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Messages - Svanhild

Pages: [1]
Ship's Log / Re: First Impressions: Svanhild/Rick Gastly
 on: October 11, 2016, 05:51:18 PM 
Of course, KidDracula! Here they are:
CPU + GPU: AMD A10-7850K Radeon R7 12 Compute cores 4C+ 8GB
Motherboard: A68HM GRENADE
OS: Windows 10 x64

Ship's Log / First Impressions: Svanhild/Rick Gastly
 on: October 11, 2016, 12:46:17 AM 
(He escrito el feedback en inglés, ya que imagino que es más accesible a más personas. Igualmente, si fuera necesario puedo escribir una traducción abajo en caso de que os sea más cómodo atender el Feedback de esa forma. Un saludo)

Hello! And thank you very much for giving me the opportunity of testing Raiders of the Broken Planet closed beta.

I really loved the atmosphere of the game and the personality of many characters. The designs are unique and I really laughed out loud with the interactions between them.

The gameplay... I don't know if it's my computer specs (not high at all) or the optimization of the game (I know it's a closed beta) but I had a hard time aiming because of the fps drops I had during the testing. I lowered all the graphic config including the resolution and it got better but anyway I still had fps drops.

It would be cool if you could change graphic config inside a game, because it was unplayable for me with the recommended specs and I had to play the whole level with that configuration, and couldn't leave for the leaving penalty.

Summing it all it was a good experience and I'm wishing for trying it again.
Thank you again!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Introduce yourself!
 on: October 03, 2016, 08:05:04 PM 
¡Hola! soy Svanhild y aún no he obtenido acceso a la beta pero estoy deseandolo!
Llevo básicamente toda mi vida jugando videojuegos y quiero ser concept artist (quizás haga algún que otro fanart si me siento inspirada!).

Por cierto, algún lugar para las dudas? Desde que entré en el registro de betas he cambiado de PC y no sé donde he de cambiar las propiedades de mi PC.

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