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Topics - george_sears

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Gameplay Feedback / My feedback
 on: July 30, 2017, 04:37:25 PM 
Hello, played some beta and i'd like to share some of my suggestions:

1) i think game needs some kind of training grounds, because there is no other way to try a raider exept playing the chapter with him
2) same goes for weapons, i'd like to try them out before buying
3) lack of variety while playing a character: most of my experience been solo play, due to some problems with matchmaking, but i can imagine same problem might be in multiplayer - Raiders don't have enough tools to be a bit more universal in solo. For example Alicia can't do anything on far distances while Konstantine is too slow to catch up in missions that needs grabbing an enemy to gain power resources for overcharging reactor or else. Same goes for Lucus - 3 shots in default gun, 2 shot kill a regular enemy - almost the same as Alicia's shotgun, which has double ammo and higher rate of fire.
Raiders needs some kind of additional ability or secondary weapon or fire mode to a) make em more diverse in combat
b) make gameplay more entertaining
Trying to grab snipers as Lucus while trying to kill other enemy troops was really frustrating and boring
4) World developing. If i haven't read comics on site i wouldn't care about characters and game (tbh i do not care too much, but i really like art style in your recent games), Game lacks of some kind of Hub location, you show it's parts in cinematics and cutscenes, but it's not enough. Also if not for some cutscenes i wouldn't even knew the name of the pilot- Connor. Models are pretty, some characters are interesting, other-not (Harec is super boring for example, i don't even care about the guy who said it's his last one mission with him because i saw him only in that cutscene)
5) there is no enemy library or smth like that. I understand that you have 3 archetypes of enemies: snipers, assault team and tough grabbers, plus weak scientists and specials for each faction. It would be better that they had some kind of codex page IN GAME with models preview for example
6) no way to change character mid session: i understand there are technical and balance issues behind that, but if in solo i took char which is not suited for task i have to restart the session and try again. you can add this feature with some penalties, for example it migth put whole team in survive mode or smth like that.
7) locations: all missions so far are in some kind of industrial exteriors, no interiors whatsoever. I believe that in that world there might be caves, laboratories, anything else but ships and temple's exteriors
8) lack of countergrabbing- Konstantine has to kill enemy before grab, because he has most trouble to evade it, or imagine that you have engaged enemy in CQC and he grabbed you mid your punch animation- YOU'RE DEAD, grab is too op, that's not the problem. Problem is lack if counter to that if it's happened

That's all for now, i hope next beta session gonna be better))

p.s. i really love the art and design, that's what keeping me here, I loved C:LoS 1, and hated the half of C:LoS 2, but both of them had one of the beautifullest art directions i've seen in games of those times (exept modern days in C:LoS 2),
p.s.s. Russian localization is okayish but some stuff added in recent patches is still in english/castellano. Also you may find more appeal from gamers if you localize voice-overs as well

Bug report & Technical Support / Nvidia Ansel Support
 on: July 30, 2017, 04:08:28 PM 
I really love when games has in built free cam feature, photomode or nvidia Ansel support. I made some screenshots, though i have couple of nitpicks to tell about:
1) there is no supersampling for regular screenshot, only for 360 degrees ones
2) 360 degrees mode is bugged, sometimes it stiches image incorrectly, image being split where focus point must be. I understand that in any 360 viewer it might be redundant, but i can't put it on wallpaper or whatever.
3) Camera control, Because there was no support for supersampling i took some screenshots with camera rotated 90 degrees, for better resolution if i wanted to shoot characters from head to toes. If after rotation in ansel's interface i've tried to adjust camera rotation via mouse or gamepad - ansel's rotation got defaulted.

Anyway here are some screens i made

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