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Messages - OoTRIGGAMANoO

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What the crap?! Dumb name. Dumb song. "Any last words Spacelords?" I don't understand what they're trying to do. And how did this come out of the community? I thought all y'all did here was complain about R&R;)  I'm still gonna play but I'm never gonna understand the name change. Unless of course they completely change the game, then I'm out. I hope this isn't because of the 4 posts per day people!!

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 15, 2018, 01:20:40 PM 
I'm absolutely with Draco and Deathprize here... As you knew I would be Drow... Lol.  Sorry you still can't beat her and that you find losing to be a waste of your time rather than a learning experience but yeah. This was over a while ago and here you still are crying "make the game easier for ME!". You do realize if it's easier for you it's easier for every one else right? They can't possibly tailor the game just for you. Idk... Maybe stop playing this game and go elsewhere before your constant whining ruins it for everyone else. And for the rest of you who listen to Drow... All lies and manipulation.

He said previously in this thread...

"Well I figured you'd appreciate out of the box PvP. They can beat me through the game, but what if I can beat them by changing the game? That would be an even more epic and permanent win. Where's your competitive spirit?"-Level9Drow

How is changing the game itself anywhere close to being competitive? Basically saying if he makes the game impossible for Antags they'll cease to be a problem for him. That's not competition. Who wants to only fight NPC's ALL the time anyhow?? Gets so boring after a while. The Antag gives it a nice, albeit challenging breakup to the monotony. He wants more "peaceful" Antags so he doesn't have to ever lose. Lied about the rewards being higher for afk Antaging... Who is that dumb to believe that?? Of course the rewards are higher if you actually try at Antaging! It would make no sense to afk and get better rewards. 1500 is the gold you'll get w/out any weapon bonuses. Your score will always be 0.5 and you gain almost twice the xp for winning as the Antag. Currently to afk Tag I have to sit out 2 matches. Roughly 30-40mins depending on the Raiders. If I just put forth an effort and kill everyone... With Shae mind you... I only need to play one match and get my A affinity. Will you always win? F no!! But you will always get more rewards if you try. Don't listen to this Judas!! He just wants us all to sit down for ice cream and be share bares. As long as he gets the biggest share and no one challenges. This game is too much metal for you. Go play Minecraft or something more your speed. Stop manipulating people! This day and age it's too easy... Kinda like Tagging with the R&R used to be;)

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 09, 2018, 10:41:57 PM 
Areana mode?? Is this a thing or just a hopeful community desire? And with people nowadays needing safe spaces and just being general babies, I don't feel anything but joy when they rage quit. If they can't take the heat get outta kitchen kinda thing. I toughed it out and got pretty decent... And no, not just with Alicia. I don't want to play with quitters anyway. Abandoning an mpossible mission though is absolutely acceptable.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 09, 2018, 10:36:38 PM 
Agreed! I'm reloading a lot more than I feel I should be. Could be on me I suppose. But it only feels op against locals... As all weapons should;)

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 09, 2018, 08:32:01 PM 
Sounds like maybe you just need a decent Alicia player on your team;)  I still almost always pick her. Except for the times when I gotta do your trick for the baby Harecs, then someone else almost always grabs her. I make do. But yeah, I spend my time with Alicia on a team taking care of Antags if any, so the rest can hopefully complete objectives. I've seen a lot or Antag rage quits. Which always makes me smile. This is the only reason I'm so passionate about not nerfing her into the ground. I can be murderous with her in PVE and I don't think I've played her as a tag for a long long time. I did however make 4 amazing players eat crow with Shae last night. That's even more satisfying. Only part I hate is when people get cocky. They don't seem to understand sportsmanship. Then when they lose it just makes them seem more stupid lol. Back to work:(

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 09, 2018, 06:34:27 AM 
In confused. And last night I was hammered lol. So you're saying that complaining to the devs enough will make them change the game so it's easier for YOU? And subsequently harder for others... I don't see how taking away competition in game is a competitive spirit I guess. Sounds more like a monopoly on winning. Which is good business but also supremely evil, like most business. Hmm... Idk. Whatever I guess. Eventually everyone will quit and you won't be able to play and then can't win. So long term, bad strategy. Short term, sure I guess.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 08, 2018, 01:05:06 PM 
This topic is over dudes/dudettes... They fixed the bug. Leave the rest alone. Lycus' pepper pot does more damage from further away than R&R on Aneska. That is BS if you think her range is too far. Please stop it. Konsti's Tolchok, or whatever, is so much more a nuisance than R&R ever was. The push and he has the bubble that also pushes... Wtf? You just don't like to lose Drow. But it is a part of life and also coincidentally this game. Weird concept I know but it is a real thing. Stop trying to dictate how people play Alicia. Her gun is fixed. If you wanna nerf it then we nerf all the others as well. Stop. Just stop. Would it make you happy if they just removed her from the game altogether? Cause the way you talk it feels like she's your only competition. Sad. I could beat her when she Tagged me and I'm way lower than you. Fight fire with fire baby! Just pick something else to hate on cause I don't wanna stop playing this game because of your complaining about losing to Alicia (which you can't even do now, and I haven't played against an Alicia Tag since the fix by the by) so put her to bed. Close this f'n thread and let's enjoy this amazing game forever as is.       *this is not a personal attack but a rebuttal to excessive complaining about nothing.
I still think you rock! Just shut up about my girl already. I don't get what your beef is at this point. She's weak AF now but I still find a way to save my team. Though it takes 6 shots now instead of 4... 1st world problems right;)

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Loaht Not able to interact
 on: July 07, 2018, 02:48:16 AM 
He also was not able to exit the level at the end... Since he couldn't interact with anything.

