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Messages - omeganx

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Gameplay Feedback / Review so far (From a new player)
 on: December 04, 2017, 07:30:19 AM 
Hey everone/team,

I've been playing the game a bit despite all the negative things I've heard about the economy and matchmaking. I have to say this game feels unique and fun but the long waits are a drag but I think the fact the different campaigns are behind paywalls is very divisive of the game. For me I can only play one mission and even though I'm enjoying the gameplay there's no way for me to get invested in the game.

I suggest the game bites their tongue and provides about half of the content free. Because was it left for me but to grind the same mission over and over, rushing through the same cutscenes over and over just to 700(G) on average? (that's about 50 games with my current balance!) When a game is F2P, you need to have faith in the product that pple will enjoy the game, and PAY for the extra stuff.

I'm a skin whore on plenty of F2P games but in no way would I spend 60 bucks on one.
Make the mission progression based, and have the campaign be your extra money if you want.
Again I cannot stress, pple need to feel that they can play your game for hours on end while gaining things at a decent pace.Once they feel that the game has not been having it's hand out at every corner - then we will support it. This is coming from someone over 300 hours in warframe,  and spent over $200 in it(kinda sad actually). 
Please open the game up more, let pple enjoy the game, so that matchmaking can grow, then we start cooking with oil.

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