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Topics - Soul Devour

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Me and my friend decided to jump on this game after a little while and when I go to get on the game, it said that I've been penalized for 5 minutes for abandoning a match, when I don't remember ever doing so. I'm not the rage quitting type, and my friends can vouch for that. This is the second time I've been penalized after a long period of time for not playing this game. I don't know if this has happened to others or not but I am honestly getting annoyed.
If they need my gamertag to check my play history, it's Soul Devourer20 on Xbox One.

Suggestions / Private Games
 on: November 27, 2017, 09:34:47 AM 
Hello there, I am an Xbox gamer. I love this game so far and would love to continue supporting this game. I know this isn't as much complained on the feedback topic section, but either way it is still a big one seeing as there is no option for it, and plenty of games have it, and the player base for this game isn't very large. I don't know how many people play this game, but for how long the waiting period is to find a match, I don't believe too many.
I play around the afternoon and I enjoy this game a lot. I'm excited for the new campaign to be released in 3 days since I own the Founders edition. But the player base for this game is very low at this point, and makes it hard to find matches, antagonist or raiders. I attempt to do both and it takes almost thirty minutes to find one match, or to even get into one without one player not accepting the mission.
Being able to play Private Matches, so I can play with my friends, or at least earn the same rewards as if I was to play a public match would make the game 1000% times more re-playable and recommendable to others.
I know you may not think it's your problem, but people don't have so much patience to sit there for so long, with nothing to do, just to play a single mission, just to have one person not accept and have to wait so much longer.
Please, if you read this topic, let us, or just me, know about some sort of update towards this. Private matches to be able to go into a match with just one other friend or multiple would be amazing. Thank you very much for reading.

Gameplay Feedback / Ginebra Transformation
 on: November 06, 2017, 08:32:54 AM 
First off I would like to say, I am loving her as a character and her mechanics, emotes, and all. The only thing I am not liking to much, is that Ginebra is weak when she gets in that form, but she cannot fight back to protect herself. I know it's like a means of getting away since she is a slower tanky character, but since she's in that state and can only run away, but not fight back is kinda a weakness. Which I get is good for antagonists, but is kinda annoying for the player. At least one attack would be nice, since she is very fragile in that state.
That's all I had to say about Ginebra, it's just my opinion.

Spacelords Universe / Private Matches/Games
 on: September 24, 2017, 01:28:04 AM 
I, personally, love your game! Just seeing it for the first time months ago just as a teaser had be intrigued, and playing the beta was bunches of fun. This game has my attention and I'm getting all the campaigns once they come out. Just the matchmaking takes extremely long. Longer than necessary. I know you get messages about this all day, but this isn't about the matchmaking per-say. This is about adding in a Private match where you can have 2-5 players with or without an antagonist, but you can play with a group of friends alone if you wish. I'm trying to play with my best friend this game but we have to sit there for a good 20-30 minutes to find that game, that then either fails because of a AFK person, or just the annoyingly long wait. I'm loving your game, but to have the choice to have two or 4 player of friends in a private match would be great. Something to do while you guys work on the matchmaking.

Thank you for reading this message if you do,
One of your loyal fans

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