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Topics - SygBoss

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Never ending waves of enemies?
 on: October 29, 2017, 02:24:59 AM 
It's utterly relentless. They spawn again before you even have a chance to kill the first lot, let alone actually get on a turret and take out a gunship. I was playing with 3 level 0 players too. Why is this game so randomly hard sometimes?

Bug report & Technical Support / Wrong crosshair bug
 on: October 26, 2017, 04:30:39 AM 
I picked Konstantin, the match loaded, but I noticed there was no overheat UI so I couldn't tell when my weapon was overheating. I think it randomly gave me the crosshair of another character, because I did have a crosshair, just not Konstatin's usual one. I probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise lol.

A quick restart of the game and then reload into the match fixed it.

I can upload a video if it's helpful to the devs but I don't think there was anything in there that was obviously the cause.

Spacelords Universe / What is the penalty for leaving a match?
 on: October 20, 2017, 06:42:49 PM 
I just loaded into a match that was a black screen. I had to restart the game. It asked me to reconnect to the match, but when I loaded into the match I was stuck beneath the map and couldn't do anything. I restarted and the same thing happened. Luckily I'm still below 20 stigmas so I didn't lose any.

Yup. Nothing more to add really.. so.. um.. hi :D

On the PlayStation store there are no video/screenshot previews of the game, so anyone browsing the store looking for something to play like I was will have no idea what the game is about, and will probably just skip right over it.

Fortunately for me I was intrigued enough to Google it by the odd title and hot picture of Lycus, and immediately downloaded it based on the beautiful artwork, models and character designs. I don't think most people will be bothered doing that though. It's a shame people a might miss out on this game because of such a silly reason.

PS. The butts in this game are fantastic. Good job.

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