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Topics - TheTwoGunKid

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Antagonists should NOT lose umbra point, only gain
 on: September 24, 2017, 09:17:34 PM 
Played through all of Hanging by a thread, killed 36 raiders, no one disconnected, opposition was able to complete the mission, but I had a great time!  Lost -2 umbra points.....what? So I might as well have not played? I'm trying to get umbra points so I can rank up to use the blueprint I should hopefully be able to use eventually after the whole xbox founders pack thing gets fixed, but if this is the kind of system i have to get past, I feel pretty underwhelmed. I have no other cards to use, no other weapons, just hope that the opposition is worse than me, makes a minor mistake multiple times, or ,I'd hate to say, disconnect. I cant understand not gaining many if any points for a multitude of reasons, but in one of my first antagonist matches, that's what happens? And I don't gain any other rewards? Feels like a waste.

After multiple hanging by a thread matches I finally got the bluepring for  OGON SHTROM BV for Konstantin. But after selecting the coin for it, It said I selected "No Rewards". I am extremely confused and frustrated.

Gameplay Feedback / Player Disconnects, Let someone else join
 on: September 23, 2017, 04:52:44 PM 
Had a full squad when halfway through Hanging by a Thread, a player disconnected. Making the whole rest a much bigger pain than it needs to be. That, and even when said player disconnects, if he's "left behind" or killed, it takes Aleph, again, hindering us. Please have an option to where the player can be kicked or even cpu controlled.

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