Author Topic: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect  (Read 9786 times)


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Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
on: May 08, 2019, 03:32:29 AM
It should be automatically collected, like before, but with the excess left for others to pick up.

Leaving excess is helpful, leaving it all is annoying.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 03:36:23 AM by Whatever »


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #1 on: May 08, 2019, 04:40:44 AM
I thought that too but, even if you had a full stack it was still vital to get aleph for heals.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #2 on: May 08, 2019, 04:58:57 AM
Oh my God the elites can pick up the aleph. Fix, please, please just drop this mechanic.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #3 on: May 08, 2019, 05:07:15 AM
The more I play with this mechanic the more annoying it is. There is a really good idea here but the implementation is not good in its current state.

Auto pick up of things you need, or even a wider collection radius is probably a better option.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #4 on: May 08, 2019, 05:27:07 AM
Then it's just the old system with an arbitrary delay and a hard cap on survivability.

It's all well and good to say it sucks but there really needs to be a detailed breakdown of why so people can't just say we're being stubborn to adapt.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #5 on: May 08, 2019, 05:42:35 AM
I don’t want to appear stubborn here as I’m very much on board with the change and think the idea as a whole is great.

However I don’t think in its current incarnation it adds to the game. Having to whip around and look for the location of the drops, like I’ve had to do with Ansekas batteries isn’t great and doesn’t make the game flow better.

There is also the argument that I’ve not really given this enough of a chance - fair as it’s only been out for a short while - but my initial reaction to the implementation, not the idea, is that it’s not going to make the game more fun.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 07:08:01 AM by Whatever »


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #6 on: May 08, 2019, 06:26:20 AM
the drop adds more difficulty than help to the game. However difficulty is not necessarily bad.
Pros: Other players can collect it, if you want the Rak to really have his 5 aleph. Similar with bullets. The Antag can profit, mainly from bullets.
Cons: Is disturbs the flow of the fight if you have to stick behind to gather that aleph. I often wished I could rush into the next fight but remembered that I had to gather that aleph.

I would also favour only excess to be around but can accept that this is adds other interesting factors to the game.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #7 on: May 08, 2019, 09:19:29 AM
I played a bunch of missions now, and I must say I really HATE this new aleph collecting! It's BAD because it totally breaks the flow of the game, everytime you have to look around for the Aleph drop! And others can steal it from you (elite/ raiders). And no one can deny that this mechanic in the current state is worse than before (no one can say I'm stubborn, but this mechanic is just bad implemented right now).

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Auto-take what you need on ammo an leave the rest on the field, but totally revert back the old aleph collecting (for healing purpose too!).


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #8 on: May 08, 2019, 09:46:06 AM
Yes absolutely. The 'drop excess' compromise is going to de incentivize 5 stacks from taking risks. Why would you go I after that elite surrounded by ads if you know they're going to cap your ass as soon as you're done? The k/d ratio is not good when your ability to chain is gone.

Also, the main complaint I'm seeing here is that it breaks flow. IMO this game's main appeal is it's flow, kind of like Mario 64. When you get into the zone it's just insane the shit you can pull off.

The flow is why I come back, why I stayed. Take away the flow and this game is just grind and overlong transitions. I mean since they decided against leaning into tactical coordination.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #9 on: May 08, 2019, 10:30:33 AM
Yes absolutely. The 'drop excess' compromise is going to de incentivize 5 stacks from taking risks. Why would you go I after that elite surrounded by ads if you know they're going to cap your ass as soon as you're done? The k/d ratio is not good when your ability to chain is gone.
Huh? 5 stacks were already killing elites already before.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #10 on: May 08, 2019, 10:43:31 AM
Yes. Before they could get aleph and full health even at 5 stacks from a cqc kill on elites. Now you canot get aleph at 5 stacks which means no full heal. If I'm wrong, and cqc kills on elites/antags still grant health even if the raiders cannot pick up the aleph; then I will be glad to know that. But as far as I know aleph = heal and 5 stacks cannot pick up aleph.

Therefore changing the system to only drop excess aleph will still result in 5 stacks not healing from elite kills. IE if I have a 5 stack I am not motivated to go balls deep because I don't have the safety net of tagging an elite for heals.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #11 on: May 08, 2019, 10:51:43 AM
Yes. Before they could get aleph and full health even at 5 stacks from a cqc kill on elites. Now you canot get aleph at 5 stacks which means no full heal. If I'm wrong, and cqc kills on elites/antags still grant health even if the raiders cannot pick up the aleph; then I will be glad to know that. But as far as I know aleph = heal and 5 stacks cannot pick up aleph.

Therefore changing the system to only drop excess aleph will still result in 5 stacks not healing from elite kills. IE if I have a 5 stack I am not motivated to go balls deep because I don't have the safety net of tagging an elite for heals.


MSE you really have to look into this - this new game mechanic is killing the game for me!


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #12 on: May 10, 2019, 03:19:14 AM
Wow, this makes enemy within nearly unplayable. Just wow.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #13 on: May 14, 2019, 06:40:30 AM
And ok, let's say you are out of ammo and there are two grunts close range to you.   You kill one, as the other one wounds you and starts doing the back-peddle out of strike range.  now you have to hobble around to get ammo and then reload.  There's simply no time, you are dead.

Not only that, the one second the ammo takes to appear is precious time you're wasting in the open, specially if you're playing Locals and there are 3 dudes shooting you at the same time. Sometimes I just leave the ammo crate and run for cover, I even leave Aleph sometimes.


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Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
Reply #14 on: May 14, 2019, 10:47:00 AM
Hi! :)

I'm so in love with this Roadmap image…

So the thing is when it comes to Aleph & Ammo drops mechanics, we're currently at an experimental phase with those at the moment.

So, while the currently available patch features some remarkable changes you all noticed, truth is there are even more changes coming, probably in either the Team up or die or the Prizes Gallore udpate.

Let's see how you guys like the new stuff. :)