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Messages - 4nalManiac

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: January 27, 2018, 12:03:39 AM 
Makes sense with the massive Hp that Aliens have.

Spacelords Universe / Re: East Coast, XBOX, LFG
 on: January 19, 2018, 06:47:46 AM 
I'll make another post regarding this but now that the point has risen. Even if the community is small it's pretty hardcore that's what I like about it.

I get several invites to play through the day and the playership is really great, no trolling, insulting most of the time is "thank you for playing with us/inviting us!" it really feels like a club.

Spacelords Universe / Re: 75€/9000Mp for 1 SKIN!
 on: January 18, 2018, 04:10:43 AM 
Honestly 550 for "regulars" and 1250 for "rares"would be better.

There is another issue with the mercury point packs...they come at the most in 2500 so it kinda makes sense that the prices for skins are around that, usually less because 2500 is the biggest pack. It really is a bad UI that you have to do several purchases in steam, validate raiders etc just to have an item.

BTW. Have you considered adding re-colors of the skins themselves? Kinda like fighthing games. Those for 100 MP would be really nice or include 10 colors if you buy the skin in a pack or something.

Spacelords Universe / Re: 75€/9000Mp for 1 SKIN!
 on: January 17, 2018, 12:47:09 AM 
Jesus christ! When I saw the announcement on the twitter account I just rushed to the game. I though you know what? It looks cool if its around 1000 - 1750 MP i'll gladly buy it, its almost a re-skin (No offense to the 3d artists but is not on pair with Shae's rare costume for example). it can't be that expensive..
I was hesitant for a moment, then after a long pause I went in. When I saw the 9000 tag I just laughed,  I couldn't help it. I'aint even mad.
I'll keep playing the game till the end of times is one of the best games I've played in years.
No bullshit mechanics, "engaging story" (which is great btw along with the chemistry between characters) or another indie artsy fartsy pixelated eye sore.

Having said that...Seriously? 9000 hope it really is a bug or some sort of trolling. I can just imagine the head honchos at mercury steam laughing their ass off  while they eat caviar in an ivory tower or something. 9000???!!!!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Your Community
 on: October 02, 2017, 09:58:35 PM 

Gameplay Feedback / Blueprint shards
 on: October 02, 2017, 09:56:22 PM 
You could break blueprints into shards, then when oyu have all the shardds you can have the complete blueprints, this way you still have some progress instead of just losing the whole thing.

Another option is to turn blueprints into resource like gold is. That way you acuumulate points and eventually exchange them for the blueprints.

Español (foro general) / Fracciones de "blueprints".
 on: October 02, 2017, 09:54:08 PM 
Es jodido no sacar blueprint. Mucho mas jodido aun escogerla e irte con las manos vacías por que te la ganan y mientras las demás recompensas se pierden.

Por que no mejor vuelven las "blueprints" un recurso mas como el oro. Puede ser escaso y que se desbloquee a partir de un rank de mision 7 por ejemplo. Así varios pueden escoger al menos un poquito de "blueprints". Podria haber distintos tipos plata, dorada, etc. para desbloquear ciertas categorías de arma.

Otra opción es que separen un arma en fragmentos y así todos puedan llevarse al menos un fragmento y eventualmente tengan la blueprint completa.

Español (foro general) / ¿Skins mas caros que la campaña?
 on: October 02, 2017, 08:47:53 PM 
Lo siento pero simplemente no veo la lógica detrás de unas skins mas caras que el juego. Háganlas de 2$ a 4$ es un precio bastante decente.
Como jugador compraría la mayoría de skins por 2$ y 4$ pero en 10$ y 20$ simplemente no compraría ninguna. Dios hay juegos que valen eso!

Gameplay Feedback / $20 and $10 skins! Seriously?
 on: October 02, 2017, 08:42:27 PM 
I get that they are not mandatory but I certainly feel ripped off. If you made them $2 - $4 I'd buy most of them but charging more for a skinf than for an entire campaign feels wrong.

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