up bomb canister
 on: January 05, 2018, 07:29:12 AM 
In the mission Short-Fused when I tried to pick up the bomb my character got stuck and couldn't move I had to leave and rejoin the game but it happened again to my teammate and the poor guy was just stuck there for the entire game.

Gameplay Feedback / Loaht's emote audio
 on: December 18, 2017, 04:30:35 AM 
It's kinda weird that he roars and screams and yet there is no audio to this. Is it a bug or is there just no audio files associated to it ? Also Hans drinks his clip instead of from a flask.

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