Author Topic: Dear MSE...  (Read 12016 times)


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Dear MSE...
on: November 12, 2018, 04:21:50 AM
Please make PvP optional. Playing as a Raider and dealing with antagonists is getting so tiresome. I causes me to stop playing. It causes me to lose progress. It puts me in a horrible mood. It's absolutely no fun, not even when I win.

I'm just bringing this up again to remind you it's still an issue that hasn't gone away. And it kills momentum. As I, and many others, have pointed out this would make it so everyone could play the way they enjoy. PvPers and PvEers.

This message is for you and this thread is not a duscussion thread designed for me to discuss with other players. I will not be responding to other players as doing so is completely non constructive and they aren't the ones designing the game, so they won't be able to change anything. If they want to discuss the matter with eachother I don't care.

Players: If you are a player and want to tell me something please think about how productive it will be, what your trying to accomplish and if it will even make a difference. I asure you nothing you will say as a player will change my mind or cause me to go against my own interest so please refrain from engagement, it isn't rational. If you persist after what I've explained I can only imagine you are engaging me for malicious reasons only, as I've declined any interest in unproductive civil debate.

If you dissagreee with optional PvP I suggest creating your own thread to the devs and express to them how much you like it and all the reasons why it should be forced on others who do not like it. This would be a healthy and productive way to leverage your own power, but please no squabling.



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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 07:22:15 AM
At this point:
I have all the characters i like.
I have all the blueprints for the characters I like.
What is next?
Lvl up the forge to upgrade my weapons, roll some cards for my most recent characters adquired and enjoy the game.

I have to say i stoped playing because of the constant invasions i have.

Why i have to pick the more situable character and weapon for that specific map in case a antagonist appears?
Why i cant just pick the character and weapon i like?

I am currently waiting for the next major update to see if the antagonist problem is somehow solved.

What happen to the arena? That could alleviate the constant invasions and give to the pvpers a "safe" place to actually compete with other pvpers or people in general wanting to do pvp.

Im with you Level9Drow.

See ya on the next major update.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #2 on: November 12, 2018, 09:54:10 AM
I'm like Arnold, having everything that I want right now, just lvling and farming gold while having some fun.
I can add too, that I want it to be optional so I can't feel like an asshole (this is myself, I feel pretty bad the few times that I was an antag, so, never more) ruining other people rewards :P


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #3 on: November 12, 2018, 09:55:37 AM
Level9Drow, you hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have said it in such a profound way.

Also, I know how you feel when you are just trying to tell the devs something and here come the two or three naysayers immediately trying to detract from your statement, one which wasn't even meant for them. Then you're in a big debate that is a waste of time. You don't owe anyone a response. Keep doing you, brother.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #4 on: November 14, 2018, 09:56:17 PM



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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #5 on: November 15, 2018, 12:23:34 AM
I'd like to see what MSE says about this subject as well.

Unfortunately, MSE does not have a good track record of communicating with their fans. And, as we can see by looking at the state of the forums, whatever response we do receive will simply be meant to placate rather than discuss.

I would not be surprised to see another worthless post from Karen. In fact, her responses are so copy and paste I can probably tell you exactly the response you will receive.

"Hey guys!

We're aware that this situation and/or experience is not something that satisfies you. We are always working on making the game better so I will take your feedback and hand over to the development team!

Hope this helps!"

I have seen enough to know that they simply don't care about the forums or the discord or any of their social media institutions.

If someone really thinks those types of messages from Karen show interest and genuine engagement then I'd like to invite that someone to view the forums completely and see that it is not true.

Now, perhaps MSE will surprise us and prove me wrong. This would be quite welcome but I do not foresee it happening.

Say nothing if I'm right, Karen.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #6 on: November 15, 2018, 12:57:33 AM
Well we have to please PLEASE remember that they are an indie studio. Can you imagine making a kick ass game and then having ass holes like me complaining all the time? They're being compared to giant companies like Actablizzard "Don't you guys have cell phones?" and EA "We'll sue Belgium because we thing their own laws aren't there's to make.". They're a very talented indie company that has to work slower.

I understand where you're coming from. But I think it's a little too harsh for the size of the company. If it was bigger companies I would understand.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #7 on: November 15, 2018, 07:47:15 AM
I think their communication has improved a bit lately and although there is indeed a lot of cookie cutter responses, there have also been some meaningful posts talking a bit more about future mechanics or their reasons for certain changes, especially on the steam forums, more details on current and future mechanics would be welcomed though.

They do however avoid any involvement on optional pvp discussions like the plague, I mean, doing what they are doing to the pve portion of their community is plain wrong and I think they know hence why they avoid it, my message to them is that their pvp is not a major selling point, it’s not what brings in new players, there may be a few that are looking for this type of 4v1, but the majority probably aren’t aware that the game even has pvp of any kind when trying it out, then the antagonist system itself alienates a good chunk of those who try it. Some players will quit just because the game can be hard true, but why add on to that by making others that would have stayed for the pve challenge, quit because of forced pvp, and that is the major issue with the pvp, not that it exists but that it is forced and completely random.

