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Messages - ScerCkan

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay Feedback / surprised?
 on: September 01, 2019, 02:58:41 AM 
well i guess we shouldn't be surprised at all that we can't even choose which character gets the cosmic alignments and the crimson sword, back to dbd

Suggestions / Re: Tag-Team Finishers
 on: September 27, 2018, 03:03:48 AM 
nice idea but lets be realistic if they're taking this long to modify something as simple as getting bp duplicates over and over imagine how much this could take them

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Nerf Kuzmann on upside down please
 on: September 24, 2018, 12:13:36 PM 
if i were you i wouldn't expect any changes for at least a couple months like everything in this game on the meantime just get a ginebra with a javelin for that mission

Suggestions / rare bp epidemic a marketing strategy?
 on: September 12, 2018, 09:07:26 AM 
i dont know but I'm getting the feeling thats this is just an attempt to make people buy mercury points and get fast some gold if you want to upgrade that 90k rare weapon. After all i would say this is a pretty big issue and they haven't done or at least say anything about it since the launch (at least not that I'm aware of)

Gameplay Feedback / RIP this game
 on: September 10, 2018, 07:28:04 PM 
so before the update you could try as many times as you wanted to get any blueprint now with this new mess of an 8 hours system you log in pray to get a good team to get a good score and improve your chances to get it otherwise good luck on the next 8 hours
If this game players pool was bad before this update now with this new system they really are about to end this game
Now theres no motivation to keep playing after you get the 3 or 4 rewards and theres even less motivation when you reach max forge lvl

Gameplay Feedback / Tired of babysitting
 on: September 05, 2018, 09:23:58 AM 
Why the hell do we have to carry these useless idiots lvls 1-20 which at least one of them end up leaving the match and forces everyone to watch all the cheesy cutscenes? 20% mentor bonus my ass. you only get that if theres a lvl 1 and in my opinion there's no difference between a lvl 1 and a lvl 20. And what's with the obnoxious forced cutscene. At least make the whole team vote to watch it or skip it

Gameplay Feedback / Re: New bp system
 on: August 25, 2018, 03:38:11 PM 
well this is what you get when you mix people who bitch about everything on this forum and devs who clearly should be working on read dead redemption 2 because obviously they have genius ideas such as this new bp system

lol spacelords? that sounds like the missing member of the village people. Looks like they really want to dodge past reviews by changing the name of the game. Good thing i only spent $10 on this thing

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 07:47:26 PM 
ok here's what you have to do. take some lessons about how to be a man and stop bitching about everything you dislike; Seems to me you're spending too much time with your snowflake friends and that's why you think everything will be solved the more you cry about it and lastly but not least G I T  G U D.

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 17, 2018, 02:26:21 PM 
I got a #8 argument you can add to your scrubby list, it's called GIT GUD.  ;D ;D

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: July 09, 2018, 01:29:50 AM 
well, R&R been nerfed and i have to admit... I cant see much of a difference so... TOLD YOUUU LOL. Next R&R nerf petition you guys should hire an orchestra but just violin players so your petition's seem sad enough for the devs to care. Now if you excuse me there's 4 scrubs waiting to get obliterated by my beautiful R&R Lol

P.S. Git Gud alicia haters/scrubs

Suggestions / Re: Alicia Players...
 on: June 29, 2018, 06:19:52 PM 
ummmm git gud?
lol, you guys are delusional if you really think that gun is going to be obsolete after the nerf. If you haven't noticed that's the only decent weapon alicia has.  I bet you anything the difference won't be huge after the nerf.
So prepare those salty comments after the nerf because you can bet your butt they're not going to tweak that gun too much.
The irony is beautiful a blue haired feminist looking character making people trigger.
Now if you excuse me I'll keep nuking scrubs with my RR LOL

something tells me they just say this to calm the people because i dont see any difference, the normal enemies are the same bullets sponges that down you without any effort

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: New to the game - few questions
 on: June 13, 2018, 06:00:51 AM 
you have to play with other players to level up and to get weapon blueprints.
I guess you're not getting any online matches because the current players pool from this game is really low and if you keep playing you'll find a few reasons why
If you want to get skins prepare to unleash that wallet and feed the developers greed because they're ridiculously expensive in this game (you have to buy mercury points to get them) or try to recruit some people who obey your orders without hesitation and invite them to matches they haven't played before to get some mercury points

Suggestions / Re: Aneska as a playable character
 on: June 02, 2018, 09:44:30 AM 
hell yeah, we want more BBB Big Booty .....Babes? lol.
If they could make a character out of that bratty and undesirable schneider, we must have aneska in the future
They can add something dumb on her bio like she suffered some variation of Stockholm syndrome for the raiders after they kicked her ass and now she joined them because.... fuck it, if you can't beat them, join them.

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