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Messages - rebelraider

Pages: [1]
Ship's Log / Re: Match against Antagonist needs more balance
 on: May 15, 2017, 03:17:35 AM 
The second mission in the BETA doesn't even give rewards for playing Solo but does with Coop. The first mission gives 1000 Gold for completing solo.

I think they should give currency rewards based on the percentage of the mission completed even if you end up failing. Blueprints, obviously, should only be rewarded for completing it. The all or nothing reward system for Solo is a bit rough especially when you are first starting out and have no currency and thus only the default loadout.

If I remember correctly, you still got a percentage of the currency rewards even if you failed a coop mission as long as you got through the first checkpoint. That is how I would like to see it work for Solo.

Antagonist also need to be rewarded with something other than leaderboard positions unless that green Sigil can been converted into currency or other items in the Full game. The same with playing as Raiders, Antagonists should get a percentage of currency rewards based on how well they do at keeping the raiders from completing the missions or based on the number of raiders they've killed.

Playing on Xbox One I didn't realize that clicking on matchmaking on the top right switched it to Solo until someone mentioned it hours after I had been playing and figured out the mechanics and controls.

I think that the Tutorial level should be the Default option upon first loading the game and that it should be more obvious that clicking on Matchmaking switches to Solo and vice versa.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can't get into a game
 on: May 14, 2017, 11:51:01 PM 
Rounds can last for at least 30 minutes and since you need to manually go get a code for the beta and limited press about this game there aren't a lot of people playing. Plus it's a holiday.

If you do get in a game it's best to party up with the other players and keep playing together.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Some bugs
 on: May 14, 2017, 11:48:23 PM 
Beat that mission several times with different groups. None of us ever received Shae.

On Xbox One, if someone leaves the lobby the gamertag of someone else in the lobby duplicates and an error message says a user has rejected matchmaking preventing the search for more players.

Restarting the game is the only way to reset the lobby.

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