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Topics - b3lTar

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / New forge prices
 on: August 25, 2018, 01:59:40 PM 
Im not the kind of guy that is up to any news, but i dont know if we were aware that the prices were going to change (90k for a golden craft!?!?!?) and that the forge points were going to be cut off into another limit.

If i knew these, I would have forged a few weapons before Spacelords. Now i feel a little bit betrayed, I get less forge points and costs me x2 or x3 times that it cost before. Its just feels worthless to play just one or two games for a session, at least with the amount of money Im getting from completing a mission.

Spacelords’ Advice / Best weapon for each character?
 on: June 24, 2018, 05:36:14 PM 
I searched a bit and I couldnt find anything related to weapon meta, im kind of new to the game but i see that there is only one viable weapon for each character. Can you guys help me (and everyone else that reads this post) making a list that contains these Character -> Weapon.

I usually pick Lycus, and the only weapon i trust is the pepper pot.

I see that anyone picking Alicia has R&R (but someone said something about a bug in another post)

I've been playing some vermintide 2 since it launched (A game that shares many concepts with Raiders) and i came back to raiders once Mercury changed mostly everything.

At the end of every match it felt like it was a bit less rewarding than it should be. Aside from the loot system, i think it would be nice if Raiders could implement a screen before the reward selection that would tell the players who was the real MVP.

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