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Messages - Whitebleidd

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Philosophy of PvP verses Progression
 on: August 16, 2018, 12:55:48 AM 
Exactly if there ever was a time to finally offer a pve option its now, with what will hopefully be a large influx of players coming the 23rd, there should be enough numbers for both modes not to mention keeping all those players instead of continuing to push away the pve crowd.

That said at this point I’ve pretty much lost hope, relaunch is right around the corner and still no mention of such a feature, and it truly is a shame because the changes presented so far have been great, the new progression and rewards system seem to exactly what was needed, but in the end what good is all that if I’m just going to continue getting random griefers in my games, the game is so good but it’s amazing how that one thing ruins the whole experience.

This could be a great for the game and most of the changes they mention seem to be moving it in a better direction, but damn did they mess up with the name, just so bad… its definitely going to be an eyesore to overcome.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 04:42:44 PM 
Who wants to only fight NPC's ALL the time anyhow?? Gets so boring after a while. The Antag gives it a nice, albeit challenging breakup to the monotony. He wants more "peaceful" Antags so he doesn't have to ever lose. Lied about the rewards being higher for afk Antaging... Who is that dumb to believe that?? Of course the rewards are higher if you actually try at Antaging! It would make no sense to afk and get better rewards. 1500 is the gold you'll get w/out any weapon bonuses. Your score will always be 0.5 and you gain almost twice the xp for winning as the Antag. Currently to afk Tag I have to sit out 2 matches. Roughly 30-40mins depending on the Raiders. If I just put forth an effort and kill everyone... With Shae mind you... I only need to play one match and get my A affinity. Will you always win? F no!! But you will always get more rewards if you try. Don't listen to this Judas!! He just wants us all to sit down for ice cream and be share bares. As long as he gets the biggest share and no one challenges. This game is too much metal for you. Go play Minecraft or something more your speed. Stop manipulating people! This day and age it's too easy... Kinda like Tagging with the R&R used to be;)

There’s plenty of ppl that want to fight npcs ONLY, me included, if others are interested in pvp that’s fine and they should be free to do their thing but I see no reason why I or anyone not interested, should be wasting their time on the monkey show that is this games pvp/antagonist system.

I disagree with Level9Drow’s constant cries for nerfs (interestingly for all strong characters but Konstantin) but lmfao at those crying git gud… this games pvp is the definition of scrub, if you can’t “git gud” at skill based pvp, then this is the game to be at, go on “skillfully” get that last punch on that raider that got downed by the ai, grapple that raider from behind while he is in cqc with the ai, get that laggy grapple from stealth that was so laggy it didn’t even get the audio to trigger or the audio only started once it had connected, snipe that raider from behind while he’s depositing aleph or busy with some mobs, win that rock/paper/lag cqc, not to mention the complete unbalance in the mmr system, the maps and between the raiders themselves, etc the list could go on… smh git gud and go play a pvp game where you actually have to face your opponent and that at least has some halfway decent netcode…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: antagonist mode sucks!
 on: July 12, 2018, 10:07:23 PM 
if you read all the replies you could know this argument was closed...

“Closed” not really… since this topic was created nothing has changed, last time I checked it still sucks on either side, pvp in this game in general does.

Arena could bring some changes but as some have speculated not necessarily for the better, mainly more things locked behind pvp.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: antagonist mode sucks!
 on: July 08, 2018, 08:42:53 AM 
XjabberwockieX it doesn’t really alter what I was saying, I can get your reasoning but it’s just an educated guess, nothing official, that said I know you have a higher chance of being right in your assumption, but bigger changes than what is being asked here have happened in other games when the community pushes enough for it, so any pve player requesting a mode without antagonist invasions may help.

Anyways I don’t think most pve players are asking for a removal of the antagonist but simply an additional mode without it, so it’s not like their vision has to be discarded.

Assuming you’re correct on the devs line of thought and stance on the game, maybe they should have gone all in since release and not allowed matches to start without an antagonist, that way the gameplay type/genre would have been clearer/consistent and they would only attract the type of player they apparently want.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 07, 2018, 04:07:35 AM 
R&R reload is on the slow side, and the clip is pretty small, now that its potential triple damage bug has been fixed i don’t see how it stands out any more that weapons like tolchok, wisdom, or Rak’s rare (forgot the name) just to name a few, if R&R were really in “need “of a nerf then the previous mentioned weapons would also need one (which I’m not saying should be the case, well maybe tolchok…).

The idea of lowering damage but adding bounce sounds like it could work and be fun.

Level9Drow why do you even care about nerfing that weapon so badly because of pvp, aren’t you also a pve player anyways…

Gameplay Feedback / Re: antagonist mode sucks!
 on: July 05, 2018, 06:50:08 AM 
Mr. Tooeasy if this game has rubbed you the wrong way this bad and you are ONLY level 29, this game is just not for you. Go with your instinct on this one and play something that makes you happy. Im not a huge fan of antagonist system either but Beer the Brad is right, its not going anywhere.

Some weeks ago I tried looking for an official past dev response, I even just right out asked on this forum, yet not response, the truth is anyone now saying ” its not going anywhere” is talking out of their ass, although small there is still a chance and it’s probably the only thing that will allow for some player retention and less toxicity.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: antagonist mode sucks!
 on: July 05, 2018, 03:40:37 AM 
Wow, I can tell by the wall of text, you are really pissed.

Couple of things I want to address.
1. Antagonist is what makes this game different from all other games. It is not going anywhere. It is the whole premise behind why they made this game. I can say they are listening to the forums and are really trying to balance the game. They have added the level system and made MMR visible to name just a few changes.

