Author Topic: 3 Dailies, 3 X T2 R6 teammates and 3 T1 Antags & lost rare BP.  (Read 10926 times)


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As the title suggests.
MSE, I believe I'm speaking for the overwhelming majority here - WE DON'T WANT ANTAGONISTS IN OUR DAILIES.
Three teams in a row, with beginners, fighting high weapon build and bonus stats antagonists is not only not my idea of enjoyment but incredibly unfair and dreadful matchmaking.
Since the (No) Prizes Galore update, 24 days ago I've received 2 rare BP's. Today I lost my first chance at winning one. What's worse is, I won't be able to use my bounty weapon bonus character to maximise payout in tomorrow's pot.
Pre Prizes Galore patch, I would have had AT LEAST  24 rare BP's by now. And, depending if I played all thee 8 hour rotations, around 48 common advanced.
Thankfully my daily pot had a beginner antagonist who I destroyed, even on a low build weapon, but the last antagonist destroyed my team, before Cortez got back from his first aleph run.

Think about everything I've stated?
2 rare BP's in 24 days compared to 24? That's a 2,200% decrease! You think this is acceptable?
Again pre Prizes Galore you had gold, faction points ( and xp multiplier) specific missions where you were GUARANTEED the award provided REGARDLESS of score attained. Now you have 'this is what you can win with a perect 10 score' dailies. And unlike pre update you get one chance to win.

MSE, your gaming community are not happy. I was very lucky to win 27k gold and 8k faction points in my daily pot today. but I had to work very hard to carry the team of beginners. I stuck to the antag like glue, locking him down instantly. Racking up around 14 kills. I never died and I was using a maxed out bounty & affiliation weapon. I also carried out objectives. This could easily have gone all wrong.

You need to drastically increase rare BP awards, at least by 1,000%! You need to guarantee BP acquisition as well, along with NO duplicates.

Four dailies played 3 losses - 11k gold & 5k talent in the pot.
MSE, will you please come clean? Do you actually have a match making mechanic or are you haemorrhaging players?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 06:49:25 PM by Marcus4471 »


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no, you just speak in your name.

but maybe we could have a "bonus antag" when we succeed missions against them.

but you know, you really should play farmtown if challenge scares you so much.
assured income, no antag, easy coop, everything in the game obeys  your command and if you're bored, you can quit or suicide without disturbing anyone.
really, try it.
otherwise there is tons of iddle game you'll love too.


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Antags just need to fuck off right out of all my matches. It's getting ridiculous how many of them pop up in my matches. I'm not interested in your 1 shot weapons and 99% mission difficulty because you lowered your mmr to 10%.

Blueprint or not just fuck off.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 07:21:30 PM by Tekato »


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Played 6 games so far - 4 losses.
Moreso, because five of the above contained antags, I'm now deliberately avoiding missions where there's a high chance of an antag - The Destroyer of Worlds, Breath of Hope, Fistful of Sand, The Enemy Within, The Beast's Layer, The Mouse & The Snake, White Noise and Mind over Matter. That's effectively removed 50% of missions.

MSE - listen to your gamers please. We don't want antags in our treasure pot and 4 dailies. At least give us the option please to not play PvP if we don't want to. We play Spacelords for enjoyment. Losing gold, talent points and BP's is not giving us enjoyment. You need to seriously reconsider your decisions. People are really getting angry.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 08:02:53 PM by Marcus4471 »


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yes MSE please, listen to your gamers.
we are playing this game because it's an asymtric pvp one.
so please just fix the various bugs and let us continue to measure our skills against antags/raiders.
even if we have to carry pvp whinners who don't know how to play and that we lose.


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no, you just speak in your name.

but maybe we could have a "bonus antag" when we succeed missions against them.

but you know, you really should play farmtown if challenge scares you so much.
assured income, no antag, easy coop, everything in the game obeys  your command and if you're bored, you can quit or suicide without disturbing anyone.
really, try it.
otherwise there is tons of iddle game you'll love too.
lol you can easily tell when someone has lost an argument in gaming, when they suggest you leave the game.

Antags just need to fuck off right out of all my matches.

yes MSE please, listen to your gamers.
we are playing this game because it's an asymtric pvp one.
so please just fix the various bugs and let us continue to measure our skills against antags/raiders.
even if we have to carry pvp whinners who don't know how to play and that we lose.

Looking at reviews and discussions on the game since release, you are very wrong, the percentage of ppl in this game looking for some stupid, unbalanced and forced asymmetric pvp are not the majority, it’s actually a minority of trollers and griefers that ofc found a game that was set up for them, especially since getting kills as antag can be achieved through cheesy builds, stealth and/or while a raider is occupied with another mob or objective, in essence this games pvp is perfect for those that were found inadequate for proper PVP where you have to face your opponent, those that don’t cut it in games with proper and OPTIONAL PVP, so ofc they will love it here, a game that provides them a nice pool of new, low lvl players and PVE players.