I agree with the op, the issue has ofc not gone away, it kills the will to log on and as much as I love the game it becomes increasingly hard to justify playing when most likely a session is going to be cut short out of sheer frustration because of invasions.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #8 on: November 15, 2018, 12:39:20 PM

Please, refrain from this attitude immediately. Our community team strives to keep you updated with all the news coming out from the studio, and do their best to be your liaison with the developers team -who obviously are working on the game itself.

We accept criticism, as we believe it is the way to improve the game. Not all the suggestions can or should be implemented, and those that can actually take A LOT time and effort to do so for an indie developer as MSE, as anyone who understands the basics of game development can attest.

For any indie studio, having a person dedicated exclusively to a community role is an important investment and a show of commitment to the fans. You are entitled to agree or disagree with the service provided, but this unseemly confrontation and names calling ends now.



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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #9 on: November 15, 2018, 03:41:44 PM

Please, refrain from this attitude immediately. Our community team strives to keep you updated with all the news coming out from the studio, and do their best to be your liaison with the developers team -who obviously are working on the game itself.

We accept criticism, as we believe it is the way to improve the game. Not all the suggestions can or should be implemented, and those that can actually take A LOT time and effort to do so for an indie developer as MSE, as anyone who understands the basics of game development can attest.

For any indie studio, having a person dedicated exclusively to a community role is an important investment and a show of commitment to the fans. You are entitled to agree or disagree with the service provided, but this unseemly confrontation and names calling ends now.


I'm afraid then that you will have to ban me outright, Hellath. Nothing I said is wrong or incorrect and while many people might find it to be aggressive, it is not by the way very aggressive at all, it is the truth.

Of course you are supposed to defend your employee from any perceived threat and I will accept that in such a confrontation I have the disadvantage.

But, your post proves my point. You are here to placate and not discuss and you have provided even less information on the subject being discussed than my parody of Karen's posts.

Perhaps the problem is that I do not really respect you, Hellath. I don't see why I should, I have never seen you say anything important recently. You don't seem to respect me and without me you have no job, so that may be a folly decision on your part.

But, if I find your services to be lacking in the immediate future, then that is what I will talk about. Because that is what the forums are about.

There were no name-callings. Karen is much much more present than any other MSE, including you. So, if there is someone which I am to complain about the lack of decent discussion and information being relayed between myself, a fan, and yourselves, the developers, then it is Karen's fault.

That you cannot see that shows more that you are unwilling to even discuss that small bit of discourse, about the lack of communication, than anything else. Nothing in your post answers a question. Nothing in your post even seems like it should be in this thread.

I think perhaps, Hellath, you should consider my points instead of taking it personally. I do not take your misrepresented chiding personally. It would do your community team a world of good to provide more adequate information on these subjects and give more concrete and succulent answers to our questions.

Now, please, unless you have something important to tell us about optional PVP or antagonists or whatever, leave us to our discussion such as it is.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #10 on: November 15, 2018, 06:44:56 PM
dude, is this the hill to die on?


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #11 on: November 15, 2018, 06:55:36 PM
I don't think I even need to explain how shameful these attack posts personally targeting the devs are.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #12 on: November 15, 2018, 07:11:02 PM
Actually I will get on my soapbox for just a second, because I feel this is an important issue in THIS community, to RE-remind people: don't be an ass.

And also, I wish our community could act mature about treating the people that make something we all enjoy with the slightest bit of respect. They are HALF the size of DE, and THIS is how Warframe's community talks to those devs:

I wish we had more communication too, but things take time, and devs are human just like the rest of us. I do not respect studios that put their employees through hell, like Riot Games, Rockstar, Unisoft, etc. etc.
We, the players, might want everything ASAP, but I do not want it faster at the cost of the developer's sanity. I know MSE has some pretty well set business hours so I believe they are good in this regard, but players need to not feel they are entitled like a slave master, just because they consume a product.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #13 on: November 15, 2018, 07:18:46 PM
As for the topic of pvp, this has been argued ad nauseam. Everything there is to be said, has pretty much been said. By Drow, and people that agree with him, by Me and people that disagree with these types of posts, and the devs have responded in the past as well.

There is no new discussion. It's ridiculous to expect a specific dev response to threads like these, when there have been 100 threads touching on the exact issue. I have strong opinions myself on the subject and I simply don't even read them anymore, because I don't feel like repeating myself, even to be sarcastic. And you know how I love to be sarcastic! Imagine the dev's position, if even a player who can say what I want on a subject I have opinions on, and is very active, doesn't even chime in.

Don't even try to "well ackchyually" me on this.


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Re: Dear MSE...
Reply #14 on: November 15, 2018, 07:35:00 PM
Good defense Draco.thanks for coming here for Karen and Hellath, I never understood the personal attacks agains individual devs.

As far as this post goes, I wasn't looking for a response from the devs when I made this. And I know what they've said in the past. I'm well aware of their stance. Why did I post? To keep the fire under their feet. Even if they don't make optional PvP, they may do other things that would be good and help with the situation. I'm just not letting them get too comfortable with the current PvP situation. Think of this post as just a political statement. The design is to keep the topic relevant and in their mind.

While they may not make PvP optional, maybe they may do something else hopefully. But if people like me let them forget nothing may be done at all.

This is my honest inside look on my motivation to you. I hope that puts you at ease with my position, at least.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 07:40:44 PM by Level9Drow »