Author Topic: Ginebra rework...  (Read 24035 times)


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Ginebra rework...
on: August 13, 2019, 06:01:44 AM
MSE can we PLEASE make Ginebra stress free again? I understand in the past she could have ran around until the survival timer was up. Which honestly I didn't even see that overpowered but whatever.  With the "sudden death" feature Ginebra cant really do that anymore...

Ginebra was built around speed and stealth. You have taken away one of her specialties that her ability gave her. You can no longer ambush raiders. Harec's follow your cougar until they can snipe you, Shae can bewitch you so much easier, Konstantin can bubble you easier, Mikah can chase and shoot you down, Ayana can COMPLETELY shut your path down. Fighting a Ginebra is stupidly easy now and taken away the fun of using her. Please MSE bring the fun back into Spacelords...


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #1 on: August 13, 2019, 06:17:26 AM
stress free i think it would be too much.
but at least cut this hp penalty wich has no reason to be.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #2 on: August 13, 2019, 08:07:53 AM
If she was stress free I see the health pool fine the way it is. But to have both is just annoying you run and it only takes one raider to down you. If she was stress free she would have stealth and still have the penalty of getting gunned downed if you take a wrong turn. Being seen through walls is just far too easy for Ginebra to be found and killed.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #3 on: August 13, 2019, 09:16:29 AM
MSE can we PLEASE make Ginebra stress free again? I understand in the past she could have ran around until the survival timer was up. Which honestly I didn't even see that overpowered but whatever.  With the "sudden death" feature Ginebra cant really do that anymore...

Ginebra was built around speed and stealth. You have taken away one of her specialties that her ability gave her. You can no longer ambush raiders. Harec's follow your cougar until they can snipe you, Shae can bewitch you so much easier, Konstantin can bubble you easier, Mikah can chase and shoot you down, Ayana can COMPLETELY shut your path down. Fighting a Ginebra is stupidly easy now and taken away the fun of using her. Please MSE bring the fun back into Spacelords...

They need to revert Cougar form completely. I agree. The only reason they nerfed it was because she lasted too long in survive mode. Now there is Sudden Death (literally the worst change to the game ever) and there is no need for the nerf to exist anymore. So now she is pretty weak now. Her weapons suck, she is low tier character and is no longer optimal for many of the missions she used to be.

They REALLY need to bring her back.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #4 on: August 13, 2019, 10:30:26 AM
You are right, apart from Alicia. Who was my first main. ginebra was my favorite and most used afterwards. but it was easy to counter her or basically take her out with a few shots. it also takes way too long for her to revert out of cougar form which would land an easy kill on her by antagonist or raider.  Overall i think they should make her stress free again,  i see less players use her and i think it's a shame considering she is fun to play. just not as fun as sooma, aneska, hive, rak, loaht, ect.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #5 on: August 13, 2019, 02:02:15 PM
To long to revert? But its like 1.5 second to go back to human form.... And she can bail from cqc with her cougar roll, press ctrl and off you go.
Guns probably could use a bit of buff. But then again what type of buff? In pvp they already strong.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 08:28:03 PM
Every character has multiple uses for there ability. Harec can be used for CQC, got out of CQC, sneaky snipe, etc. Sooma can use her ability for support or offense. There is a lot more but I'm too lazy to list every raider.

Ginebra really only uses her ability to get out of trouble and even then the adds, antagonist, or raiders will just rush you until you revert out of cougar form. Yes the Cougar form takes a little longer to get out of but that doesn't matter in the large scheme of things. Ginebra use to be a fearful antagonist. She use to be able to ambush raiders even if they are grouped together. Her guns don't need to be buffed they do great damage and can help fellow raiders who may be in trouble. MSE has taken away multiple play styles that Ginebra had. Yes she still has some builds that can make her useable in missions but being useable doesn't make her FUN. I have only found one build that makes her semi useful as an antagonist but other that that she feels weak and overall not as good as a pick than other raiders.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #7 on: August 14, 2019, 03:06:53 AM
She used to be my main. She's no fun anymore. Other characters can do what she can do better. And her special is so meh now she isn't really any good anymore except at killing a boss? But we have other characters that can do that and offer more. I miss her sneaky flank days. Weapons are really weak and rely on conditional effects WAY too much. At least before you could reposition in order to make use of them. Now you really can't because you can be seen through the walls.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #8 on: August 14, 2019, 03:51:46 AM
Exactly! Her guns really aren't that weak its just a matter that you cant really position yourself in a effective way to use them well. Especially as an antagonist. All the raiders have to do is completely avoid the area you were last seen or just chase you down in cougar form. Today while playing Ginebra I had a raider Alicia just follow me the entire time and I was unable to get out of cougar form in time to kill her before she killed me. Her whole story is built around speed and stealth. Sure she has speed but not faster than a bullet! She use to be fun now she just feels like a joke.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #9 on: August 14, 2019, 06:47:41 AM
You already can't attack and are weak in cougar form. If a Raider can see and keep up with you (because it's speed was nerfed) and kill you anyways, what the hell is it for then?


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #10 on: August 14, 2019, 06:52:50 AM
I don't know you guys, but other Ginebra main, like hihsasuke, is untouchable and almost unkillable. gid gud.


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #11 on: August 14, 2019, 09:48:52 AM
Hihsasuke also wishes for Ginebra to be stress free. All Ginebra mains wish for Ginebra to be stress free. Her guns aren't bad and her card usage is on of the best in the game. It just pains me to see MSE take away so many playstyles just because a few people whined about it being "overpowered"


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #12 on: August 23, 2019, 10:59:51 AM
Hello everyone,

We have been collecting feedback from the players that main Ginebra and we are already considering different options regarding her special ability. So thank you all for your help, we really appreciate it! ;)


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #13 on: August 23, 2019, 06:14:30 PM
Perhaps inverting the transformation timing could change her playstyle. Going into cougar takes time, so she wouldn't be so annoying =P, but going from cougar to human instantly could open up more strategies, she could unmorph and grapple, punch or shoot an enemy, kinda like those scenes from the transformers movies, they come fast as crazy as a car, transforms into robot and just brawl! =D


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Re: Ginebra rework...
Reply #14 on: August 24, 2019, 05:56:13 PM
I enjoy this idea, however, I don't see it as a viable change... Yes, making her a faster transformation makes her more offensive which will help her become better at defending herself. However, the reason I want her to be stress free is due to raiders like Harec and Shae or really anyone. You cannot get the drop on antagonist anymore the second they see the cougar they instantly aim for it or play defensive.

I had a tactic whenever it came with Ginebra that is no longer useful in the game. Granted I never won using this tactic but it was FUN. I used unlimited surge and used what I call "Cat and Mouse" I hit a single raider and run off causing them to chase me. I go behind a wall transform and wait for them to get close and punish them with her base gun or grapple. Most of the time the raiders get smart or just stop chasing me.

I hear the saying "Oh with Ginebra having stress she is able to get adds off her teammate. Which is true but not really...Most adds don't go for just the most stressed person and if they did then if you have any wardog faction raiders as a teammate then the adds will most likely go for them instead of Ginebra. I had more fun with Ginebra whenever she was stealthy and I know of a lot of other people who feel the same.