The irony in antags telling someone to get good or worst, them thinking that they themselves are good by winning an antag match ahahahaha.


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the percentage of ppl in this game looking for some stupid, unbalanced and forced asymmetric pvp are not the majority

stop being carried and learn how ti defend yourself, maybe antags will be less a problem. the only problem in this game comes from the difficulty leveling, so the AI, not from the antags. antags are humans, sometimes you destroy them, sometimes they are better than you... as in all pvp games.

your only problem with antag is you don't stand being owned by human.
wich bring us to my last suggestion, learn to defend yourself...

it’s actually a minority of trollers and griefers that ofc found a game that was set up for them

oh yeah ? funny cause i'll always see the same fistfull of whiners against antag too.
well anyway, so maybe you should just find a game who is set up for you since this one is set up for us.
it will cost less time and money to devs and so they will have more to focus on the real problem of the game.

The irony in antags telling someone to get good or worst, them thinking that they themselves are good by winning an antag match
wich i find funny is people who are all "antag are overpowered", while they certainly never plays it, saying "no i'm to kind for this!" while the only reason is certainly they have nor the skills nor the guts.

when i encounter an antag who wipe the team, often, i have no regrets cause he was just better than me and most of the time i learned something from his fighting style.
and when i  win as antag i'm glad, cause, for me at least, it's hard. usually far harder than defending my team as raider.

you don't want pvp ? go play warframe, there is much more things to do in it. otherwise, there is still iddle games and there economic system is close to this one.


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the percentage of ppl in this game looking for some stupid, unbalanced and forced asymmetric pvp are not the majority

stop being carried and learn how ti defend yourself, maybe antags will be less a problem. the only problem in this game comes from the difficulty leveling, so the AI, not from the antags. antags are humans, sometimes you destroy them, sometimes they are better than you... as in all pvp games.

your only problem with antag is you don't stand being owned by human.
wich bring us to my last suggestion, learn to defend yourself...

it’s actually a minority of trollers and griefers that ofc found a game that was set up for them

oh yeah ? funny cause i'll always see the same fistfull of whiners against antag too.
well anyway, so maybe you should just find a game who is set up for you since this one is set up for us.
it will cost less time and money to devs and so they will have more to focus on the real problem of the game.

The irony in antags telling someone to get good or worst, them thinking that they themselves are good by winning an antag match
wich i find funny is people who are all "antag are overpowered", while they certainly never plays it, saying "no i'm to kind for this!" while the only reason is certainly they have nor the skills nor the guts.

when i encounter an antag who wipe the team, often, i have no regrets cause he was just better than me and most of the time i learned something from his fighting style.
and when i  win as antag i'm glad, cause, for me at least, it's hard. usually far harder than defending my team as raider.

you don't want pvp ? go play warframe, there is much more things to do in it. otherwise, there is still iddle games and there economic system is close to this one.

The ONLY reason I don’t stand antags is for the reasons I stated in my previous post, I am not a coward like antags. Like everyone I was a new player once, and I played the antag system while I was figuring things out, had no issues winning on either side, in fact once I reached max forge and had more experience winning became disgustingly easy, especially against newer players.

Once I had invested enough time and had the knowledge to see the whole picture it was clear that although I enjoyed the game immensely, participating in its PVP aspect was dishonest and cowardly, I will not partake in matches where PVP was not a choice, where I am robbing others of their time and rewards and where levels make such a strong difference. Most matches when anyone is owning anyone, it’s because they outright cancel each other, because of raider picks, this games PVP is NOT about skill, if you think so, maybe some more time invested in the game is required.

You are winning matches that include newbies and PVE players, stop patting yourself in the back, since there is nothing to be proud of, toughen up and ask the devs for real PVP, one where it’s a choice and YOU and YOUR opponent are at least on the same page, or continue to fight in forced PVP, fighting opponents that cant properly fight back, or are not interested in fighting back and remain a coward.


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I am not a coward like antags.
oh yeah... certainly... that's why you only play with 4 people to protect you =)

had no issues winning on either side
wich bring us to my last 2 advices : learn to play and learn to defend yourself.

once I reached max forge and had more experience winning became disgustingly easy, especially against newer players.
wich makes you a coward unable to defend himself except against the weakest...
cause i see lot of people myslef included, who won matches as raider or antag, against higher ranks, as i encountered lower ranks who did great job...

this games PVP is NOT about skill, if you think so, maybe some more time invested in the game is required
yes or maybe YOU should.
maybe stop running straight forward thinking you'll win, and you'll see you can elaborates strategy, even in cqc... 