2. What is your level? - A lot of people think your level gives a huge advantage to the player. It only adds a slight advantage. I think what you are facing is the actual time sunk into this game. You get blueprints for better guns, your forge level goes up allowing to increase your weapons, you get better cards, and most of all you get better at CQC.

I know this game can seem painfully frustrating at times, keep at it, it is a struggle and a grind at times but greatly rewarding as well.

Most importantly the Dev's frequent these forums and read opinions and suggestions and make changes.

I offer this to all who have issue with the game. Rather than complain about an issue, propose a solution instead.

 The solution is quite simple and has been stated many times, it’s not like the devs have to do massive changes since the game already handles not finding an antag for matchmaking very well, a lot of the longest threads of this forum are on that subject, however some antags, the cowards that they are, will come up with one or another excuse, like u did on the 1st point of your response because of course it is to your benefit to continue having the option of griefing new players and pve players.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: June 28, 2018, 01:24:57 AM 
LordDraco3 you have to admit they are taking way too long to fix it, this is not the type of thing that can be left for the next official patch, it needs a hotfix, take for example the warden 1-hit kill bug in For Honor, that was patched within a day or two if I remember correctly, I also mention this bug cause ppl that used the bug were reprimanded, imo same should be the case for anyone using R&R as antag after the bug was confirmed.

It is great that you found the bug though, I know it didn’t occur to me it was a bug when I saw multiple numbers being displayed, just assumed it was bullet bounce.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Rock & Roll needs a nerf NOW!!!
 on: June 18, 2018, 07:19:46 AM 
I absolutely hate this games pvp and believe me I know how frustrating it is, but there has to be a different solution to this issues, every week there’s a new weapon that has to be nerfed because of pvp, we still need this weapons to fight grunts with 300, 400+ health.

If weapons are going to keep on getting nerfed we need something to change ai side, maybe difficulty settings, the ability to cap our mmr or just stop mmr from bloating the hp of mobs, idk, but I don’t think just nerfing weapons is the answer.

Alicia in particular needs some love on her weapons, I only recently got a hold of my 1st daisy blueprint and I was underwhelmed to say the least, I’m no expert on it (only used the gun like 3 times) but for a rare weapon it’s just sad, bad range, even worse clip size, mediocre damage it really needs those crits…

@LordDraco3 I noticed that about R&R but I thought it was actually a fix instead of a glitch, I always found it weird the bullets would ricochet but not cause additional damage

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bad things in a game
 on: June 15, 2018, 09:50:30 PM 
So the solutions seem to be

-always pick a counter character cause there might be an antag on a tolchok Konstantin or R&R Alicia, screw picking a raider you wanted to have some fun with or try out a new build/weapon with.

- Pray that you have pvp teamwork synergy with the other randoms.

Sounds fun…

This really isnt my place but as someone who keeps coming back to the game and tries to overlook its flaws I can tell you that the developers rarely comment on specific things or about changes in any real detail. Alot of the problems bothering pve'rs are very much there and not likely to change. Ive had this game since September last year and have gotten a reply from Mercurysteam exactly one time. And that was a week ago because I used a bad word.  :o
 Those of us closely following the game have realized that 1st and foremost Mercurysteam has a vision for the game that they arent wanting to deviate from and that centers around the Antagonist and everyone needs to deal with it.  It is what it is. In the meantime I will keep coming back and hope for the best while fearing the worst for this game in the long run without alot of improvements being made.

Yea I didn’t have high hopes for an answer but the situation is so frustrating I thought it was worth a shot, they do seem to have that kind of “deal with it” attitude, which isn’t healthy for any business, more so in an industry as competitive as this.

While it is doubtful that there will ever be a separation between pve and PVP. They just recently widen the range to help speed up antagonist matchmaking so the encounters are more frequent than they used to be.

At the point it would more beneficial to the Raiders and antagonist to increase xp and the reward system for both parties. Raider rewards decrease with the encounter and if the antagonist gets jumped everytime they spawn they don't get anything either.

While I can't speak for what MercurySteam end goal for the long run is I do know that separation of the two would split your player base resulting in long matchmaking que times.

Low population is an issue that is clear (although I would argue the forced nature of the antagonist system played a significant role…), in the end as a player and customer that is not my concern, I am here to be entertained, not to entertain some antagonist, both parties antagonist and raiders should be on the same page when queueing for pvp, the way it is handled currently feels downright disrespectful.

Are pve players ever going to be able to relax and enjoy the game? Have there been any official statements from Mercury Steam on the subject of a possible no-antag mode? If antag invasions are never going to be optional and that’s final, then a word of confirmation would be a nice gesture, the game is great but with antag invasions it just doesn’t feel worth it in the long run, I can only speak for myself but maybe there are others interested in such a response to evaluate if the game is worth sticking by.

Suggestions / Re: Coop mode (No antagonist interruptions)
 on: June 05, 2018, 08:20:32 AM 
Believe me you’re not alone, there is a part of the community (I would guess quite significant given the complaints here and on the steam forums) that wants coop only without pvp.

At this point I say even with the low player base a split of the pvp/pve communities should still go through, pvp is probably the reason for a lot of people not sticking around anyways, as it is now pve players are held hostage and forced to entertain the pvp crowd.

Being able to start a match with only 2 players and having the possibility of others dropping in later on as the matchmaking finds them is something that I think would greatly alleviate the issue of a low and split player base, having a join match in progress is something I’ve seen work well in games such as the Mass Effect multiplayer and more recently Monster Hunter World.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: what were they thinking?
 on: May 31, 2018, 08:13:04 PM 
Well we will have to agree to disagree on that one, imo nerf wasn’t needed, she’s not mobile when she can deal damage, she can’t deal damage when she is mobile, that was enough balance for me there, anyways not much can be done pvp whiners got what they wanted.

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