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Messages - Victorray

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Gameplay Feedback / Game ends when atagonist leaves
 on: August 27, 2017, 04:37:54 PM 
Has anyone noticed this? It's really annoying to be honest. While I love playing against the antagonist, some people might not even care, some people just want to play. And then the fact that queues take FOREVER  sometimes, it's super annoying to have it end after a couple minutes and then spend another century in queue. I would rather have it keep the match going and increase the rewards for completing it still. It's not the fault of the raiders that someone rage quit as the antagonist so don't penalize them

Gameplay Feedback / Current Balance and bugs
 on: August 27, 2017, 04:21:08 PM 
Love me or hate me, but currently I feel like the balance is tuned correctly right now, aside from a few issues. I've never seen a Harec or Shae win as the antagonist, just haven't seen it. Maybe it's just me, but when I play against them, it's usually just a stomping. As for bugs, there are some extremely frustrating ones, especially for the antagonist. At some point during the match one of the raiders bugged out or left and things were going well. I ended up wiping them all but because of the bug they ended up getting another set of lives and the 4th member came back... I ended up winning, but it's challenging enough as an antagonist. Another bug is that when you do the solo missions, only hanging by a thread seemed to give me the 500g reward which is super annoying. Sometimes as the antagonist you bug out and can't spawn again unless you restart the game...

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loot system
 on: July 29, 2017, 10:00:54 PM 
Lol thank goodness someone understands. It just feels pointless to try and carry teams (especially as Alicia), just to have the guy bringing the team down rewarded. What kind of backwards system is that? What incentive is there to continue when someone could intentionally sabotage the match, your team fails and then gets loot? It boggles my mind

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Host choice
 on: July 29, 2017, 09:10:08 PM 
It almost feels like they pick the worst player to host. Meanwhile I'm sitting here with my gigabit connection and I never get picked. Seems like sound logic to me :D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loot system
 on: July 29, 2017, 08:53:32 PM 
Oh yeah and it gets better, the same person who won the loot has been matched with me twice since. You know who they use? Not Alicia... it feels like you're not even making progress sometimes even though you have to dedicate significant chunks of time

This game really isn't hard at all. In fact it's heavily in favor of the raiders, being the antagonist is extremely difficult. It's a little bit easier for them with the mission this weekend. But with the grapple literally all you have to do is melee then any time during it and be very aware. I will say with randoms it can be very difficult though since some of them waste lives. What bothers me most is the terrible loot system

Gameplay Feedback / Loot system
 on: July 29, 2017, 08:45:07 PM 
So I was really excited when I saw that it was Alicia shotguns this weekend since I play as here the most. But between the long wait times for a game (better than most weekends), and how rage-inducing bad teammates can be alone just makes me pretty butthurt. In all the beta weekends I've played, I haven't gotten a single weapon, so I thought things might be different this weekend. INSTEAD I placed with horrible teammates who blow through lives, rage quitters, and a plethora of other things. Are you rewarded for being as patient as a saint? No you fucking don't. The same shitty teammate who blows through all your lives ends up getting the ultra rare blueprint (while I'm playing as Alicia mind you) this is a MAJOR turnoff. I'm literally only playing this weekend to get one weapon, and it's just impossible. I really think this system should be changed, otherwise I'm just not buying this game

Gameplay Feedback / 1v5
 on: July 08, 2017, 03:50:26 PM 
I haven't really seen any antagonists win. What if instead of it being a 1v5 it was a 2v5? This way there is a bit more strategy involved for the 5 man team and the opposition actually has a chance. It would allow duos who are confident in their skill to fight against the 5. It may not be possible at all, but I like the idea

Bug report & Technical Support / Raiders of the broken game
 on: July 08, 2017, 03:01:29 PM 
I would LOVE to see this game do well. I really want it to in fact, I'm excited for this game like no other game before. But I get into a match this weekend and im randomly selected as secret antagonist, and I'm like ok that's pretty awesome. Then when the match starts I literally can't move... And if try to leave? Penalized, so I restart the game and come back, I still can't do anything. Yeah... that kinda ruins the fun. It's in the beta stages, but I mean not being able to play at all, really? I'm playing on ps4

Spacelords Universe / Re: Console Closed Beta
 on: May 24, 2017, 03:10:43 AM 
Me too. I'm hoping someone could help with this :(

Spacelords Universe / Signing up for beta
 on: May 24, 2017, 03:06:09 AM 
Hi I'm a little confused. This game looks super amazing and I've been wanting to play it, but I don't know how to sign up for the beta. Everytime I try to press the "sign up for the beta" button on the main page, it never does anything. Is this normal, and if it is, can you sign up for it any other way?

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