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Topics - Operator

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Earlier today I queued for a match before I headed off to university. I'll admit right away I should have known better than to accept the match since it happened to be the boss of the Wardog's Fury campaign and that level can take a bit of time, so shame on me.

That said... on to the point of this post. I got grouped with three players that clearly had not played the level before; which, in my opinion, is usually fine on non-boss levels. However, due to the very limited communication capability I was unable to convey what they needed to shoot at during the fight. I tried to use the "help" communication to get them to see what I was shooting at but they never caught on. Because I was the only one doing damage the match was taking a very long time and I ultimately had to quit so I could catch the bus I needed. If there had been a way to place a marker exactly where I was aiming I may have been able to better direct my allies to the weak points of the boss.

For those that don't know, when the lyre sphere machine needs aleph you shoot the boss's right eye when it's open to stun him long enough to deposit the aleph without dying, then you shoot the big exposed part that shows up after you put in the aleph to do damage directly to the boss. Aside from that you also need to shoot the glowing orange bubble-like things on the tentacles that the game puts a red marker on or they will create damage zones over large portions of the small boss arena.

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