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Messages - MSE_Ojuel

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11
Fan Corner / Re: Random Fanstuff
 on: July 09, 2018, 09:06:53 PM 
OMG, this is awesome! ;D ;D Thank you so much for such an amazing creation!!

Fan Corner / Re: Cortez's answer to every problem in game
 on: July 09, 2018, 09:04:24 PM 
I was so happy to see this put into his in-game lore

It was our pleasure!  ;)

Spacelords Universe / Re: I KNEW IT
 on: July 09, 2018, 08:43:32 PM 
Yeah I saw that too.

however, he dies in one of the missions (Double Agent) ....So is he alive anymore in the lore or not?

All playable Raiders released so far are still alive. They are some really tough guys, you know!  ;D

Ship's Log / Re: Merry Christmas!
 on: December 23, 2017, 04:36:54 PM 
Yeah, merry Christmas to everyone!!

I hope you are you all have a splendid vacation season and please be safe!  :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback after 67 hours
 on: August 01, 2017, 02:35:01 AM 
I tried to play crossplatform for the first three beta weekends, but it was always the same experience.
-Console players always got  prioritized with the hosting function no matter what connection bandwidth others had
-90% of those games were with a ping ranging from 300-999 which made the game unplayable

Ok, I see! Thanks for the info :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback, as of July 30th
 on: July 31, 2017, 02:28:56 AM 
It routinely takes me 20 minutes or more to que up for ANY match. I've never done Antagonist-only, and usually highlight 2 or 3 missions at a time. I once picked every selectable mission as well as Antagonist, and it sat there for 15 minutes before I gave up for that day. I believe that was three or four weeks ago.

I've also tried queuing in both cross-platform and Xbox-only settings, and it doesn't seem to help. The most recent match I played I got into after about 20 minutes... that was earlier today and the match started about 15 minutes before the servers went down for the weekend. It was on the Trail of Hope(?) mission with the Wardogs and the pillars. The second pillar became un-interactible after being charged, halting mission progress. That was at about the time the servers were scheduled to close, so I imagine that was the cause.

We still managed to have a bunch of fun spamming emotes and herding enemies into big corridor battles, though.

Ok, thanks! I'll look into that, those seem like pretty long wait times to me.
BTW, I forgot to ask, are you US or EU located?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Harec weapons
 on: July 31, 2017, 02:23:29 AM 
Reporting a bug too. Aura mortis is generating stress now. (IIRC shouldn't generate stress from last beta)

Whaaat? :o   Gotta look into that, thanks for the report! :)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback, as of July 30th
 on: July 31, 2017, 01:40:07 AM 
Thank you for taking the time to write down so much feedback!  ;D

Purely from a XBox One player's experience, the matchmaking is still almost completely nonfunctional - time in the matchmaking cue can go upwards of a half and hour. Strangely, the only time it worked well was when the current XB1 version wasn't available one weekend, a couple of months ago, and it worked almost perfectly. I was actually able to get more than one match in a several-hour sitting! Whatever "'Boneheads Only" replacement system you guys put together worked better than the real thing! The punishing system of gambling on a post match reward wouldn't be as much of a bummer if I could get more than maybe one match a day.

Concerning this, I'd like to get some more info before talking to the matchmaking technical team: Did you only queue to play as an Antagonist, or did it actually take you a half an hour to find a regular Raider match? Did you select all available levels to play as a Raider, or did you select just one of them?

Thank you in advance, JeedyJay!  :)

Suggestions / Re: Best idea ever.
 on: July 31, 2017, 01:32:10 AM 
Hahaha, Despacito would be a great fit!

I have a feeling Cortez may like it, though, so it'd be great to hear it on the ship comm during some mission! ;-P

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Feedback after 67 hours
 on: July 31, 2017, 01:26:59 AM 
Wow, so much feedback, thank you very for writing it down. :-)

BTW, you said cross platform matchmaking was a bad experience for you, could you please extend a bit on that? How was it a bad experience, did you happen to have worse ping times? What was it that went bad?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Shae
 on: July 11, 2017, 12:02:41 AM 
I have used Shae successfully when playing as an Antagonist, Whenever I bewitch the Raiders team they go crazy for a while, opening windows of opportunity for me to do some evil.

Muchísimas gracias a los dos, Nosfe y IgresiX, le habéis dedicado un buen rato a pensar y escribir ideas para el sistema de comunicación entre players (¡que nadie se excuse por escribir posts largos, que vale la pena leerlos! :D), que es uno de esos elementos que aún no se han podido probar en ninguna partida de la beta cerrada.

A ver si pronto tenemos algo listo con lo que comunicarnos durante las partidas, y lo vamos viendo y comentando entre todos. ;)

Español (foro general) / Re: Mi experiencia
 on: October 17, 2016, 11:06:34 PM 
En Protect1 junto con Igresix fue una y estuvo genial, lástima que perdimos (¿es posible que llegásemos a las esferas voladoras y perdiéramos en el último segundo de Survive?).

Hostia, qué putada cuando te ocurre algo así!! ;D ;D

Español (foro general) / Re: Beta V - 16/10
 on: October 17, 2016, 10:57:32 PM 
¡Muchas gracias por el feedback, resulta muy útil, sobre todo tratándose de dos niveles totalmente nuevos! :)

-Muerte durante cinemática. Durante una cinemática después de activar un monolito, aparecí muerto...

Si bien es cierto que el sistema de muertes al entrar en cinemática no está terminado y resulta un tanto críptico, lo que seguramente ocurrió es que al final de la cuenta atrás que se inicia al activar el monolito no debías estar dentro del "área segura" que se encuentra alrededor del mismo.

Cada vez que se activa uno de los monolitos aparece un área cilíndrica de color Aleph (dorado/naranja), y el piloto te indicará que debes quedarte dentro de esa zona. Tu objetivo entonces es, dejar lo que estés haciendo, y correr hacia esa zona lo más rápido que puedas, si es que no estás ya en ella.

Si permaneces fuera del área segura cuando la cuenta atrás haya terminado, lo que ocurrirá será que morirás a causa de la reconfiguración del escenario que ocurre en cinemática.

Muchas gracias por fijarte en este asunto, le echaremos un vistazo para que quede lo más claro posible.

Fan Corner / Re: First Raiders Fan Art
 on: October 06, 2016, 10:42:42 PM 
Thank you for introducing my fan-art. :)

That's some really awesome artwork, kudos to you! :D

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