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Messages - TheBrentWoody

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Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 07:17:42 PM 
Yeah, the Novera is really good. I have that one, not the Daisy.

Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 07:05:16 PM 
Still haven't got the Daisy, but I've heard it isn't nearly as good as the Novera.

Suggestions / Re: Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 06:41:35 PM 
I dig it. Letting people choose between short or long animations could help those characters that fill to long if you're elite hunting or trying to get in and get out.

Suggestions / Brent's Thread
 on: February 27, 2018, 06:08:18 PM 
So, I figured I'd just make an ongoing thread of suggestions (past and future) so not to crowd the board with extra topics from one person.  I can edit this top post with a table of contents, etc. Hah.  I'm not really going to mention known bugs..

General suggestions:
The ability to play with less than 4, or a group of five with a random antagonist. Playing against people you know is super fun. (Or the ability to see the queue as antagonist and CHOOSE who you're going after.)  The ability to jump into a match as Antagonist at any point not just when queue starts if you want to.  (if you can see the lobbies, and antagonist slots, that'd be nifty.)

Antagonist Suggestions:
I'd like to ability to play as Raiders reskinned to typical bad guy elites.

Weapon Suggestions:
A real mid range assault rifle.
Fix existing weapons to compete with power creep. (IE: Daisy, Shit Happens.)

Character Suggestions:
Harec:  Penetration on Conditon (stalk, melee, after reload, etc) to be able to really snipe Fifth Council quickly.  Or a straight damage buff, I suppose.
Aura Mortis charges slower, but begins charging as soon as you zoom, and finishes at same time.
Card that allows a beginning charge of 50% on condition.
Shae: Make the Pulse worth using.
- Fix his ability to surprise npcs since that's his schtick. Maybe lose the generated stress upon teleportation could fix it? Or Lower his stress as the astral ability charges near enemies, giving an opportunity to spot him, and an opportunity to know when he's coming, but not pin point information.
-Fix the Bloody Mary.
Iune: Some Control of Iune's minion
-Fix the Smoking Daisy ( Level9Drow)
Loaht fixes. (Wounded instead of death in beast form.) (Card that grants 50% fury upon wounded state.) (Card that causes explosives to explode on impact.) This is a suggestion because Loaht is consistently underperforming and no one's special hurts them like his does, and several can deal good damage/instant kill.

Class Suggestion:

Skin Suggestions:
-Different Melee progression for higher cost skins. (Reasonably 15-20$ skins since $10 skins should be max to change one asctetic and this is changing 2.) Per price tier the skin needs to change something more in order to satisfy cost vs expectation.  So an eighty dollar skin needs to change everything astetic about a character and add something new.  For instance, Loaht's ability could go into some random monster from a few different options with more things.  These skins have to be epic in every sense of the word and be worth a large investment.  As is, recolors and a few new textures isn't worth forty bucks. 
-Customization with different Finishers (Penguin)

Map Suggestions:

Enemy Suggestions: It seems like  the answer to a growing skill base has been to throw more adds.  Which is working..but maybe?
- Mixing in different types of elites or adding elites with preobtained aleph boosts (not just 5) seems like it might have a good effect on all maps not just the handful for Aleph Collection.

Yeah. I've noticed this hard. It also messes up some stagger uses consistently starting at around 210.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 25, 2018, 08:38:29 AM 
We're discouraged from naming names

 on: February 23, 2018, 09:59:24 PM 
When I get it I'll report back...I've lost rolls for the Daisy and the Tsiklon like forty seven times.

Suggestions / Re: Cutscene viewer and gallery
 on: February 23, 2018, 09:35:38 PM 
Second this notion.  Since all currency is useless unless you're just rerolling cards.

Suggestions / Re: Loaht's ability should not kill him
 on: February 23, 2018, 09:34:58 PM 
I think it should kill him, but also recharge faster.  Since there is increased risk with speed of decay then there should be increased reward with speed of becoming enraged.

I mean, he has to be in melee range to kill stuff in the form, so it makes it useless on objectives anyway.  I kind of want to use it as an assassination tool, turn, hit an elite, turn back, collect aleph, take a shot, turn do it again. etc. See if it works/is worth it.

 on: February 23, 2018, 09:21:23 PM 
you can also suicide with it to deny aleph :D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 23, 2018, 09:20:14 PM 
Staggers with shot when her aleph gimmick is full, which you can wait for between each shot. Like the stagger on grenade launcher, but detonates and aoe on impact.


Usando Translator tan desnudo conmigo.

Doldren no es un problema en mi opinión. Hay varias cosas que puedes hacer para distraerlo, y en las peleas en las que ya estás involucrado y él viene en secundaria, cualquier personaje podría hacerlo al correr, si es que te está disminuyendo el daño mientras tanto.

La bola de Doldren no puede subir, y esto se puede aprovechar con la mayoría de los personajes, no puede agarrarte por la espalda si estás corriendo. (o caminar enérgicamente en el caso de Kuzzman, aunque es un objetivo mucho más fácil).

Y puedes ver su firma Aleph cuando está flotando, por lo que puedes etiquetarla y explotarla con todos, pero especialmente con Harec, Hans, Ginebra, Iune, Loaht. Cualquier persona con movilidad o daño de área realmente.

Es nuevo, así que la gente aún no ha descubierto los pequeños trucos para lidiar con él, así que parece difícil, pero elegir a Doldren sin un antagonista es una mala elección, actualmente. Es un francotirador sin el privilegio de la distancia.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Iune is Great.
 on: February 23, 2018, 08:40:35 PM 
Won my two matches played as Antagonist yesterday with her. Because Sigh is brutal. (And FYI the team I was against wasn't noobs.., 16,15,14,6 on Fistful of Sand  Ginebra, HIVE, Loaht, and Doldren(Victory by Kills not Objective.) and 2 Noob on second one (2 and 3) 6 and 16 on No Reservations. (One leaver)  Shae, Alicia, HIVE with the Konstantin Leaver.

 on: February 23, 2018, 08:38:23 PM 
Way I hear it you can drop the shells whilst dodging so it is a melee aid more than a gun. Hah.

Suggestions / Re: Lethality Toggle!
 on: February 22, 2018, 10:37:11 PM 
Get it yet?

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