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Messages - hirasugi

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Re: Merchandise?
 on: June 26, 2019, 09:43:31 PM 
Thanks.  Looking forward to it!

Suggestions / Merchandise?
 on: June 26, 2019, 09:57:38 AM 
Are there any plans for merchandise like comic books, art books, posters, PVC figures or figmas?  Its not exactly a gameplay suggestion but it would support the devs while also giving fans something nice in meatspace. 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: INSANE Difficulty!
 on: May 09, 2019, 07:23:54 AM 
Its honestly absurd how much more difficult it is.  And not even difficult in a challenging, fair sense, but a completely cheap and broken difficulty.  Been playing the game for awhile and haven't experienced this amount of frustration in awhile.  Man when will I learn, MC keeps roping me back in just to piss me off once again with some really dumbfoundingly awful design decisions. 

Suggestions / Re: Dedicated Servers...NOW
 on: August 13, 2018, 10:04:50 PM 
Lethal have they finally come out and said anything about improving the stability of online play?  God I hope this is true

Suggestions / Re: Dedicated Servers...NOW
 on: August 13, 2018, 10:00:02 PM 
Man Hirasugi that sounds rough. It may not make you feel any better but I can tell you with certainty that most people playing the game don't have problems like you describe 75% of the time and if they did, most of them wouldn't stick around. It sounds like you have been terribly unlucky in your experience so far. Myself and most of the people I play with are on PS4 and I might get a host migration once every 6 or 7 matches due to our high mmr causing a low level player to rage quit and leave the game because they can't hang with the difficulty or the antagonist that we have for the match. I wish the game had dedicated servers as well though so I feel you on that as I am not a fan of losing a chunk of progress when a host does migrate and hopefully that will be addressed come the 23rd. As a fan of the game and generally of the people who populate it, I hope you hang in there and see if the adjustments made fix these things that are frustrating you.

Yeah I guess so.  I'm on PC and my internet is pretty decent so I don't know why I have these issues.  I really should start recording my sessions.  Last night I was playing Hanging by a Thread and the ENTIRE map started rotating 90 degrees.  I would respawn only to be flung off the map again.  It was unreal

Suggestions / Dedicated Servers...NOW
 on: August 13, 2018, 02:45:09 AM 
 This game has basically become unplayable for me.  I'd say a good 75% of the matches I have had in the past month have had some sort of technical hiccup due to the terrible Peer-to-Peer system.  I know it costs money, but you'll straight up lose players like me that just cant stomach being teleported off the map, moving in slow motion, getting caught in a dejavu loop for 1 minute, or having the boss' life reset when host switches...every...single...match.  For the love of god, the last match i had the host changed 3 times!!!!  I was basically disconnected for 60% of the match...but didnt want to leave due to the stupid soft-ban you put on players.  I thought For Honor was bad on launch...but my god this game has some of the worst lag ive ever seen in a game. 

This will be my last complaint post, since it feels like im just yelling into a limitless void.  If the lag remains as debilitating as its always been...I give up, im finding another game to play.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Spacelords Features...
 on: August 10, 2018, 08:16:01 PM 

No, Blueprints aren't tied to specific levels anymore. Instead each mission has a cooldown for a blueprint drop. When you do that mission outside of that cool down time you will get a % chance to get the blueprint form that level for the character you used for that level. While you don't have to roll against another player, you are given a base % for just yourself, which, I would imagine, would be modified by Treasure Hunter. so the more missions you've unlocked the more chances you will have to get a blueprint since all missions, I believe, have their own cooldown.

Ah I see thanks.  In that case complaints here

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New Spacelords Features...
 on: August 10, 2018, 08:03:57 PM 
All around excellent changes, especially the rewards system overhaul.  My only concern is what the frequency and prevalence of the Blue Prints will be.  If the blueprint drops are limited to just 1 or 2 missions + Gold and Affinity having reduced use, we could run into a situation where the vast majority of players are concentrated purely on those missions and none others.  Still though im cautiously optimistic.

The real frustrating part about the "checkpoint" system is that when you migrate hosts and it sets u back to an earlier area losing all your progress it somehow remembers all the lives your team had lost up to the point the host migrated. Naturally it forgets any aleph you have accumulated as well. Seems to be a frustrating system that forgets anything good you have done and really rewards any antagonist that may be in the game as well. A much better checkpoint system needs to be added, because losing 10 or more minutes of a hard-fought battle because of a host disconnecting is too hard of a punishment and sometimes impossible to overcome.

Yeah those are good points too.  It boggles the mind that only these pro-enemy save states are recorded...instead of you know...all of them.  I swear is there like a saboteur at Mercury Steam?

Gameplay Feedback / Why do we get penalized when you screw up
 on: August 10, 2018, 05:21:08 AM 
Your stupid peer-to-peer system is always migrating hosts, resetting the progress we make on tough bosses.  This is the third match in just a few days where the host migrated right when we were about to finish the boss off only to have to start all the way over again.  Then to make matters even worse when it re-established itself the lag was so ungodly bad I was grappling thin air thinking it was an enemy, or running for cover only to be teleported in front of the antagonist. 

We lost...but not because we did anything wrong.  It was the game just grinding us  down with fatigue until we broke.  And even if we had won, the extended time it took to take down the boss and antagonist would've reduced the amount of loot we get.  So Mercury Steam...why do we your lifeblood, the 1 of 50 daily concurrent players get penalized for your terrible and constant screwups?  This is the most infuriating gaming experience I've had in a long...long time.  I swear if this keeps becoming a norm I, and I'm sure many others are done with this game for good.   

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Patient Boy
 on: August 05, 2018, 08:52:44 PM 
Rip my 10 hour lol

Gotta love that famous Mercury Steam Quality™

Gameplay Feedback / Nerf the Toughest Boss in the Game
 on: August 05, 2018, 08:41:33 PM 
His name is Server Lag...and he single-handedly has dejavu'd me into countless grapples, off ledges, under the map, into a horde of enemies etc.  He's like a mad god, distorting reality arbitrarily for the smug satisfaction of me throwing my controller across the room.  One time I got lagged off the map and then preceded to loop fall for the next 2 minutes.  His special attack especially needs a nerf.  I believe its called "Broken Unacceptable Garbage" where your teammates get disconnected making the mission impossible to finish.  Nerf plz. 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: MIA Teammates
 on: August 02, 2018, 01:28:02 AM 
That's a fair summation.  Its just so incredibly frustrating seeing how glacial they are about these critical issues. 

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Weapon Wiki?
 on: August 02, 2018, 12:20:17 AM 
the wiki made some progress thanks to some discord users, but I think it fell off.

I also started a spreadsheet to track all weapons and their reward traits (which ones give +gold, blueprints, faction) but I haven't updated since roughly around Schneider/Rak.

That's about it at this time, as far as compiled information goes.

Thanks.  I think ill start contributing myself actually.

Spacelords’ Advice / Weapon Wiki?
 on: August 01, 2018, 11:45:12 PM 
Is there a weapons wiki anywhere?  The current Raiders wikia and  the Spacelords youtube page has pretty incomplete info.  Am I just not looking in the right area?

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