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Messages - Whitebleidd

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: what were they thinking?
 on: May 31, 2018, 07:41:35 PM 
Schleuder got a loss in projectile detection of 30%, that’s on a gun where I already felt like hits that looked confirmed were missing, in addition we are talking about a 40% health loss, cant wrap my head around that being small, any character in any game that takes a health nerf like that… its significant, plus the damage nerf, plus the armor nerf…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: what were they thinking?
 on: May 31, 2018, 06:07:44 PM 
So not only the einstein who proposed to nerf ginebra ruined this expensive as fck character but now they gave konstantine an automatic bogen (ginebras arbalest) that goes through lycus shield like butter. Great job guys, a walking tank with panic bubble (that's ready to use everytime you die unlike kuzman electric trap) and now with ginebras ability to push characters

The Nerf of Gine is very soft….with the gold Card 50% damage in 3 sec after kill ...and regenereted 60% after Puna is The powerfull Riders …

Nerfs to ginebra were not soft, also cards to kind of fix or make up for nerfs should not be a thing, cards should be about choosing your playstyle for the character, makes it boring if certain cards start to become mandatory because of nerfs.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: So, Ginebra Nerfs...Discuss.
 on: May 30, 2018, 08:59:33 AM 
Pve continues to suffer because of pvp, MS just separate the modes and give the pvp ppl a ginebra with a 5sec timer on catform, maybe even reduce catform hp further, how about 10hp, sounds nice? heck nerf all weapons, cut that dps in half whatever they want but at the same time give pve ppl their own mode balanced differently where we don’t have to deal with this unnecessary changes that were not an issue against the ai.

I agree. Every game gets infested and ruined with antagonists. They are ruining this game for me to be honest. When it was one out of every 3 or 4 games I could handle it. But now it's every fucking game and I'm honestly not having any more fun.

Yea as soon as I read this sentence from the patch notes -“We’ll be widening matchmaking parameters for high MMR players to better balance for that, most aggressively on high MMR antagonist queues.” I knew not to even bother booting up the game, there was probably going to be an antag on every match, then you have the ginebra nerfs discussed on this thread, like any coming patch for a game you like hopes were high but at least for me they were crushed.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: So, Ginebra Nerfs...Discuss.
 on: May 30, 2018, 07:24:50 AM 
Pve continues to suffer because of pvp, MS just separate the modes and give the pvp ppl a ginebra with a 5sec timer on catform, maybe even reduce catform hp further, how about 10hp, sounds nice? heck nerf all weapons, cut that dps in half whatever they want but at the same time give pve ppl their own mode balanced differently where we don’t have to deal with this unnecessary changes that were not an issue against the ai.

OP I agree with you on all points except 2, not all cards unlocked at higher lvls are better but still not having the ability to shuffle cards will hurt lower lvl players undoubtedly, sadly there are even more issues with the “pvp” (many of them not necessarily related to player stats) that you will discover the further you get into the game, additionally in case you were not aware the stat advantage caps at lvl150.

In any pvp game the only advantage accumulated game hours should give a player is knowledge and experience.

Not the same thing since as you know, you can’t progress in any capacity in this game in offline/singleplayer mode while darksouls was a fully functioning game in offline.

If this game had a fully functioning single player I would mostly stick to that, don’t get me wrong coop with fellow raiders is more fun, but if there’s a mode where I know I aint gonna be wasting my time id stick to that.

But muh Dark Souls!!!! It's de graytezt gaym evor!!! ALL GAYMZ shoold be like this!

 If ppl are using darksouls to defend the antag invasions well, I’ve played every single souls game to date, never had an invasion, cause its optional…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ginebra ricochet oneshots
 on: May 16, 2018, 04:41:09 AM 
Some ppl on here have said MS is pretty stubborn, well I’m counting on that and hopefully they don’t cave in. It’s always nerf everything these days on every game, be it sp or mp and most of them feel so unnecessary (MHW I’m looking at you and ur dumb bowgun nerf), I’ve looked up some old vids on Loaht and damn it looks like he used to be so much fun.

My personal favorites for countering a schleuder Ginebra are Lycus, Alicia and Shae, I don’t play much Konstantin but as a Ginebra I know I’ve been effectively countered by him (although he pretty much counters anything… well maybe except for Shae), it comes down to the player, the only thing I agree with that has been said is that there could be a lower cap on how much the schleuder fire rate can be upgrade or maybe even remove the ability to upgrade that stat altogether.

@Level9Drow sadly even had you won that 40min match the rewards would had been bad, unless it’s a stomp usually no one wins on a match with an antagonist, maybe they should remove time as a grading factor when there is an antag invasion.