You are winning matches that include newbies and PVE players
first i play both antag and raider since my T2R4
and last i play more raider than antag...
so stop deliring to justify your incompetence in this game.

the simple facts you think you only can win because you are higher lvl and that there is no skills or strategy in the game proves you don't know how to play it.
and apparently, despite you lvl, you still don't know.

i'm not patting myself, i'm like everyone else, sometimes i won sometimes i lose, and depending on the day i lose more than i win or vice versa.
and today was a particularly good one (until now at least...) but yesterday was certainly one of my worst. -_-

so i'm not saying i'm higher than average, my mmr proves i'm not.
but it just seems you are worse than average, certainly like all no-antag whiners.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 10:58:27 PM by sonofoz »


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I am not a coward like antags.
oh yeah... certainly... that's why you only play with 4 people to protect you =)

had no issues winning on either side
wich bring us to my last 2 advices : learn to play and learn to defend yourself.

once I reached max forge and had more experience winning became disgustingly easy, especially against newer players.
wich makes you a coward unable to defend himself except against the weakest...
cause i see lot of people myslef included, who won matches as raider or antag, against higher ranks, as i encountered lower ranks who did great job...

Do you have some reading comprehension issues? Your answers make no sense, you answered as if I had said I had issues dealing with antags, but my statements were the complete opposite of that o_O

this games PVP is NOT about skill, if you think so, maybe some more time invested in the game is required
yes or maybe YOU should.
maybe stop running straight forward thinking you'll win, and you'll see you can elaborates strategy, even in cqc...

Again where is that even coming from, I alluded to the inefficiency of a frontal attack in my posts in this thread, rest assured I know running straight forward into combat isn’t recommended in this game, the game actively discourages it, especially if you are an antag, attacking raiders when they are distracted is the most efficient course of action, which again goes back to why this games PVP is for cowards, combine cheesy builds + attacking players while they are distracted + playing against lowbies and/or PVE players = some pathetically sad PVP.

The first step this game NEEDS before its PVP can even have a chance at becoming something, is making it optional, after that there’s still a lot of work, but until then this games PVP isn’t even worth considering.

But ofc antags fear this, having PVP optional means the likely hood of facing equals is higher, this would mean newbies can level up, forge weapons, learn the game and overall prepare themselves before they jump into PVP, that means goodbye to farming newbies. This would also mean that when they release a new raider, high lvl players have a chance of obtaining blueprints and getting ready for PVP, which ofc means high level antag cowards won’t be able to have an advantage over a veteran player just because he is on a new character and has a forge0 weapon. Basically everyone has a chance to be at their best before engaging in PVP, which ofc scares antags.


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delirium again...

first i often stated that i was playing to counter antag.
and my favorites matches were when a could face a first tiers antag.
cause few later after i started this game, i thought the high majority of high rank players in this game was stupid and useless... so yes i won lot of matches against high lvl antags. and i'm pretty sure i'm not alone.
so one more time, don't generalise your incompetence.

second you should stop categorizing...
we do not sign contracts at the start of the game to be antag or raiders...
and i think the big majority of gamers are doing as myself, both. (with certainly more raiders matches than antag matches...)

and the one who only play antag maybe does it because they are bored being teamed up with useless team mates, who quit, suicide, harass to surrend, don't know how to defend themselves or don't even know what to do in the mission despite their rank.

so except in your imagination, there is no antag on a side and raider on the others... there is just players.
am i the only one launching quick games as both side and letting the game chose for me ??

anyway... so "antag", do not "fear" this...
it is just people who love pvp who fear their game desappear because of some coward who are not at their place and are few but whine louder than others.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 11:44:12 PM by sonofoz »


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so except in your imagination, there is no antag on a side and raider on the others... there is just players.
Yes, there are sides, its excusable and understandable when you are lower level, figuring out how the game even works, but past a certain amount of levels/hours there is no excuse, if you are queueing as antag you know what you are doing, and you are a coward for doing so.


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and from my point of view you're a nazi.
and a coward one on top of that =)

[quoteif you are queueing as antag you know what you are doing][/quote]
oh yes certainly better than you do...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 11:49:31 PM by sonofoz »


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Ignore him,  sonofoz is just use to the antagonist system babying him. of course he'll swear up and down it's purely to skill and the whole "get good" attitude.  he's just trying to rile you up,  i find him personally amusing at how hard he tries though, good effort but try harder next time 👍


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and from my point of view you're a nazi.
and a coward one on top of that =)

[quoteif you are queueing as antag you know what you are doing]
You know if they make a separate queue for antagless matches you won't have to deal with these "corwards" in your team! Idk why you're so against it, you'll be able queue up with the 5-10 players that actually want antags in their matches.