on: August 21, 2017, 03:11:37 AM
I still don't think he's THAT far ahead. He needs a nerf but is by no means overpowered. My feedback is still about the same. He is not a "Beta God" by any means as Antagonist. I know the "Champion" uses Kon and I've fought him before, but we never lost to them. As a Raider yes he is extremely strong. Fighting against him when I'm the Antagonist is the only time he can frustrate me.
I've done better with Hans and Alicia. Your team covered each other and killed me plenty of times. I threw up the bubble often when I was wounded, but your Harec was sniping me constantly and your team knew to shoot the bubble away instantly. A good Harec just destroys Kon. My Aleph also constantly showed as I need to rev up my gun or get jumped on and killed. I could try to sneak but he's way too slow. You move 3 inches out of cover and your Aleph maxes out so the enemy almost always know where you are.
I didn't feel dirty at all. I got the drop on the team a few times and got some quick deaths, but that was at close range and that's supposed to happen. Same thing happens in TF2 with the Heavy if you let him get close. He was a pain to play as personally. Way too slow for me. Multiple times I could wound someone but they could just hide behind cover and recover as teammates pinned me down. I prefer Hans or Alicia and wounding someone, zipping in for the Aleph, and zipping out.
I can still see he's a bit too strong since he can get someone from Wounded to Death very quick, but if that doesn't happen they're coming back. If the Raiders run out of Aleph and there aren't a ton of grunts running around, they're usually winning that wait period. They can outrun Kon every time and get back to doing the mission.
Overall I see him as an extremely strong Raider, but an average Antagonist. Only Kon I've fought in the past was The Champ and no problems were had.