Author Topic: Playing while fewer than 4  (Read 1737 times)


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Playing while fewer than 4
on: May 24, 2018, 09:28:49 PM
If you manage to have a 4 players team going (and an antagonist), you can play the game the way it's supposed to be played.

Most of the time I've tried to play, I've been watching the matchmaking screen. I've bought the full game full price in the beginning, and I've been able to play full games maybe 3 times. I've played more full games during the beta.
Giving the game for free is a way to temporarily boost the player count, but dependending on where you are and when you play, that might not be enough.
People might have anecdote where they don't have any issue finding full team any time of the day. Well my anecdote is that I've barely managed to do so.

You can play solo, why can't I play with my friend in a team of 2? or 3?
Why is it mandatory to be in a team of 4 to play?

Put fewer enemies, or make them less resistant/damaging vs a standard game.
Put more enemies, or make them more resistant vs a solo game.
Match the rewards in solo vs multi, you're out of the progress system and just feel like a second rate player.

I know the game incentivize playing as a 4 players team, but most of the time, it's just me and my friend, and after 5 min spent waiting, we just switch to another game where we can play together. I can't spend my time on a matchmaking screen, my time is worth more than that.

I'd really like to play the game, but as of now, it's either play solo, or play something else with my friend.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 05:21:30 AM by Feed »