A priority queue system sounds like a good compromise because of the low playerbase, still I think the game should have launched with an option for separate queues, maybe it would have helped with player retention, allowing players to choose if they are going to pvp or not is such a basic feature that even pvp dedicated games usually have, I can play vs the ai in fighting games like tekken, DOA, street figher, blazblue, etc as much as I want, hell in “for honor" I can go 4 real players vs 4ai and get the same types of rewards I would get in pvp albeit at a lower rate. And on the topic of for honor, I find the pvp in that game to be less rage inducing than the antagonist system, I think that says something…

El trabajo de MS en cuanto a las cinemáticas me parece excelente tanto en este juego como en la saga LoS, creo que saben muy bien lo que están haciendo en esta área, fuera de las cinemáticas, en el “gameplay” hay varias ocasiones en las que la escena se puede sobresaturar con efectos pero personalmente me gustan, creo que le dan impacto al combate, sin embargo sería bueno tener opciones para apagar ciertos efectos para personas que lo encuentran molesto.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antag vs High level players
 on: May 07, 2018, 02:14:57 AM 
@LordDraco3 yes the game should balance enemy health/ai/spawn-rate for the raiders depending on their lvl/mmr/weapons that’s why I would see no issue with normalized stats for pvp, if the antag is going to have better stats cause it’s a 4v1 it should be an antag buff given by the game only in that scenario, basically if the antag is going to get a buff it should be a buff not tied to lvl/weapon-forge.

I would have to disagree on stats meaning way less, the scenario the op describes can happen and having a mirror match where 1 player requires 1 shot while the other 3 is pretty significant.

"it's unfair to have a lv18 antag even have the chance to play against a player who is in their first mission."
I don’t know how lvls where handled previously but i think this would hold up even today, it’s downright bad for the game having someone that’s just starting to get a grasp on the games mechanics get stomped, chances of them no coming back to the game are high, same way it takes a few lvls to unlock AEquilibrium it should take a few lvls to be eligible for the antag system. Also if this type of thread has been common and keeps on being created by new players then maybe there’s something to it.

I agree, they should allow you to see the other players, antag and raiders, weapon forges as well as levels. You should also be able to see other players MMR in and outside of the game.
Another thing I would like to see on the character select screen before the mission starts is the difficulty of the mission.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antag vs High level players
 on: May 06, 2018, 04:15:34 AM 
Yea I’ve been on both ends of this, it’s one of the reasons I don’t take the “pvp” in this game seriously, it would be like taking the pvp in BDO seriously…

I think a solution to this problem would be having stats from leveling and reconfiguring weapons only work against npc’s, for example the Hero killer weapon stat would only improves damage against elites and bosses not players, like u said get a level playing field going on.

With all of its issues I still hope there is a 2nd season, it’s still at its core a very good game, I find the small playerbase a bit weird, as someone who has 200hs on warframe, I personally find this game to be better in absolutely every single way.

I still can’t believe I only found this game so many months after release,  I guess I was so salty about not getting LOS3 that I stopped caring about anything mercury steam lol, LOS was so good though damn u Konami.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Spawning problem
 on: May 04, 2018, 03:23:12 AM 
Yea delay when spawning is definitely an issue that’s been cropping up, for me it happens always when an antagonist shows up although it has happened without antagonist albeit more rarely, the delay extends to melee combat (I know they tried to fix it but I’m personally not feeling a difference), not only are we forced to deal with the antagonist system, but having antagonists with teleporting strikes and their grapples going through despite countering makes the whole situation even more discouraging.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Schlueder needs a nerf
 on: May 02, 2018, 03:11:32 AM 
I find it a bit strange that ppl are taking this claim seriously, the weapon is fine, it has some high potential damage but it’s not free, it takes practice, the environment and projectile speed is so slow, couple that with the times you’ll be in a game with high ping and have to do extra compensation… the weapon imo is fine.

Her feline form is also fine, you can’t regen, take more damage, plus the painfully long time it takes to get out of it and the fact grapples are pretty effective on her when transformed.

I would have expected most nerf posts on the official forums to be about Kuzman (the real broken character in this game) to my understanding he has been in the game for 6+ months, how has he not been nerfed? (or mayb he has idk, in which case I’m glad I wasn’t here for that lol) He trivializes entire encounters even with his default but if he uses the weapon that does continuous damage even after he’s stopped firing it goes into the absurd, not to mention he is as easy to use as Konstantin, just look in the general direction of what u want to kill and spray.

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