Author Topic: Current Events and How They Effect Raiders  (Read 1490 times)


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Current Events and How They Effect Raiders
on: November 14, 2017, 08:26:48 PM
Once again I'm back to talk about the in game pricing of heroes, this time it is a post directed towards the developers, since you claim you are always listening, I wouldn't want to be ignored. :)
If you could answer my questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

If you have not been following current gaming news, Star Wars Battlefront 2 recently received tremendous backlash on social media for locking characters behind a gigantic grind/paywall. The argument is that many people paid for the game and should not have to pay hundreds/grind hundreds to unlock specific characters. I consider this also to be the case with Raiders and that the team uses a similar economy. We have now seen EA, who is objectively one of the most corrupt companies with the practices of microtransactions, somewhat patch the problem by reducing in game costs for heroes by 75% because the backlash is so tremendous.
From this situation, has the Raiders team learned that such practices are immoral, or will the pricing remain the same, such as charging 10 to 60 dollars for single characters when the game itself only currently has 5 missions, and in the end will only have 12 missions? Does the team working on the game deem this price point fair? If EA steps back from such practices, does Mercury Steam have the same intention or will they continue the current course because it is such a small IP, that any negative backlash remains under the radar of major gaming outlets?

Also, you guys post the same stuff way too much on social media. I had to unfollow.