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Messages - Quanrian

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I think they really just need to iterate the difficulty different. For instance, don't  just increase spawn rates until even the worst Antagonist will sit back and laugh as you drown in them. Instead, why not iterate what types of enemies spawn (Elites that give Aleph) to give a proper balance of risk versus reward. Personally, rather have some trickier enemies thrown into the mix than have it turn into bullet hell. It did seem like more enemy types are planned so 'hopefully' that means more iteration in existing missions as well.

Spacelords Universe / Re: how much differences do we make?
 on: October 26, 2017, 11:19:28 PM 
Actually, the reason to release a game in chunks is the same as any preview program or crowd funding. That reason being, they cannot afford to make an entire game at once so they are trying to scatter their costs. They even admitted they didn't know if they could accomplish it because it's a very big project for them. To put it differently, if they didn't do it in chunks (campaigns) there is a good chance we wouldn't have gotten the game at all or would have had to deal with publisher shenanigans. Personally, wouldn't mind at this point if they got backing to guarantee all campaigns were released.

I would never say any person's feedback is not valuable but obviously they have to look at the bigger picture too. This means collecting data and a whole lot of it to decide what to prioritize. Though, since there are still glitches and bugs on various platforms that will be a big part of their focus. What I see more often than not is very passionate feedback that may not actually provide any tactile information. So, less rage fueled and more factual is going to do them a whole lot more good.

Hopefully that gives you a bit of clarity but overall I would say just try and be concise and polite even when it's not easy!

Fan Corner / Re: Fanmade Skins (Post yours!)
 on: October 23, 2017, 02:01:21 PM 
I feel like her Steampunk outfit would be a better fit for Raiders but that one wouldn't be bad either!

Spacelords Universe / Re: When's the next dlc?
 on: October 23, 2017, 01:34:05 PM 
I am just putting my chips down on Ginebra since we already know she comes before the next Campaign. They 'sort of' hinted at testing going on with her so that's good news for players if she is in 'some' playable format. Here's hoping none of her blueprints are at In Shock lol!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Question about the Founder pack
 on: October 23, 2017, 01:28:53 PM 
Thanks to this suggestion I was also anle to get a refund of Alien Myths and then purchase the Founders Pack. Thanks Quanrian!

No problem, I think most people assume Microsoft just wont give them a refund and don't even try. It was actually suggested by one of the community managers here to try since there currently is no upgrade option and nothing they can do on their end. Just be polite and explain the situation.

My protip is to start watching videos on your favored device! I'd say this is just a joke but I do just this as I wait because it can exceed 30 minutes easily.

Suggestions / Re: Idea: No Antagonist On The Prologue
 on: October 23, 2017, 12:27:05 PM 
You're definitely going to rail new players on the Prologue (I have on nearly all my runs) if you're playing as 'any' character that puts them in a disposition. What do I mean? To start, I mean a character they cannot try so they lack understanding of that character's mechanics. Even on characters they can choose most new players wont realize how abilities work. In fact, it's not uncommon to see them not use their abilities at all. So 'you' roll in there with a often 'full' understanding of what kind of damage you can do and they just feel overwhelmed.

On the flip side, I've won a match (A Fistful of Sand) against an Antagonist with two drop outs. That means, we were just two people against an Antagonist and all the NPCs and that sucks but we did it because we ended up working really well together. I also passed the Prologue in a similar situation where it was just me and one other person left and we both played snipers lol. So you might say that people just not being brave enough to stick it out is part of the problem but that turns into a huge argument of time versus reward.

Really what is more damning than damning the game itself is how unwilling people seem to be to work together. Even the most ragtag group working together will do better than four hotshots thinking they're going to steamroll everything with their l33tn3ss. I mean even if you strip away the Antagonist the game can still the jack the difficulty up (higher ranks have likely seen this) and rail you pretty hard so working together is always going to be the key factor.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 23, 2017, 11:57:06 AM 
Could be or it could be a metaphor for how she views herself. All we know for sure is she uses a crossbow of some sort because it can be clearly seen in some of the game's promotional art. All I'm going to wager is she wont move slow like the other two faction members.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Accidentally Hans!
 on: October 18, 2017, 06:40:43 PM 
Well I was sending trying to send a message in the guide. Other than that I wasn't doing anything special. I have Hans unlocked 'now' so I can't reproduce it.

If it's just one person missing there could also be a question posed to anyone going for Antagonist to play as a Raider to fill that gap. The reason why I say that is because the Antagonist is technically a spare person. Also, asking as a courtesy to avoid ruffling feathers since not everyone is going to pick both Raider and Antagonist when they Matchmake.

Suggestions / Re: Steam store page is bad
 on: October 18, 2017, 04:59:55 PM 
Due to a chunk of the game (Prologue) being free that perception is not going to change easily.

Gameplay Feedback / One Player failed to confirm their presence...
 on: October 18, 2017, 03:41:05 PM 
This is a seemingly ongoing problem even at higher traffic times with even one player failing to queue in. My solution is quite simple and that is a temp ban (just a couple minutes at first) for not queuing up like Smite does and make it increasingly longer if they continue to fail to queue up. This may seem harsh to some but people not queuing in are literally stifling everyone else from getting a game going. If you've been lucky enough to not see that warning great but a lot of people not playing in full teams will and it's terribly annoying.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 18, 2017, 03:12:29 PM 
If she uses a crossbow I would think that would actually make her mid to long with a bigger focus on long range due to shot gaps. Also, there appears to be a scope on it which further suggests a focus on longer range. The way her arm is angled behind Alicia is just a weird choice and makes it seems as if her arm is bent backwards when it really is just foreshortened. By the way her bio is in the game under Universe, she is the very last entry. Therein, in the second entry you'll also see what appears to be her ability to change forms or it's symbolic... kind of hard to know for sure.

Does that mean Steam will essentially be able to cross-play with Xbox as well?

Spacelords Universe / Ginebra (Coming Soon???)
 on: October 18, 2017, 02:31:23 PM 
This is perhaps too soon to be asking this but she is the character I was most interested in. I am wondering is her release planned for before or after Wardog Fury? Really not even sure what to expect from her but her bio makes her sound close to mid-range oriented and certainly from 5th Council. Also, if she follows the same trend as other 5th Council than she wont be using a clip/magazine but rather a large ammo pool. Anyone else excited to see/hear what she's all about?

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