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Topics - ZooL

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Gameplay Feedback / degeneration of stress feels random
 on: April 14, 2018, 01:02:05 PM 
I really hate how there is no clear rule to how your stress decreases.
you go into cover and sometimes it happens really fast, sometimes it takes ages. I know that it is partly influenced by how many enemies are near by and shooting at your cover but in general this all seems way to random.
and dying because you did not degenerate stress for 10+ seconds, not knowing why, feels horrible.

I am done with this joke of a game.
The devs came up with the worst loot system possible and fail to realize that it is destroying their player base. tbh by now I will take join in them closing the doors since this game is a colossal fail.
Just to clear things up:
I am playing since 3 days, so far I had 10 weapon drops I rolled for and I ALWAYS lost. usually it is just 1 other guy rolling with me and I still loose.
I realize that this is just bad luck, but that's why good games don't use real random for stuff like this. but I guess a horrible developer like mecurysteam would not know that.
just thinking about this loot system makes me sick. first you need luck to get a decent team and not get stomped by a high level antagonist. THEN you need to actually get lucky to have a weapon drop and THEN you need to roll for it and come out empty handed all of the time. every F2P cash grab mobile game I played has less luck involved.
And if i then look at my playtime and realize that it has been 18h and i did not get a single weapon so far and then realizing that i need to drop a weapon several times to level it up, oh boy. ill just uninstall. ill be waiting with my popcorn for the news that the game and hopefully mecurysteam is closing their doors soon.

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