Bug report & Technical Support / Loaht Not able to interact
 on: July 06, 2018, 11:01:05 PM 
My friend was playing Loaht on Hanging By A Thread and after a bit of time on the 2nd stage he was suddenly unable to operate turrets. Then on the 3rd part of the map he was unable to load the reactors with aleph. First time either of us had seen or had this problem. Will try again later on to see if it happens again. Has anyone else had this issue?

Suggestions / Re: Developer Appreciation Thread!
 on: July 03, 2018, 11:03:41 PM 
How have I not posted in this thread??? I f'n love this game!!! I am a man of quality over quantity and this game is all quality baby! Awesome art, great concept, storyline sucks you in (if you're cool enough to let it... and spend some faction points), characters, cool weapons, super sick attention to detail (I love the little barnacles with the teeth and tongues on the lyre sphere map), price point to just play is fantastic($10 for four maps?! Wow!), I feel like I could go on but if I do I will be wasting more time I could be using to enjoy the absolute heck outta this game! See you on the Broken Planet! Xoxo

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 03, 2018, 10:44:11 PM 
Just Konsti Tags in general. This player I haven't seen in the forums. But there is another who plays Special K on here, just not as a Tag. So I got my fun Raidering nuts cut off and my full on team saving abilities shot to poo... But at least every ones favorite Russian accent havin but not from Russia robot man gets to stink us all up with his synthetic f'n innards (lol) all the more. Yeah maybe he was from what was once called Russia but we don't know a thing about Earth's geo political climate in this story. Just BP n sorta Mars. So he's probably just a robot from Saturn with a head who liked the accent as the lore seemed to state. Anyway... I've got beers to drink and Tags to molest. See you on the Broken Planet. Xoxo

Suggestions / Re: Petition to remove Aneska from main page..
 on: July 03, 2018, 10:01:07 PM 
Why is it so important to "even out the factions"? You say that a lot. Do we win something when that happens... (Joke). I seriously feel the devs can and will release whoever they want whenever they want. It is ultimately their property. Sorry bud, I know you feel like it's yours but that's just not the case. I know they listen I get it. But not just to 2 people in I'm assuming the US... You have counters for everything so I'm just following suit... :)  xoxo

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 03, 2018, 09:50:57 PM 
Just tried the "fixed" R&R on Low Blow against 165 Tag... Konsti. 2nd time in 2 days. Same player. R&R was bugged last time I played this person. Same outcome both times. 1st map was No Res. They hit me twice with whatever the hell weapon that is and I'm crawlin. Or, crawl, push, fall, die. So I think I get why you wanted Alicia fixed. Spayed. Neutered. She was too formidable against your fave... Who seems to be just as cheap as you say she was. Hmm... Pots are always callin kettles black I suppose. I hadn't seen anyone Tag with him like that or maybe it was the weapon, either way now we gotta fix him too I guess. See what you start with all the whining. You're not supposed to win every game. Anything forever and always has this rule. No one ever is 1000 and 0. It's Ok to lose sometimes. If you're only playing for rewards then how would you ever enjoy this game. Agree or disagree with any one of you, if we are ever on a team I'm still gonna give my all and try my best to have as many backs as I can. It's just gonna be a bit harder now folks. I'm fine with hard. Sorry for whoever isn't.

Suggestions / Re: Petition to remove Aneska from main page..
 on: July 03, 2018, 08:55:37 PM 
This again... I'm sure if enough people complain that she isn't available they would certainly make her available. Or maybe if you're just one person posting everyday for weeks or months that could maybe work too. I want her bad and I don't care which faction has more or less as long as the new characters are worth a spit. I get the end boss theory but still... Aneska was likely banged up from the fall but not dead. Her mech probably saved her. Although I'm sure her plug suit got a lil beat up as well.... Making it shall we say, slightly more revealing;)  Marmalade, dead. Uras, likely to never die but obviously not an option for play. Unless you count the Antags. All any of us can do is speculate. But I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want images of her hottness all over the place. So I vote for more images even if she's never playable. Hope springs eternal and the internet was made for whiny beta males so lets just spew garbage from our fingertips until she IS playable:)  ANESKA, ANESKA, ANESKA.... So on and so forth.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: June 29, 2018, 11:29:18 PM 
Ah... I've had my R&R at forge 8 since much lower level than I am now and I didn't know it could one shot. It's at 48% on the HK now and I still need 2 shots (which is still a tish unfair I suppose) unless we're in kissing distance. On Antags that is. It's at forge 16 currently. I went Dan Halen on it and said I wouldn't upgrade until I could "double it!!".

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